Chapter 50 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 23

When he saw that familiar face with an unusually contrived smile, for a moment, his face became extremely gloomy.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with my master?"

"Who is your master?" Jiang heard Yu Tang's question, and then thought of what he had done, and suddenly tentatively asked.

She actually had an answer in her mind.

But that was absurd and unthinkable.

She was extremely reluctant to hear him say that name.

However, Yu Tang was not in the mood to pay attention to her thoughts. He just wanted to answer her question quickly and find out what was going on with this inexplicable woman.

He lightly opened his lips, "Jiang Mi."

Seeing a touch of tenderness in his eyes without knowing it, Jiang felt a trace of jealousy from the bottom of her heart.

But she controlled herself, "The little girl is your master's sister, my name is Jiang, you can call me Ayu."

After saying this in a coquettish voice, she looked at Yu Tang, her eyes full of obsession and admiration.

"Oh, is that right?" Yu Tang tried his best to hold back his unpleasantness towards this inexplicable and extra family member of his master, but his tone couldn't help being a bit rushed, "Then what do you mean by hiding here?"

"I…" Jiang was stunned for a while, not knowing how to explain her behavior.

In fact, after Mu Han, Jiang and Jiang Xiaotian entered the ruins together, they were separated from them because Jiang Xiaotian met his own chance on the way.

After Mu Han and Jiang came to the small attic, because she casted a spell on Mu Han.

After Jiang was separated into a small attic by Mu Han, the more she thought about it, the more wrong it became.

Especially here, she always felt that she should have unusual gains.

So she returned to the small attic again, and just saw Mu Han looking for the entrance to the underground palace, she held her breath and stayed for a while before quietly following.

By the time she entered the palace, Mu Han had disappeared.

And unlike Mu Han, she could sense where Tu Mi was, and naturally couldn't find the entrance to the secret realm.

Fortunately, she secretly practiced a spell whispering.

Eavesdropping, specially used to eavesdrop on other people's voices. In this way, you can judge what the other party has done and who they have seen based on their voices.

The condition for this spell to be used is that it must be used on a cultivator who has double practiced with the practitioner. Only in this way can a connection be established without knowing it.

The person who created this spell was a female cultivator in ancient times. Because she didn't trust her partner, she was always suspicious and couldn't practice properly, so she simply set aside some time to ponder the spell.

But don't say it, it really made her figure it out.

But in the process, she became more and more obsessed with inquiring about her partner's whereabouts and secrets.

Finally, one time, in the process of casting the spell, she was bumped into by her partner who came back, and her partner was furious. She couldn't keep her, and the two parted ways since then.

While the female nun was sad, she was not reconciled after all, so she improved the spell and added the stealth function.

In this way, during the casting process, no matter where the other party is or how close they are to you, you don't have to worry about being exposed.

The nun regained her composure.

Perhaps because of her obsession, she once again used the spell on her partner who was breaking up.

However, her behavior finally made her partner unable to bear it, and in a fit of rage, he killed her.

Everyone in the world of comprehension has their own secrets, and some secrets may also involve life and death. If this spell is practiced indiscriminately, it will definitely cause chaos in the cultivation world.

Therefore, several seniors with high morals and respect at the time called the shots and banned this spell.

But even so, this spell was still secretly passed down in the hands of a certain part of the people.

But now, Jiang not only practiced, but also secretly used it on Mu Han.

Jiang immediately performed this method and overheard Mu Han's voice.

When she heard Mu Han call Jiang Mi, Jiang was shocked and sighed that Jiang Mi was still alive.

She almost gritted her teeth, and she knew that as long as Jiang Mi was still alive, it was impossible for Master to give up!

This bitch!

But what Mu Han said next made Jiang suddenly realize.

It turned out to be the case, she said why the cultivation base suddenly went backwards a few years ago!

This is probably because the master can't control his cultivation base!

Did he get his cultivation, glory and reputation like this?

What about after that? What to do in the future?

Will using this method all the time be a long-term solution?

Will it be revealed?

If it is revealed, Master will certainly be yelled at by everyone in the realm of cultivation, right?

What about her then?

What about everything she's worked so hard to achieve? Surely it will come to nothing, right?

Otherwise, just let the master succeed…

Moreover, the master also said that in the future, he will be good to her and will double compensation for her.

Maybe there won't be such an opportunity in the future, and it will not be easy for Master to greatly increase his cultivation.

Anyway, he's already unclean, so why is she hypocritical?

But, that's Jiang Mi! The person she hates the most, she is different!

All the questions flooded Jiang's mind, and she hesitated for a while.

At this moment, Yu Tang chased after Tu Mi's breath, he was uneasy, and he didn't notice Jiang under the invisible function for a while.

He saw through the flaws in the ornament at a glance, and went directly to the inside.

Jiang was shocked by Yu Tang's powerful aura, and what surprised her even more was his flash of handsome face.

Jiang subconsciously wanted to follow.

But just as she took a step, Mu Han's screams resounded in her ears, and she trembled and retracted the foot she stepped out.

What is the origin of this man?

How could it be so great?

In this case, why is there no news of this person in the cultivation world?

She was really stunned by Yu Tang, and she stayed where she was.

It wasn't until later, after Mu Han's death, that the whispering technique she used on Mu Han failed, and she came back to her senses.

But the next second, she realized the problem again.

Master just died? Died so easily?

And she planned the results for such a long time, and she will go with the master?

While Jiang was sad, a strong anger surged in his heart.

Jiang Mi!

All this was caused by Jiang Mi, this bitch!

How could she be so tough!

No matter who this powerful man is, Jiang Mi must pay for it!

"Master, please forgive my disciple. My disciple is going to use some bad tactics. But please believe that all of this is for your revenge. I will definitely make Jiang Mi's life worse than death!"

Jiang muttered to himself, as if to convince herself.

So, she took out an invisibility cloak from her storage bag with peace of mind, put it on her body, and waited for a good opportunity.

However, Yu Tang came out, but before Jiang yu could find a poetic and romantic way to appear, she was pierced by him.

Coupled with his oppressive aura, Jiang was a little scared and hesitated for a while.

After finally waiting for her to be fully psychologically prepared, Yu Tang made a move when she was about to relieve herself and go to the invisibility cloak, and there was a scene where a beauty suddenly appeared…

All this was beyond her expectations.

So at this moment, Jiang was clutching her painful chest, hesitating and fumbling, but she couldn't say why.