Chapter 51 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 24

Seeing this, Yu Tang's only patience was exhausted.

He quickly stepped forward, grabbed Jiang's head in the air, and searched for her soul.

The moment Jiang was under his control, she knew his intention and desperately wanted to resist.

But how could her slight power be compared to Yu Tang?

Struggling and struggling, gradually, she lost consciousness.

Yu Tang searched for her memory, and an endless coldness slowly gathered in his eyes.

Yu Tang was initially afraid that Jiang would have a good relationship with his master.

Therefore, although he was very upset, he still controlled his strength, so as not to accidentally make him a mental retard during the soul search process, and the master would turn his face with him.

However, after Yu Tang finished flipping through Jiang's memory, he just wished he could crush her brain into pieces!

It turns out that Master was treated like this by these animals!

These jackals, tigers and leopards! How dare!

The more Yu Tang loves his master, the more he hates Jiang Yu.

He looked at the unconscious Jiang, and the light in his eyes became colder and colder.

His hands slowly tightened.

Jiang, who was in a coma, seemed to feel pain, and her face gradually twisted.

If it continues, Jiang's head will be crushed to pieces.

Jiang was woken up in pain, feeling that her life was threatened, and she struggled violently.

Unable to struggle, he begged for mercy again and again: "Senior, senior! I was wrong! I shouldn't treat Jiang Mi like this! Please let me go, I swear, I will never…"

Looking at Yu Tang's indifferent face, she no longer had the charming thoughts she had before.

This is a devil!

Still an unfathomable devil!

What happened to that bitch Jiang Mi? What shady means did you use to subdue him?

Jiang was honest on the surface, but still indignant in her heart.

Seeing her mentioning her master, Yu Tang suddenly woke up and pulled her hand away.

Jiang collapsed to the ground, head bowed, a smug smile on her face.

He let go of her so easily, he must have been overwhelmed by her appearance, so he was reluctant to hurt her.

She just said, no one can be indifferent to her appearance!

Although Jiang Mi looks similar to her, so what?

Can Jiang Mi compare to her?

Can't help falling in love with her, a latecomer without seeing Master?

This man who appeared out of nowhere will definitely be no exception!

Although this man is a bit cruel, it doesn't matter, his cultivation is very deep!

If she caught his eye, then she would have found a backer stronger than her master.

The most important thing is that Jiang Mi will definitely be sad!

Thinking of this, Jiang was confident.

She raised her head proudly, revealing a graceful neck, looking at Yu Tang with a tender face.

Yu Tang smiled slowly, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

He reached out and approached Jiang's face.

Jiang was immersed in her beautiful fantasy, thinking that Yu Tang was tempted, and even took the initiative to lean his head towards her.

Unfortunately, the beautiful touch she imagined did not come, but instead a sharp pain.

She cried out in pain, her hands involuntarily caressing her face.

However, what she touched was a piece of blood and flesh, and every time she touched it, it was a heart-piercing pain.

She looked at Yu Tang, who had already retreated, for no apparent reason.

I saw that he was holding a face she knew so well in his hand.

That's her face!

Only then did she realize that he was going to destroy her face!

Done! It's all over!

Jiang Jian trembled and howled in despair.

Yu Tang looked at her indifferently, "I don't like someone with a face similar to my master, especially you."

Afterwards, he called out Lin Xin, looked at Jiang, and said meaningfully: "I spare your life this time, you have to live well."

Before Jiang could understand the deep meaning of his words carefully, he flicked his fingertips, and a black object flew towards Jiang's direction and sank into her abdomen.

Then he urged Lin Xin, and Jiang disappeared in place, followed by her, and all the monks who came to Wanxiu Forest to hunt for treasures.

After all the idle people left, Yu Tang was satisfied, his facial expression relaxed, and the whole person returned to the docile and harmless kind he was used to in front of Tu Mi.

He stood silently, thinking for a moment.

Afterwards, he threw away a dust-removing formula and a water-purifying technique, and cleaned the palace soiled by Jiang before turning around and going inside the secret realm with satisfaction.

The hot spring pool is misty, surrounded by spiritual energy, and it is faint, making it difficult to see the real situation inside.

"Master?" Yu Tang stood by the pool, controlling the thought of using his divine sense to scan inside, and called softly.

However, there was no response for a long time.

Yu Tang was a little puzzled, what's going on?

"What? Is there something wrong?" At this moment, Tu Mi walked over from behind Yu Tang.

"Master, are you ready?" Yu Tang turned around and looked at Tu Mi in surprise.

When he saw what she looked like at the moment, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

He didn't know when she had changed into a clean plain dress, which tightly hugged her delicate and beautiful body.

But through the slender, white and greasy neck that is exposed, one can imagine what kind of beautiful scenery is under her dress.

Since she had just left the bath, her body was still full of water vapor, and her wet black hair ran down her straight back until it reached her slightly upturned buttocks.

The dense water vapor softened her face and made her look extra attractive.

Yu Tang looked at this scene that was not easily seen on weekdays, and gradually revealed a different emotion in his eyes.

"Yeah." Tu Mi replied casually.

She looked at Yu Tang with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Did she feel wrong?

Why did she hear so much… regret in the apprentice's tone?

"Then let me help you dry your hair, your hair is still dripping with water." Yu Tang said obediently, and naturally went around behind Tu Mi.

"Well, that's fine."

Tu Mi nodded, she was not used to seeing this.

When the apprentice was young, he could see her wet hair draped over her shoulders.

Whenever her hair was wet, even if he was on his toes, he would use his meager cultivation to dry her hair.

She has gotten used to it over the years.

Yu Tang stretched out his hand and gently gathered all of Tu Mi's fragrant and damp hair together, carefully tidying it up.

Then patiently picked the strands of hair, from the beginning to the end, slowly drying.

In the middle, Yu Tang couldn't help noticing his master's round and tight buttocks, and he became calm.

His hands kept moving, and he asked calmly, "Is there anything you want to say to your disciple, Master?"

Tu Mi thought for a moment, "Huh? There really is."

"Well, Master, you said it." Yu Tang suppressed her anxiety and said flatly.

"The disciple should keep a distance from the teacher in the future. After all, there are differences between men and women. Even if we are a master and a disciple, we can't be too close. It will attract others to make irresponsible remarks, and the impact will not be good."