Chapter 48 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 21

Mu Han instinctively felt danger, he lay on the ground, desperately trying to get up, trying to escape from here.

He also thought that after so long, the spiritual energy should have recovered.

But he obviously underestimated the power of Yu Tang's blow. He tried to sense it, but found that the spiritual energy did not advance but retreated, and there were symptoms of collapse.

And the golden core in the body gradually showed cracks, as if it would be broken on the spot in the next second.

Mu Han was terrified.

What kind of domineering technique is this?

It seems to be in the same vein as Jiang Mi's attack on him just now, but it is far more aggressive and tyrannical than Jiang Mi's.

The danger was getting closer and closer, and Mu Han felt that if he didn't do anything, the other party might actually kill him.

He tilted his neck laboriously, looked at Yu Tang who approached with a chilling aura, and smiled flatterly: "I am Mu Han, the son of the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and Jiang Mi's master."

"You may not know much about my apprentice. She is a very lowly person. In order to improve her cultivation, she will do anything."

Just now, he was in so much pain, his ears were buzzing, and he didn't pay too much attention to the content of the conversation between the two of them.

He was preconceived and regarded Yu Tang as another friend of Tu Mi, but he did not think of him with the devil who eloped with Tu Mi.

Because Yu Tang's temperament really doesn't look like a devil.

At this time, when he saw Yu Tang's eyebrows slightly raised, Mu Han thought he had heard it, and spoke more vigorously.

"You may not know that a few years ago, she was just a little qi cultivator. But now, look at her, in the early stage of Nascent Soul! Can this speed be achieved by normal cultivation?"

"She, she deliberately went to find some male cultivators with a high level of cultivation, and bewitched them. When they was cultivating with her, she took advantage of their unpreparedness and drained the other's cultivation."

"You have to pay attention, don't be fooled by her appearance."

At the end, Mu Han's tone became more and more certain.

The more he talked, the more he felt that this was the case. Jiang Mi definitely did not cultivate by normal means.

Especially with the appearance of Yu Tang, he became more and more determined that Jiang Mi was not so clean.

He said this because he also wanted to use this method to separate the two of them. It was best to turn them into enemies. As long as this man believed in him, hated Jiang Mi, and ignored her, then he could continue to do what he could do in the future. .

In this way, he can absorb Jiang Mi's cultivation.

Especially the other party is a special pure yin body, he believes that the effect will definitely be even more than the female cultivator he has contacted before.

He is very sure that he can completely break through Nascent Soul this time, and even becoming a God is just around the corner.

"Haha." Yu Tang had a cruel smile on his face, and the anger in hid heart was about to burst out.

If it was said that he was just jealous before, then now he simply wants the other person's life!

This bastard who dares to speak rudely to Master and slander Master!

He stepped on it with one foot, scrapping the golden core that Mu Han wanted to break.

"Ah…" Mu Han screamed in agony, his eyes staring at the boss because of the severe pain.

Seeing this, Yu Tang was not satisfied. He was about to move, and remembering that Tu Mi was still behind him, he restrained the brutal way and waved his hand directly, breaking Mu Han's vitality.

The screams stopped.

The entire secret realm suddenly quieted down.

But Yu Tang didn't let his guard down because of this, he stared at Mu Han's motionless body.

However, a long time has passed, and the half-sixth of strangeness has not happened.

Yu Tang sneered and moved.

He patted his chest lightly, and a green heart slowly appeared.

It was inconspicuous at first, but after it was released, the entire secret realm was a little restless.

At this moment, a light burst out of Mu Han's body, trying to fly towards the exit of the secret realm.

It was Mu Han who felt the danger.

The corners of Yu Tang's lips were slightly hooked, and he waved his hand forward, and Lin Xin flew towards Mu Han, catching up in a matter of seconds.

"You are a demon!"

Mu Han was extremely horrified, such a neat and swift method of slaughtering is not like a righteous monk at all!

What's more, he had seen records about this emerald heart in the Zongmen Bookstore.

If he remembers correctly, this should be something that is only available in a certain demonic forbidden area of their Jiuzhou, and this thing will only choose the demons as the main, or the pure-blooded demons!

"Wait, senior… I have something to discuss… I have offended you, you said, I will change…"

Mu Han finally realized that he might have offended someone who shouldn't have offended, and immediately relented and begged for mercy.

Yu Tang's eyes widened and his mind moved, and Lin Xin squeezed forward a little, wrapping Mu Han's primordial spirit in it.


A short, sharp sound resounded all around, and then an eerie silence was restored.

Yu Tang smiled in satisfaction and recalled Lin Xin.

He turned his head and looked at Tu Mi, who had been very quiet, and then slowly approached her.

Tu Mi was still immersed in her own thoughts, and subconsciously took a small step back.

Yu Tang's eyes sank, and he grabbed Tu Mi's arm gently and strongly, "Master is afraid of her disciples?"

Tu Mi came back to her senses, her survival instinct dominated, she hurriedly shook her head, "No, no."

"Don't worry, Master, your apprentice will never treat you like he treated him. Don't be afraid of your apprentice."

Yu Tang hugged Tu Mi's slender and soft waist and hugged her tightly.

Feeling the warmth in his arms, Yu Tang relaxed.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something again, "Or, the master afraid that he is killing someone you like?"

Tu Mi felt that her waist was strained, and hurriedly said: "No, you misunderstood, because the teacher doesn't like him!"

"You're scared!" Yu Tang bent down, buried his face in Tu Mi's neck, and pressed against her delicate and fair skin, "Why are you scared?"

"You are the seventh son of the Demon King." Tu Mi ignored Yu Tang's coquettish intimacy and tried to avoid it.

Yu Tang's body froze, and after a while, he said in a stern voice, "You already know?"

"Well, I am indeed Yu Tang, the seventh son of the Demon King." He raised his head and looked Tu Mi's eyes directly, "But so what? I only have you, Master! Before, I had nothing to do with them, and I will still not be in the future. Anything!" So, what are you afraid of?

Tu Mi was silent.

When Yu Tang sacrificed Lin Xin, the forest of immortality, Tu Mi finally remembered where she had seen this familiar scene.

It is the memory of the plane!

In my memory, the seventh son of the Demon Race was murderous and bloodthirsty.

When Yu Ci thrown him into the Wanxi Forest when he was a child, everyone thought that he would not survive.

Even Yu Chi thinks so.

But at the ceremony of the Demon King's death and Yu Ci's succession, he appeared strangely and without any warning at the scene.

Without a word, he started to kill.

Yu Ci, including his subordinates, was stunned that no one was his opponent.

In the end, all those who resisted him were sacrificed to Lin Xin.

He eventually became the Demon King of the Demon Race.

The most powerful demon king in the history of demons!

But he is the most unfeminine and unsmiling king!