Chapter 44 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 17

Yu Ci crushed the discarded magic weapon in his hand, looked back at the mountain gate, saw the miserable state of everyone, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.


"It's still possible that His Highness has a solution. It's easy, and they will be in chaos."

"Oh, what three sects and six sects, I don't think that's the case!"

"Yes, Your Highness is really amazing…"


Some demons who are familiar with Yuci's temperament also followed his pace and also borrowed various treasures to break in. Although they had injuries of varying degrees on their bodies, they did not worry about their lives.

At this moment, seeing that the human race monks in the rear suffered far more losses than their own, they all surrounded Yu Ci for a while, praising him.

As for the losses caused by their own side, they did not take it to heart.

Anyway, already used to it.

"Okay, stop flattering, and take this opportunity to take the first step and seize the opportunity."

Although Yu Ci said so, he couldn't help but feel a little happy, especially when he heard the screams coming from the mountain gate, he felt a kind of shivering excitement in his soul.

He controlled himself not to stare at the bloody place, and warned himself that there were more urgent things on this trip.

Only then did he turn around and go inside the ruins.

The rest of the demons naturally followed.

Seeing this, the remaining human monks under the mountain gate couldn't stop their scalps from tingling.


Such a bloody scene made Jiang yu feel a little uncomfortable. She clung to Mu Han's sleeve tightly, as if she was particularly afraid.

"Ah, don't be afraid, Master is here."

Seeing that his apprentice depended on him so much, Mu Han couldn't help but feel a sense of vanity in his heart, especially when he looked down and saw that beautiful face, he felt extremely satisfied.

He hugged Jiang yu tightly into his arms, pressed her head to his chest, and patted her back gently to soothe her.

Jiang yu obediently leaned against Mu Han's arms, and her face hidden by the man's body slowly smiled.

In fact, this kind of scene is just a little uncomfortable for her, not to the point of fear.

But she knew her master.

Master likes to be depended on, and especially enjoys being depended on. He doesn't like women being too independent.

What's more, under this kind of scene, I am afraid that a woman will be afraid.

Thinking of this, Jiang yu even hugged Mu Han's waist firmly.

Mu Han felt that Jiang yu was trembling with fear, and felt even more distressed in his heart.

"Humph! It's all because of Yu Ci's stubbornness, which made my Ayu frightened. When the master enters the ruins later and finds a treasure that can improve his cultivation, he will kill Yu Ci's servant to avenge Ayu!"

Mu Han said viciously.

Especially when he thought of Yu Ci's arrogance and domineering, not taking all of them in his eyes, Mu Han felt extremely uncomfortable about this.

Thinking of where his "Frost Aoxue Sword" goes, he will be held in the hands of others, where has he been treated with such contempt!

It's because his cultivation has been slow in the past few years, and even this lowly and lowly Demon Race dares to be arrogant to him?

Snort! When he finds a treasure to improve his cultivation, he will teach that ignorant boy a lesson and let him know what is good or bad!

At that time, not only his beloved apprentice will be conquered by him even more, but even the entire Fengyin Continent, whether it is a demon or a human cultivator, will definitely look at him with admiration!

After all, he is better than the next Demon King appointed by the Demon Race!

See what the elders who have become more and more dissatisfied with him in the past few years can say in the future!

Thinking of this, Mu Han's blood boiled even more.

He couldn't wait to enter the ancient ruins.

He turned to look at Jiang Xiaotian, who had been standing quietly not far away, and asked, "Uncle Jiang, shall we go in from here?"

Jiang Xiaotian stood under the steps, staring at the tragic situation in front of him without blinking, as if he was thinking about something.

Hearing Mu Han's voice, he turned around.

Seeing that his daughter was so close to Mu Han, his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Jiang Xiaotian nodded and said: "Let's go, pay attention to protection, what exactly is that weird and terrifying breath, even I have no clue. According to records, the breath contained in the world in ancient times was not spiritual energy, but chaotic vitality...And now the primordial energy of chaos has long since disappeared and does not exist in this world…"

"Yes, the origin of the taboo of the mountain gate must be the most common means of protection in the ancient times, but now our generation is not cultivating the chaotic vitality, which is so powerful."

Before Jiang Xiaotian could finish speaking, an inconspicuous-looking hunchbacked old man walked up beside him. He slowly stepped forward and said.

The person who was still weak and weak before, and who was about to take a breath after walking two steps, showed an amazing deterrent power unknowingly at this time.


Jiang Xiaotian realized that this might be some hidden power, and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

The hunchbacked old man turned a blind eye to Jiang Xiaotian, still kept a slow and uniform pace, and went to the mountain gate.

Jiang Xiaotian didn't receive the signal from the old man to get him up, and he didn't dare to move, he was still respectful.

However, after the old man passed by him, a gentle force suddenly lifted up his bent waist, and he had no room to resist.

Jiang Xiaotian was horrified, and his face became more respectful.

He watched the old man slowly walk up the stairs, slowly pass the mountain gate, and then slowly walk into the ruins.

The pace is slow and firm.

It wasn't until the old man's figure gradually disappeared and no trace was seen that Jiang Xiaocai recovered from the shock.

After calming down, he said to Mu Han who was also standing still: "Let's go in too. Remember, don't take it lightly. We don't have the advanced cultivation level of our predecessors, so we can only rely on magic weapons to consume, don't be stingy, there are Just use it."

Mu Han came back to his senses, seeing Jiang Xiaotian being so serious, although he nodded in response, he showed a hint of disapproval for no reason.

After all, when it comes to talking about magic weapons, not to mention all the people present, Jiang Xiaotian is definitely not comparable to him, the son of the head of the Sword Sect.

Jiang Xiaotian saw Mu Han's attitude, and he frowned slightly.

To be honest, he was somewhat disdainful of Mu Han himself.

The steadfastness and steadiness that a sect heir should have had not been well reflected in him.

The ability is insufficient, but the ambition is quite large.

Just now, with Yu Ci's hand, he almost fell for it.

Seeing the other party like this, they lost their basic vigilance and precautions, and they were not thoughtful enough, so they also stepped forward.

Fortunately, he was persuaded.

And from Jiang Xiaotian's old-fashioned eyes, he always felt that something was wrong with the other party.

Let him speak, but he can't.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Alas, even if his stupid eldest daughter Jiang Mi was fascinated by him, he couldn't figure out how the second daughter, who had recognized him in the middle of the way, had an unusual mentality and methods, and was so determined to him.

"Uncle Jiang?"

Mu Han looked at Jiang Xiaotian puzzled, not understanding why he stared at him for so long.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Jiang Xiaotian waved his hand and took the lead up the stairs.

He sighed inwardly.

That's all, as long as he can successfully sit in the position of the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and pay enough attention to his daughter, that's enough.

In this way, it is not in vain for him to work so hard.