Chapter 37 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 10

However, she didn't ask much at that time. She felt that the little apprentice would definitely have his own ideas if he didn't say anything.

Furthermore, it was never something she would do to get to the bottom of it.

She just thought that he was her apprentice, and she let it pass in the past.

As long as you have a good life in the future.

Tu Mi came back to her senses from the past, and her stupid apprentice was still holding his Qiankun bag stupidly, forcing it to her.

She had to change the subject abruptly again, looked down at her apprentice, and said pitifully, "I'm hungry."

Sure enough, the little apprentice stopped insisting immediately. He put away the Qiankun bag, walked into the wooden house, took a few steps, turned around again, and said word by word, "Go back to the house quickly."

He was still staring at the ground under Tu Mi's feet, obviously still a little worried.

Tu Mi waved her hand, indicating that she knew.

After Yu Tang entered the house, Tu Mi looked at the land under her feet with a solemn expression.

She flipped through the memory in her mind again, found a time point, and determined that in another ten years, Jiang should come to the eternal forest.

There is not much time left for her. During this time, she must slowly open the seal without damaging the foundation of her body, find the entrance where the ruins are located, and open it to get the one that Jiang got in her memory. Space-capable beads.

She wanted to see, this time, Jiang Yu didn't have what Mu Han needed, and what means did she have to keep the indifferent and selfish man whose main purpose was to improve his own cultivation.

Tu Mi sneered.

"Master!" Yu Tang's voice came from the wooden house in the distance.

Obviously urging her.

After hearing the voice of the little apprentice, Tu Mi's face gradually softened.

Then, helplessly smiled.

The little apprentice is fine, just entangle her tightly.

In addition to sleeping and resting, he almost always tries to stick to her in the rest of the time, even practicing together.

When it comes to cultivation, I have to say it again.

Since Tu Mi rebuilt the Chaos Five Elements Art, her cultivation level has been rising steadily. In the past two years, she has directly broken through from the early stage of foundation establishment to the later stage of foundation establishment, and has vaguely touched the edge of perfection.

At this speed, Tu Mi had to re-evaluate the exercises that were drawn in this lottery. This is probably the god-level exercises that were thrown out and caused the entire Jiuzhou Continent to be bloody.

You must know that even Mu Han, who is known as the "Frost Ao Xue Sword" by everyone, took a full ten years to break through from the initial stage of foundation building to the later stage.

Moreover, he still has a steady stream of training resources provided, and he has to go everywhere to practice in various dangerous places when he has time. The training speed is considered to be very fast and very good in everyone's opinion.

You must know that many people's cultivation speed is even slower, even two or three times his time.

And Tu Mi's cultivation is just repeated, tireless repetition of the steps of refining the spiritual energy, so that the closer the impurity spiritual energy is to the state of chaos, the higher her cultivation will be.

She doesn't even need to deliberately take some medicinal pills that help her cultivation, and she doesn't even need to find a dangerous place to practice.

Saved her a lot of trouble.

But in this way, a phenomenon inevitably occurs. After practicing for a long time, her actual combat experience against the enemy will not keep up, and this will become her fatal flaw when fighting against others in the future.

She still had to find a place to exercise.

And her little apprentice Yu Tang, Tu Mi had to say that it was fate.

After she brought him back, when she was about to guide him to practice, the apprentice looked at her uneasily and told her that he was a five-spiritual root.

Tu Mi was surprised.

I want to test him again, but her cultivation is not enough. Generally, you can easily test the spiritual roots of others only when she has reached the stage of spiritual transformation, otherwise, it can only be tested with the aid of tools.

Obviously she did not meet both conditions.

So she called Sansheng out and checked Yu Tang carefully, but she really got a positive answer.

Sansheng sighed beside him that it was fate.

Tu Mi also had to admit.

Presumably Yu Tang had been disliked by his family because of his aptitude, so he showed such an uneasy expression, for fear that she would dislike and blame him for it.

At that time, she touched his head distressedly and asked, "Would you like to practice a set of exercises with Master, it may be very painful, but the speed of cultivation will be very fast, you should think about it."

At that time, her little apprentice didn't even think about it. He quickly raised his head and gave her a sip. His eyes were very bright, and he answered in a crisp voice: "My apprentice is willing!"

Tu Mi was still stunned for a moment, then blankly touched his face.

Is the apprentice showing closeness to her?

This feeling is not bad.

So, with the guidance and assistance of Sansheng, Tu Mi abolished Yu Tang's first level of Qi training.

Although the foundation was not very thick, the little Yu Tang at that time stubbornly didn't snort.

Although his face was very painful.

He just squeezed tightly into her arms when the pain was so bad, his body trembled and didn't stop.

Tu Mi took the opportunity to recite the mental formula of the Chaos Five Elements Jue, and asked Yu Tang to recite it together, and he improved a lot.

Tu Mi sighed at that time that the perseverance of her little apprentice was really good.

And Yu Tang also successfully built the foundation not long ago, Tu Mi was quite pleased, but unconsciously there was a sense of urgency.

She was in danger of being overtaken.

Alas, if the apprentice's cultivation level surpasses her in a short time, where will she put her old face?

No, you have to practice quickly.

Tu Mi pondered as he slowly paced back to the wooden house.

As soon as she stepped into the wooden house, a strong smell of vegetables floated over, which immediately aroused the greedy worms in Tu Mi's stomach.

She came to the kitchen along the scent, and her little apprentice just put the last dish out of the pot.

The small body came to the table with a dish, but it did not seem disobedient.

And the dishes made by the apprentices are really delicious!

Tsk, I really don't know which lucky girl will be able to eat the food made by the apprentice every day.

Tu Mi mind wanders in the sky and thinks wildly.

There was a hint of sour emotion in her heart, and before she could take a closer look, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

She sat at the table absent-mindedly, and when Yu Tang came over to sit down, she was still in that state, but subconsciously lifted the chopsticks.

I picked up a dish unconsciously, put it in my mouth, and the next second…

"Um…what is this?"

Tu Mi resisted the discomfort and looked at the three dishes on the table.

Kung Pao hare and sweet and sour lotus root, there is another dish that looks very good.

The one that has just been rolled is the last one.

It was the liver of the monster cut into thin slices, stir-fried with chili peppers, and sprinkled with a few slices of chopped green onion.

It looks very appetizing.

But the problem is that Tu Mi doesn't like to eat the liver of animals very much. She is basically not used to eating except lean meat.

Tu Mi didn't dare to chew it, and swallowed it whole.

"Master, you have to try to eat these things and eat them often before you can get used to them."

Yu Tang's face was full of disapproval.

"Uh, this is not necessary, right?" Tu Mi laughed dryly.

Forgive her for not being used to it.