Chapter 45 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 18

Under the guidance of Sansheng, Tu Mi searched all the way along the various palaces.

Anything that Sansheng likes will let her be included in the Qiankun bag.

It is also thanks to this Qiankun bag that I found in the Treasure Pavilion, otherwise many things can only be looked at and can't be taken away.

"This Qiankun bag is not much better than the one in your apprentice's hand. With such a large space, I'm thinking, it's more than enough to hold this entire ruin!"

"Don't be cheap and be good, and leave some for those who come later, otherwise it will be too suspicious."

Seeing that Sansheng was still hovering over the various restrictions, Tu Mi couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"It's not that you are so poor. If you want an elixir, there is no elixir; if you want a magic weapon, you don't have a magic weapon; if you want a spiritual stone, I have never seen it with you. What kind of immortal are you cultivating? what are you relying on to stay in this cultivation world?"

Sansheng replied angrily, and continued to fly up and down in search of valuable magic weapons.

As soon as it finished speaking, it felt an unusual aura, so it stopped before a rather inconspicuous restriction, and called to Tu Mi: "Come on, this may be a powerful baby."

Tu Mi approached, activated the spiritual energy, and directly reached out to probe, and took out a dark and delicate mysterious shield from the prohibition that looked extremely dangerous.

Such behavior, the ban did not respond at all, as if with the change of the times, it lost its due power.

Tu Mi didn't even look at it, and put the shield into the Qiankun bag.

"These restrictions have no sense of resistance to you, a person with chaotic vitality. To take these magical treasures is as light as searching for things. Why don't you take more? Do you want Jiang and Muhan to be cheaper?"

"The most urgent task now is to find the Cui Lingzhu."

This Cui Lingzhu is the space magic weapon that Jiang yu obtained in this ruin in his memory.

Speaking of which, it doesn't matter if Jiang and the others get the magic weapon or something. The key is the jade green pearl, that is what they rely on to improve their cultivation.

In this cultivation world where strength is supreme, the only thing that can be relied on is one's own cultivation.

After all, magic pills are just a sideshow.

Sansheng sighed in his heart.

It understands the truth.

It just felt that medicinal pills, magic weapons, spirit stones… these necessities in the cultivation world, the little master did not have time to find them.

Yu Tang's little bastard gave her several times when she was short of elixir. Although the number of times was not many, he was afraid that the little master would become more and more dependent on Yu Tang in the long run!

That's why I focused on collecting magic weapons for a while.

In the future, the little master will be able to use it by herself or in exchange for the elixir spirit stone.

Sansheng felt that he had done the right thing and considered it very carefully.

But the little master didn't understand it, and it was very sad for a while.

Seeing that Tu Mi was already looking for the Cui Lingzhu on her own, Sansheng reluctantly followed her and searched together.

That's it.

Anyway, the good things are almost taken, and it is enough for her in a short time.

"Where is it?"

Tu Mi looked around the entire underground palace and muttered.

This place is an underground palace hidden under the ninth inconspicuous small attic just west of the Treasure Pavilion.

This is the most specific address of the Cui Lingzhu that I can see in my memory.

However, what Tu Mi sees now is a magic weapon that is shrouded in restriction, except for the space magic weapon like the Cui Lingzhu.

If the memory is correct, the Cui Lingzhu must be in this underground palace.

Where will it be?

Tu Mi thought hard.

"Someone is coming! They are coming to the small attic! In this case, it is only a matter of time before they find this underground palace. Should we avoid it?" At this moment, Sansheng rushed to Tu Mi's ear, reminded.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Tu Mi's mind.

She released all her consciousness and searched carefully along the entire palace, not letting go of every corner.

Finally, on an inconspicuous wooden ornament in the hall, she found a clue.

She didn't even think about it, she slammed into it, and didn't consider the size ratio between herself and the small ornaments.

Sure enough, the moment she collided, the small ornament emitted a dazzling light, and Tu Mi closed her eyes subconsciously, and the next moment, her whole body was sucked in.

After a strong sense of weightlessness, Tu Mi felt that she had landed smoothly and opened her eyes.

However, what caught her eye was the most beautiful scenery she had personally seen since she came to this plane.

It's not like it's inside the sect, but it seems to be teleported to a small secret realm.

The various spiritual plants that are everywhere and can't see the edge grow arbitrarily around a misty hot spring pool in the middle.

A dazzling spiritual bead is suspended above the hot spring pool.

It is the Cui Lingzhu!

Tu Mi felt it for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger, he flew up, took the Cui Lingzhu in his hand, and then stepped back and fell to the ground.

"Jiang Mi!"

However, before she could take a good look at what was in her hands, an uninvited guest suddenly broke in.

Tu Mi looked up and saw Mu Han, the most profound face in his memory.

"Why are you here?" Mu Han asked with a frown.

After a long while, seeing Tu Mi not answering, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and his face became extremely ugly.

He asked, "Who brought you in? You have no such ability by yourself. Was it the devil who eloped with you back then?"

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. He looked around and shouted loudly: "The devil! I know you are here, you come out for me! Could it be a tortoise?"

With his pride, he would not allow the man who let him wear a cuckold to continue to survive in this world.

Although he never really loved Jiang Mi from the beginning to the end, on the facade, everyone knew that he liked her back then.

God knows how angry he was when he learned all this from Jiang Na after he fainted!

He can't wait to chop up Jiang Mi, a pair of dogs and men!

Over the years, he has been trying to find their traces, but he doesn't know where the other party is hiding, and he can't find a trace.

Now he's been caught!

He hasn't come out for such a long time, he must be afraid that he is too scared!

Hmph, after he has dealt with the devil, he will clean up the little bitch Jiang Mi!

Tu Mi looked at Mu Han with a blank face, and he knew it in his heart. Jiang must have explained it to Mu Han in the first place.

Immediately, she turned her vitality and attacked Mu Han bluntly.

Mu Han was caught off guard by the long whip condensed from Tu Mi's vitality.

He was knocked to the ground, and he felt pain everywhere in his body.

However, these can be ignored.

He was just absolutely shocked!

Why did Jiang Mixiu progress so quickly? Isn't she a piece of crap?

When did he, a half-step Nascent Soul, have no strength to fight back in front of her?