Chapter 56 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 29

"It turns out that this is the thing of the Demon Race, no wonder it is so evil."

"It's something from the Demon Race again? Isn't this something from the Jiang family's ancestry?"

"Maybe it was obtained by chance by the ancestors of the Jiang family. After seeing its true ability, it was passed down like a family heirloom."

"It's just a long time ago. Maybe one of the generations made a mistake, causing its younger generation to not understand the real way to use it. I accidentally figured out that it would cause damage to the primordial spirit, so I mistakenly thought it had the effect of locking the soul."

"In addition to Jiang Xiaotian's generation, its power has gradually weakened, and it is not as good as before, so Jiang Xiaotian did not use it as a real magic weapon."

Sansheng guessed, and then explained to Tu Mi the true origin of the "Soul Soul Stone".

"Actually, the soul-suppressing stone was called the spirit-locking stone by the demons a long time ago, and it was specially used to torture people."

"Although it's not a very powerful magic weapon, torturing people can make life worse than death."

"It will automatically burrow into the cultivator's dantian, unknowingly, slowly eating away at his cultivation base, and when the cultivator's cultivation base drops to the first level of Qi training, it will stop absorbing the cultivation base. Then, it will target the target to The primordial spirit of the quasi-cultivator, take it little by little."

"However, the worst is yet to come."

"After the cultivator's cultivation base is very weak, it will return all the things it has absorbed. The cultivator will use his shattered body to forcibly admit everything that is domineering."

"But it won't let the monk die."

"It will help repair the moment before its body can't bear it anymore and it is about to explode. It's just a slow process. During this, the cultivator feels all this soberly, and life is better than death."

"If the cultivator who is recruited does not notice it as soon as possible, there will be no way to take it out after that. It will be integrated with the dantian. If it is taken by force, it will be taken out together with the dantian. Then, the cultivator will become the same. The same as mortals. Life is short, and there is no cultivation base."

"However, since ancient times, only the orthodox bloodline of the Demon Race can suppress such evil things, and only such Demon Race will not be attacked when they encounter the Lock Spirit Stone. The Lock Spirit Stone is ineffective against them."

"Suo Lingshi is too weak in the hands of this generation. It must be Yu Tang who re-refined it and became what it is today."

Sansheng looked at Jiang, who had rolled over on the ground, "It seems that its current effect is far from comparable to before!"

"Tsk tsk, I don't know how long it has been planted in her dantian. If it doesn't take long for her to turn into this ghost, then this newly refined lock spirit stone can be domineering!"

"It's conceivable how miserable her next life will be!"

It's… so heartwarming!

Sansheng could basically think of Jiang's fate, especially since there was a perverted ghost dove waiting for her there.

Sansheng had to admit that Yu Tang admired Yu Tang's ruthless way of dealing with the enemy.

And Tu Mi's first feeling was rejoicing.

Fortunately, Xiao Yutang discovered her abnormality at that time, otherwise, if she waited for the Suo Lingshi to merge with her dantian, then it would be too late no matter what she did.

At the same time, when Tu Mi saw Jiang's tragic state, her heart was a little complicated for a while.

Yu Tang did this, and in the way of treating her own body with her way, Jiang got retribution.

It even ruined Jiang's throat. Under the premise that she was tormented and life was better than death, the secret of her pure yin constitution could only be hidden in her belly forever.

And the ghost dove must be part of his plan!

The situation is so tense, Jiang Xiaotian will definitely seize this opportunity.

Soon Jiang will be sent to the Demon Race, and what awaits her will be a more miserable situation?

I have to say that Tu Mi can't guess at the moment.

In fact, three days later, the chief of Guijiu's(ghosts) mansion brought a group of men and came to pick up people with a sedan chair.

Jiang yu was reluctant to obey.

The general manager stepped forward to talk, and praised the ghost dove to the sky, saying that he was a handsome man that was rare in the world.

Moreover, the status of the Demon Race is detached, and it is only under the royal family with pure blood.

That is under one person, and above ten thousand people!

It's just that he admired Jiang for a long time, and when Mu Han died, he couldn't bear it anymore and called someone to pick her up.

He also said that as long as Jiang yu and behaved well, Guijiu would definitely treat her kindly and dote on her, and the Gui mansion is her world!

As for medicinal pills and magic weapons, the Ghost Mansion has everything!

She has what she wants, not to mention the trivial issue of restoring her appearance.

Jiang yu, who had never heard of Guijiu's perverted preference, was gradually moved, thinking that Guijiu really loved her to the core, and her attitude towards the brutal demon race had changed, and the only point of resistance gradually disappeared.

Especially when she heard that there was hope for her appearance to recover, she nodded immediately, and did not care about the loopholes in his words.

Jiang yu was full of hope, and was carried by the servants to the slightly shabby sedan chair.

That night, she shyly lay in the new house furnished by the Ghost Mansion, with a red hijab on her head.

She anxiously and excitedly waited for the arrival of the ghost dove, and imagined the handsome appearance of the ghost dove alone.

Still thinking about how to please him in order to get the benefits from him.

How he can be satisfied, so he can cooperate with her to deal with Yu Tang and Tu Mi.

At this time, she didn't know Yu Tang's true identity, and the director said it was so hype, so she thought that Yu Tang couldn't compare to Guijiu no matter what.

She felt that she could use Guijiu's hand to trample Yu Tang and Tu Mi under her feet.

She had already thought about it, and when the two of Yu Tang fell into her hands, they would definitely make them pay a more tragic price than she is now.

Not only did she have to cut their faces, she also had to peel their skins off.

After that, they will also abolish their cultivation and throw them into the estrus circle of monsters.

Aren't they deeply affectionate?

Then let them watch each other being turned by a group of animals!

That's not enough, she won't let them die easily, she wants to keep their lives, and when she is unhappy, she will bring them out and show her the combination of human and animal again and again.

Thinking of this, Jiang yu couldn't help being even more excited, and more determined to serve the ghost dove well.

When she waited a little impatiently, the ghost dove finally appeared.

Feeling the hijab on her head being lifted, she looked up in anticipation.

However, what caught her eye was not a handsome man at all!

He is short and fat, with a wretched face and a crooked corner of his mouth, which has nothing to do with handsome appearance!!

He stood by the bed, stared straight at her with those obscene and weird eyes, and sighed beautifully.

If it weren't for him like this, with such a wrong look in his eyes, Jiang yu must have thought that she has met true love.

However, Jiang's scalp was numb at the moment, and she wanted to scream, but she couldn't.

She wanted to escape, but with her limbs locked, she couldn't get up when she was angry and scared.

Everything that happened after that was like hell for her.

Because Guijiu pressed on her without a word, and started a cruel and crazy abuse.