Chapter 41 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 14

Hengfeng City, Jiang family.

Jiang Xiaotian waved his servants back, and after the servants brought them out, he looked at Jiang yu who was sitting opposite him.

The girl sat there upright, although she didn't speak, she inadvertently showed a frown and a smile that was lively and beautiful.

Coupled with the momentum brought by the completion of the foundation, it is more and more impossible to ignore.

Jiang Xiaotian nodded in satisfaction the more he looked at it.

He picked up the hot tea served on the table, took a slow sip, and said, "We heard news from the secret agents buried in the Demon Realm in the Realm of Cultivation. Recently, the High Priest of the Demon Realm has deduced that a vision will appear in the Everlasting Forest. There will be rare treasures that will affect the entire Jiuzhou Continent."

Seeing the heartbeat in her eyes, Jiang Xiaotian put down the teacup, and then continued: "If there is no accident, your master will also go this time, and he will definitely bring you. This trip to the Everlasting Forest, you, Be sure to take a piece of the pie and strengthen your own bargaining chips. It's also a good thing to make the world of comprehension look at you with admiration at the double cultivation ceremony with your master, and to sit firmly on the throne of the next head lady of Tianjianzong."

In the past few years, although Mu Han himself has been outstanding, his cultivation base is not weak. In addition, after Jiang Mi's death, Mu Han replaced her as the first disciple of "Frost Aoxue Sword", and her identity has made a large number of female cultivators Jealous and envious.

However, a small background can't help but lag behind others.

Don't look at the Jiang family is now one of the three major cultivation clans in Hengfeng City, but it is incomparable with some real clans with ancient inheritance.

The gap between the first sect of Tongfeng Yinzong, Tianjianzong, is even more different.

Before these behemoths, the Jiang family was really not enough to watch.

This time, the chance of Everlasting Forest is definitely more than just a rare treasure.

As far as he knows, this movement has alarmed those old monsters who are not in the world.

He didn't expect anyone to swallow it alone, but if he was lucky enough to get a rare treasure, it would be used in exchange for a promise from those old monsters.

Or get one or two treasures that leaked out of their hands when the old monsters competed, enough for him to gallop on Fengyin Continent.

Then his Jiang family will also rely on a Jiang Yu to leap to a height that is unattainable by others.

"But isn't Wanxiulin unable to enter?"

Jiang yu's eyes flashed a gleam, obviously thinking of something with Jiang Xiaotian.

But she still had some doubts.

Since she left Jiang Mi in the Wanxiu Forest, in order to be safe, she returned after that, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not dare to enter.

So she used her divine sense to find out if the other party was dead at all, but she didn't expect that when she tried it, Wanxiulin seemed to be wrapped in a mysterious force, causing her external divine sense to be rebounded, and she was also affected by it and was seriously injured.

Otherwise, based on her qualifications, she would have already advanced to Jindan, and Mu Han would have already married her.

While she was annoyed, she suspected that Jiang Mi was still alive for a while, so she felt a little uneasy about it.

"Don't worry, now it seems that the original barrier was the self-protection formed before treasure was born, and it has nothing to do with Jiang Mi. She will definitely die and will not be able to come out alive, and will not become an obstacle for you."

Jiang Xiaotian knew what she was worried about and hurriedly reassured her.

Seeing that Jiang yu's face was still a little worried, Jiang Xiaotian looked at the teacup in his hand and said slowly, "If she is lucky enough not to die, so what? We can kill her once, but we can't kill her a second time?"

After he finished speaking, his hand strained, and the teacup suddenly shattered in his hand, Jiang Xiaotian gave a wicked smile.

Seeing this, Jiang yu stretched her frown and smiled brightly.

Yes, if she is not dead, let her die a second time!

With that trashy aptitude, presumably if she was still alive, she would not have made any progress in the past few years. Killing her would be an easy task!

"Then father, are you going too?"

"Of course, this time is a rare opportunity. Maybe my father's stagnant cultivation realm can break through again."

Thinking of this trip to the Everlasting Forest, Jiang Xiaotian couldn't help but yearn for it.

He didn't know why, but in the past few years, there was no progress in his cultivation, and with his character, he couldn't help being a little impetuous.

If we can find a chance this time, breaking through Yuan Ying to transforming into a god is just around the corner!

"Then we go to the place where Jiang Mi landed, and find out if the soul-suppressing stone is still there."

"Well, good. If you really can't find it, it's fine. This is also a tasteless existence. Except for the ability to lock the soul of low-level monks, it has no other functions. It is a family heirloom. Just a few."

Jiang Xiaotian waved his hand indifferently.

Jiang yu pursed her thin lips and pressed her temples involuntarily.

I don't know what happened that day, but when Jiang Mi was taken down from the Wanxi Forest, I forgot to take off the Soul Requiring Stone.

But, how could she now recall that when Jiang Mi fell in the direction of Wanxiu Forest, there was nothing tied around her neck?

Is it because the mood is unstable and did not find it?

For some reason, she felt that the soul-suppressing stone was not as simple as Jiang Xiaotian said.

She knew this feeling was unreasonable.

She didn't have as many opportunities to touch the Soul Stone as Jiang Xiaotian, and his cultivation base was much higher than her own, so she still didn't notice anything.

Jiang Yu couldn't help shaking her head, laughing that she was thinking too much.

That's all, if there is anything, you can find the answer later.

Jiang pondered for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, so she simply put the question aside for the time being.

"By the way, how are you getting along with your master? Why didn't he come back with you this time?"

"Father, don't worry, I'm very good with Master. Ever since Master knew that Dry Leaf Valley who saved him was your daughter, and she has hurt her foundation, he felt so bad for her daughter that he never blushes with me. Otherwise, Master, he wouldn't be able to Let my daughter become a double cultivation partner with him." Speaking of the man she loves, Jiang yu's heart is full of sweetness, and a blush appears on her face.

Then, as if thinking of something, the expression on her face was gradually replaced by a trace of sadness, "It's just that Master, for some reason, his cultivation has grown very slowly over the past few years. This time it was also because he was in a bad mood and wanted to go out for a trip. After a while, he didn't come with me."

After listening to Jiang Xiaotian, he pondered for a moment, and said, "Don't worry, this situation is because of lack of experience, and living with you is too comfortable, so there is no progress, he will definitely gain something from this trip to the Everlasting Forest, the cultivation base will breaks through again. After all, the aptitude is there."

Jiang yu blushed, thinking that it was true, since the master was with her, the two of them had practiced the double-cultivation technique by constantly changing places.

In fact, she also blamed herself. Because she was afraid of losing her master, and after giving it to him in a confused way for the first time, she could only think of this method, and tried her best to entangle him crazily, He can't leave her.

Strange to say, at the beginning, her cultivation was stagnant for a while, and even showed signs of regressing, but then it returned to normal for some unknown reason.

She thought it was because she had been injured, but now it's a little weird to think about it.

Why do they keep doing this?

What's wrong with it?

Jiang yu frowned and thought carefully, not even bothering Jiang Xiaotian to say hello before leaving.