Chapter 42 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 15

In the nascent pool.

The strands of chaotic vitality rapidly gathered in the same direction at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The target was a girl whose figure was covered by this thick, hazy vitality.

Through her vitality, she could faintly see that she was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, breathing quietly and intently.


Suddenly, the vitality surrounding her suddenly dissipated, and the vitality was sucked into her dantian.

The girl slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, her eyes slowly opened, and a bright light flashed in her eyes, so fast that no one could catch its trace.

It was Tu Mi who was persuaded by Sansheng to calm down and practice.

At this time, Tu Mi looked around, but what caught her eye was still a fog.

With a thought, she used her divine sense to investigate.

Although the consciousness spread this time, and the detection distance was turned over several times than last time, she did not get the desired result.

"Where's Yu Tang? How is he?"

Tu Mi called Sansheng in the sea of consciousness.

When Sansheng heard her question, he broke away from the cultivation state and appeared in front of Tu Mi in an instant.

Then he focused on Yu Tang's condition.


The next moment it exclaimed and flew towards Yu Tang's place.

"What's up?"

Seeing Sansheng like this, Tu Mi thought that something had happened to Yu Tang, and hurriedly ran after Sansheng and asked.

Sansheng flew several times around Yu Tang, who had lost consciousness, as if there was something that puzzled him.

Then, it stopped on Yu Tang's chest, listened intently for a long time, and then flew back to Tu Mi's shoulders thoughtfully.

"What happened? Did something happen to Yu Tang? Just tell me the truth, don't hide it."

There was a hint of anxiety in Tu Mi's voice.

Even though she was so close to her little apprentice, she still couldn't feel anything. There was nothing in front of her. This feeling made her very uncomfortable.

"Nothing, it's just that your little apprentice is no longer your little apprentice."

"What's the meaning?"

Tu Mi's heart skipped a beat.

What does it mean that her little apprentice is no longer her little apprentice?

"Well, because your little apprentice seems… grown up?"

Sansheng looked at the man in his sight, even though he was sitting cross-legged and his consciousness was out of the body, he could still see the tall, elegant and mature man, his tone was a little erratic.

Tu Mi: "..."

She breathed a sigh of relief and rolled her eyes.

Isn't her apprentice always growing fast, what's so strange about this?

Could it be that he can still grow beyond the sky?

Tu Mi didn't think so.

Seeing her like this, Sansheng wanted to say something. At this moment, the surroundings swayed slightly, and Tu Mi's body couldn't help but sway.

"What's the matter?" Tu Mi hurriedly stabilized her body and frowned slightly.

Sansheng was concentrating on induction.

After a while, it said: "The ancient ruins underground are about to open. The Cultivation World and the Demon Race received news for some reason, and they all went outside the Eternal Forest. At this time, they are trying to attack the protection outside the Eternal Forest."

"What? Why doesn't this match my memory? How could the ruins appear so long in advance?" Tu Mi was surprised.

She hasn't bled to the ground!

"That's the reason for your apprentice. Do you remember the dark green heart he said at the time?"

Seeing Tu Mi nodding, Sansheng continued to talk.

"It may have been in your apprentice's body. Over the years, it has gradually merged with his original heart without a sound."

"And the scratches on his body at the beginning must be a kind of test. Demons, they naturally have the characteristics of their demons, so it's not surprising that the test is different."

"However, don't worry, this is not only harmless to him, but a great opportunity."

"This dark green heart is the Lin Xin of this eternal forest, where all the power lies."

"You haven't experienced the terrifying part of this eternal forest. This is also because Lin Xin is busy choosing a master and taking care of other things flawlessly, so he has to leave a barrier to protect the eternal forest. If you think about it, it is thanks to your apprentice."

"As for the ruins, it is because there is no suppression of Lin Xin's strength, plus your blood, that you will be born ahead of time."

"When your apprentice wakes up, Lin Xin will be completely used by him. At that time, as long as you are in this forest of ten thousand rottenness, even if the king of heaven is here, you can't die!"

"Hehe, those idiots out there are here for treasures, but they don't know that the most valuable and precious things here have been taken into our pockets."

Sansheng's tone was sarcastic.

Then it turned its gaze to Yu Tang, who still closed his eyes and had no awareness of the outside world, and thought to himself.

He can grow so fast, presumably this Lin Xin also contributed.

This Lin Xin has another characteristic. When he recognizes the master, he will realize the deepest and most secret wish buried in the master's subconscious.

So, what he wants most is to grow up.


Wolf cub!

Sansheng figured out everything and couldn't help snorting coldly.

"Huh? Who messed with you?"

Tu Mi had just reminisced about San Sheng's long sentence, and suddenly saw it snorted coldly, and was a little puzzled.

"I'm not very happy, and I don't want others to be happy. So I'm going to loot the ruins while the group of people outside can't get in. Would you like to join us?"

Tu Mi looked at the spot of light that floated up and down of Sansheng: "…"

Why does she always feel that Sansheng's emotions are becoming more and more vivid.

Can the initial high indifference be bluffing?

Also, may I ask you a point of light, how to loot? With mind?

Tu Mi couldn't help holding her forehead.

"Don't go, Yu Tang hasn't woken up yet, so I don't worry about leaving him here alone."

Tu Mi refused. Although she was also a little moved, she still had some concerns about the safety of her apprentice.

"Don't worry about this, even if you have something to do, he will be fine. Let's go, Jiang's people will definitely come this time."

Thinking of Jiang yu and the others, Tu Mi then remembered her original purpose. After thinking for a while, she no longer hesitated, "How do we get out?"

"You close your eyes, run the chaotic vitality, and I will take you out."

Tu Mi did the same.

After a while, her figure gradually disappeared in the birth pool.

The man who was left sitting cross-legged was silent, but his breath became stronger and stronger, and his face became more profound and dazzling…

After a while, Tu Mi came to the wooden house where she and her apprentice lived.

She looked at the open space in front of her, pondered for a moment, and then pinched a mouthful, cutting a cut at the wrist of her left hand, and the blood immediately stained the ground under her feet.

Gradually, the blood slowly dipped into the ground, leaving no trace in an instant.

Tu Mijing waited for a long time, but there was no movement.

On the contrary, the noise outside the Everlasting Forest is getting louder and louder, and the people outside seem to be waiting impatiently.

Just when Tu Mi was thinking about whether the blood was not enough and he had to endure the pain to make another incision, the ground trembled.