Chapter 46 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 19

"Impossible, impossible…"

Mu Han muttered to himself, unable to believe it.

For some reason, Jiang Mi's momentum made him feel scared!

"Your cultivation has improved so quickly, have you cultivated with that devil!"

Mu Han suddenly thought of something, and asked Tu Mi who came to him, although the question was a question, but his tone was very sure.

It must be like this, which explains why her cultivation progressed so quickly.

Mu Han's expression was extraordinarily determined.

"How can you conclude that the so-called dual cultivation of the devil with you, the cultivation will be able to progress rapidly? There are female cultivators who are dual cultivations of the same demons. Why do I not see their cultivation progressing rapidly?"

Tu Mi asked quietly.

"Hehe, others are not necessarily, but you Jiang Mi will definitely know, who made you a pure yin…"

As expected, Mu Han didn't notice that something was wrong, so he followed Tu Mi's words and continued. He didn't react until the word "pure yin" was mentioned, and immediately stopped the conversation.

"What is pure yin? Pure yin constitution?" Tu Mi tried to make out his words, "Hehe, I didn't even know I had such a constitution, how did you know?"

She has always been curious about how the original owner's pure yin physique was confirmed by no one else.

However, Mu Han became more vigilant this time. He silently got up, clutching his injured waist and abdomen, and didn't say a word.

"Or, what secrets do you have Mu Han?" Tu Mi said inexplicably.

Mu Han still lowered his head and said nothing.

"Be careful, there's something wrong with him!"

Seeing him like this, Sansheng quickly reminded her.

Relying on Mu Han not seeing it, it flew around Mu Han.

In fact, It didn't need it to remind her, she had already noticed it.

Because Mu Han looks a little too honest.

So, she turned around pretending to be disdainful, and said lightly: "Well, since you don't say it, I don't think we have anything to say before. What I want to know, there is always another way to know."

Sure enough, as soon as she turned around, Mu Han at the back suddenly attacked.

He muttered in a language that Tu Mi couldn't understand, and rushed towards her.

Since Mu Han's voice reached Tu Mi's ears, she felt that the whole person was not listening.

She wanted to raise her hand to deal with Mu Han, but her vitality dissipated as soon as she pinched it, and she couldn't condense it.

Mu Han threw Tu Mi under him, and when he saw that the effect was almost done, he stopped talking.

"What have you done to me?" Tu Mi restrained herself from kicking, pretending to struggle, glaring at Mu Han.

Seeing that Tu Mi couldn't help himself, Mu Han kept grinning: "Don't you want to know my secret? I'll tell you now."

He attached to Tu Mi's ear and smiled proudly: "Because my physique is very special. As long as I come into contact with people, I can accurately feel who's practice or physique is beneficial to my cultivation; Who, is useless to my cultivation. Of course, I mean women."

"Are you surprised? Have you never seen such a physique before?" Seeing Tu Mi's astonishment, Mu Han felt even more relaxed.

"Haha, from the moment I saw you, I could feel that you are a body of pure yin that is rarely seen in ten thousand years."

Not only that, he only felt that all the cells in his body were screaming, as if telling him that this woman would be the biggest help in his journey of self-cultivation.

He did not hesitate to trust this intuition, even though her cultivation was unusually weak.

"Speaking of which, my cultivation didn't come from my own cultivation. It was all given to me by you female cultivators." Mu Han picked up a strand of Tu Mi's hair, sniffed calmly, and then Then he sighed sadly, "Oh, you nuns, you are really a strange creature. I did it clearly, and at the moment before you died, I didn't believe that I was really capable of killing people."

"You've been doing this since you were a child? What about those nuns? Did you all silence them?"

"Oh, you said they…"

"Before the age of fifteen, I directly sucked all their cultivation bases, and naturally I couldn't escape death."

"When I was fifteen years old, I unexpectedly discovered that during dual cultivation, especially when women are in love, the cultivation base I absorb will far exceed their own cultivation base. Do you think I would choose the former? ?"


"Hahahaha…" Mu Han didn't care about Tu Mi's opinion of him at all, "You better worry about yourself!"

"Aren't you curious about what I did to you just now?" Mu Han asked maliciously.

Tu Mi turned her head and said nothing.

Of course she was curious, after all, there was no such thing in the original owner's memory.

But she knew that even if she didn't ask, he would naturally say it.

Sure enough, Mu Han didn't care about her reaction, he just said to himself, "You have such a rare physique, but your cultivation is so low, I knew you were weird. In order to prevent you from growing faster than me, I'm afraid, I can't help you, so just in case, I will cast a spell on you. Sure enough, it came in handy, right? Do you feel powerless and have no spiritual energy? Hmph, no matter how good you are, you can't escape my palm."

Tu Mi secretly revolved the chaotic vitality that gradually became active after the initial stagnation, "Does Jiang know? Didn't you plan to hold the Double Cultivation Ceremony because of love? Is that how you love her?"

Seeing her mention Jiang yu, Mu Han's body froze slightly, but he recovered immediately, "She won't know! Besides, what if she knew? She loves me very much, and she is willing to risk her immortal journey to ruin her life to save me. If It is me, then she won't mind my cultivation method! She will understand me. In the days to come, I will naturally love her more and love her to make up for her."

Hearing this, Tu Mi sighed silently in his heart.

It was because of these two unbearable things that the original owner lost her life!

At this moment, she really felt worthless for the original owner.

Looking at Tu Mi who was silent under him, Mu Han said again, "How do you know that we are planning to hold a double cultivation ceremony?"

Seeing that Tu Mi didn't answer, he thought for a moment, stared at her and looked at her carefully, and said, "Could it be that you still love being a teacher, Xiao Mi?"

While Tu Mi was running her vitality, she rolled her eyes and said nothing.

"I know, you're stalling for time." Seeing this, Mu Han smiled slightly, "Waiting for your friendly devil to come out to save you?"

"Hehe, he still can't hide it now. Let me guess, is his cultivation level lower than mine? Or he just doesn't love you enough."

"Well, then I'll give him a visual feast!" Mu Han said with a strange smile.

He stretched his hand to Tu Mi's shirt and said, "Although I don't love you, I will be gentle with you. Anyway, let's be a teacher and apprentice."

Tu Mi sighed in her heart, in the end it was a little bit worse.

That's it.

Before his hand was about to touch the front of his clothes, Tu Mi planned to risk the damage to her meridians and forcefully mobilize the primordial energy of chaos.

However, before she could move, the Mu Han on her body was overturned by a strong aura.

With that force, the skin on Mu Han's back, including the clothes, was peeled off.

Tu Mi's scalp felt a numbness.