Chapter 47 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 20

Under the impact of the force, Mu Han kept rolling away to the left, the flesh and blood on his back was crushed on the ground again and again, the soil, sand and gravel were deeply embedded in it, and the blood seeped out rapidly, dyeing Mu Han into a blood man.

He tried to control his body several times, but the pain was so painful that he could only let out a few dry howls.

However, even though Mu Han shed so much blood, there was hardly any blood on Tu Mi's body.

Apparently, the person who came had subtly restrained his strength and avoided her on purpose.

Tu Mi wondered who it was.

Just as she was about to stand up, her hands reached the ground when she felt herself being gently pulled up by someone coming.

Before she could see the true face of the other party, she was hugged tightly by the person who came, and her head was pressed against his chest.

Tu Mi was startled and tried to push the opponent away.

It is a pity that the strength of the two sides is too disparate, and the struggle is fruitless.

Tu Mi was shocked and angry.

She felt him sniffing back and forth on the back of her neck, behind her ears, and on top of her head.

Tu Mi didn't understand the other party's intentions, so she was naturally a little flustered.

Especially seeing that he easily injured Mu Han to the point where he couldn't fight back, she could know that his cultivation was far higher than Mu Han, perhaps even higher than her Nascent Soul's early cultivation.

Tu Mi felt that she couldn't provoke him, even though she had already defused Mu Han's spell just now, her vitality had recovered.

She had to find a chance to get a hit, so she stopped struggling and quietly ran her vitality.

However, the other party saw that she no longer resisted, but she was a little bit more aggressive.

As if a little dissatisfied, he stuck out his tongue, rolled up Tu Mi's earlobe, put it in his mouth, and licked it carefully.

A burst of numbness spread from the earlobe to Tu Mi's body, and she was caught off guard and suddenly dissipated the condensed spiritual energy.

The moment of rationality was thrown to the back of Tu Mi's head, and she struggled desperately.

The visitor seemed to be afraid that Tu Mi would hurt herself when she struggled, so he reluctantly opened hid mouth and let go of her earlobe.

His hands were no longer tightly holding her head, but he was still reluctant to let go of her completely, so he bypassed her hands and hugged her waist tightly.

As soon as Tu Mi's hands were freed, she clenched her fists with vitality and slammed into his face.


She felt that she was no longer curious about his identity, and now she just wanted to beat his parents so much that they didn't know him.

It's a pity that before this humiliating blow hit him, she was lightly relieved of its strength.

He lightly held Tu Mi's small fist and said unbearably: "Master, don't do this, the disciple's body has been trained to be very tough now, comparable to the late Nascent Soul training cultivator, you will hurt yourself like this."

Saying that, he gently opened Tu Mi's fisted hand, then grabbed her fingers, led her to his lips, and said aggrievedly: "Master, the whole body of the disciple may not be so hard on the lips. Master, touch it to see if it is very soft? If Master is still angry, you might as well bite the disciple here hard, and keep it so you can vent your anger."

Tu Mi was shocked by his "Master", and didn't pay attention to what he said and did for a while.

She just stared blankly at each other's face, a little incredible.

The young man looked at her so deeply, his eyes were dark and deep, if he looked closely, he would be confused if he was not careful.

With shallow dimples on his face, he suppressed the innate preciousness in his body, revealing a gentle and well-behaved for no reason.

Looking down along the bridge of the nose, the sexy thin lips are vaguely open, and the tip of the tongue is slightly sticking out, licking like a well-behaved puppy…

Tu Mi's heart trembled, and she quickly pulled her hand back.

But the soft feeling on her fingertips lingered.

"You, are you Yu Tang?" Tu Mi barely stabilized her mind, tried to control her facial expressions, and asked calmly.

"Well…Master, you don't recognize your disciple?" Yu Tang looked at Tu Mi steadily.

Tu Mi felt that her apprentice's arm was getting tense, and her heart suddenly tightened, and she smirked: "How, how could it be? Haven't you changed too much? It will be a little uncomfortable for a while."

She cried out inwardly.

Who will tell her why her little apprentice has grown so big?

Is this what Sansheng said grew up?

Really big enough!

Standing in front of her, he was a head and a half higher than her.

Especially the powerful aura on him, she only felt that she could no longer maintain her majesty as a master.

And he treated her with the same respect as before, but she just felt inexplicably that this apprentice was a little dangerous.

"Then why did you leave your disciple? What is more important than your disciple?" Yu Tang didn't want to let her go so easily.

When I open my eyes, the person I want to see the most and the most important person is not around. This kind of panic feeling is very uncomfortable.

In particular, he found out that in his life, there were not only traces of her existence, she also had a past that he knew nothing about, and could not participate in it anyway.

It feels so bad!

He chased after her breath, and when he saw that she was being crushed by something called her master, at that moment, he just wanted to smash that man into pieces!

But he still controlled himself. He was afraid that the master would like this man, that he would kill him, that the master would ignore him again, and that he was afraid that she would hate him.

"It's him? Your master? In your heart, master, is he more important than his disciple? Master likes him?"

Yu Tang controlled himself and tried to ask in hid calmest voice.

He couldn't get out of control, couldn't disgust the master.


He still has a chance…

"I think…" You might have misunderstood something…

Before Tu Mi finished speaking, Yu Tang let go of her, turned around, and strode towards Mu Han.

Yu Tang subconsciously refused her answer, he was afraid that he would hear the answer he didn't want to hear.

Looking at Mu Han lying on the ground humming, Yu Tang's face was full of disdain.

He admits that he was a bit ruthless, but there's still room, isn't it?

What kind of man is he!

How could Master hand over such a thing?

Yu Tang's heart was filled with anger.

As long as he is killed, the master will be his alone!

Although the master may hate him, he will want to kill him for revenge, he will want to escape from him…

But it doesn't matter, Master hates it if he wants, he can bear it.

It's okay if he wants to kill him, even if he stabs 10,000 or 8,000 holes in him, he will endure it and let him vent.

He will try his best to keep himself alive.

But in this life, Master will not want to escape from him, he will not let her go.

It's a big deal, just be a pair of grudges for the rest of your life.

As long as she's by his side.

At this moment, Yu Tang really didn't care about anything.

Tu Mi was stunned when she saw that her apprentice was suddenly full of anger, but she thought of what Yu Tang might do, so she hurriedly called out, "Hey! Give him a breath!"

If Mu Han died so easily, Tu Mi felt a little unwilling, and she was more inclined to let Mu Han live rather than die.

However, Yu Tang, who was angry, heard Tu Mi's words and didn't understand the meaning at all. He thought that Tu Mi was interceding with him.

He was even more upset. He felt that it was not enough to just smash Mu Han into ten thousand pieces!