Chapter 57 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 30

He couldn't wait to take off Jiang yu's clothes. However, the chain on her body was extremely obstructive, so he used violence and shredded it directly.

Then, he pounced on her, ignoring Jiang yu's resistance, and started a most primitive movement.

No foreplay.

The two of them had a strange posture, but he became more and more excited.

That's not enough, at the moment of his greatest excitement, his fingernails instantly became sharp.

He grabbed and rubbed Jiang's bloody face, as if enjoying the touch, his expression became more and more distorted and excited.

He straightened his lower body, his sharp fingernails matched, piercing deeply into her flesh and blood, and she screamed frantically.

The Jiang yu under him was unbearable, and her eyes rolled up, as if she could faint at any time.

Guijiu didn't want to treat this very satisfying plaything that he finally found.

He also thought about doing it twice more, and it was enough to leave it to try it later.

However, he found that there was no blood on the bed under him!

This woman is obviously not chaste!

His expression turned gloomy in an instant, with a cruel smile on his face.

It's really… terrific!

After that, he pulled out a pile of utensils of various styles from under the bed.

Regardless of Jiang's pain, he experimented and tossed on her one by one.

It was not until dawn that Guijiu left with satisfaction.

Leaving the dying Jiang yu.

After that, Jiang's life was even more difficult.

She was trapped in the small courtyard of the ghost mansion, and became the prison of the ghost dove. The wounds on her face and body never healed.

Whenever she was about to die, thinking that she would be freed from it, a mysterious power surged out of her body, and the fatal wound was gradually repaired, which could literally hang her.

In fact, five days after entering the Ghost Mansion, she felt that her cultivation had completely dropped to the level of Qi training.

She thought she finally had nothing to lose, so she continued to curse everyone with peace of mind.

She resents Tu Mi , and she believes that the root of all this is because of the existence of Tu Mi .

She secretly hated why Tu Mi didn't die according to her wishes. If she died, she would still be the future head wife of Tianjian Sect.

She also resented Jiang Xiaotian for exchanging her for stability.

Curse everyone not to die.

What she didn't know was that after the people from the Ghost Mansion picked her up, Mu Yue seemed to have no scruples for some reason, and brought a group of people to slaughter the Jiang Mansion.

Among them, the ghost mansion did not respond at all, and did not bring anyone to support it. Instead, it seemed to abide by a certain agreement by default.

If she knew that Jiang Xiaotian was brutally tortured to death by Mu Yue, she would be very happy.

Unfortunately, she doesn't know.

But then she knew that her good days were coming to an end, and she found that her primordial spirit was gradually being swallowed up.

She was flustered, frightened, but powerless, and lived in fear every day.

Then there is the pain and torture of the body explosion, as well as the repeated cycle of the cultivation base and the primordial spirit being returned and absorbed.

Coupled with the various perverted methods of Guijiu, she could only use her constant resentment to gain the motivation to live and linger on.

"What are you going to do now?" Sansheng followed Tu Mi's pace and flew up and down in front of her.

Since the little master figured out what happened to Jiang, he walked out of Jiang's house without a word.

Sansheng thought she would go back to Wanxiu Forest, but found that she was going in the exact opposite direction of Wanxiu Forest.

If she is still escaping, but she is also very targeted.

"In my memory, when Jiang Mi was fifteen years old, on the way to look for Muhan in Dead Leaf Valley, she met an old monk who was talking about her. Passing through the highest mountain range, head towards the mountain range, there is a small ancient ruins hidden in the mountain range, from which we can find clues to unlock the secrets of her body, maybe get rid of her useless physique and soar into the sky."

It's a pity that Jiang Mi didn't take the words of the tattered old monk to heart. She didn't believe that she would have a chance to soar to the sky from the bottom of her heart.

She insisted on going to find Mu Han, and once she went, she could never look back.

"So you're going to the ruins to find out?"

"Yeah." Tu Mi nodded.

Although the useless physique is long gone now, she wants to find the reason.

"Why are you always standing in front of my eyes?" Tu Mi was dissatisfied.

Sansheng stopped flying, but stopped straight in front of her eyes.

She seemed to feel its direct gaze.

"You dare to say that you are not trying to hide from your apprentice?"

"Who, who is hiding? Don't I have serious business?" Tu Mi waved Sansheng away, confidently, "I have to figure out all this for Jiang Mi."

At the moment, she didn't talk to Sansheng any more, and went straight ahead.

Sansheng circled left and right in the air twice, and suddenly chased after Tu Mi.

"Hey! The direction is off!"

The earth bag in front of him gradually sank, and a huge pit appeared on the ground.

"The blood of pure yin constitution, isn't it the universal key to all ruins?"

Tu Mi looked at all the things in front of her, and silently cast blood on herself.

She tried many methods, but in the end, only her own blood vessels were used.

"Pure Yin physique is indeed special, but not all relics can be broken open. You just happened to come across two relics that have deep roots in pure yin physique." Sansheng landed on Tu Mi's shoulder.

Tu Mi nodded, she also knew that on this plane, everything went well for her because of the relationship between her pure yin constitution and chaotic vitality.

"So what the old monk said is probably not false. It really has something to do with Jiang Mi's physique." Tu Mi was thoughtful.

"Then go down and have a look."

Tu Mi probed into the bottomless black crater, and then jumped down without hesitation.

After ten minutes of weightlessness, Tu Mi finally stepped on the ground.

However, it was still pitch black around.

After thinking for a while, she took out her apprentice's Qiankun bag, and after a few peeks in it, she found night pearl.

She pulled out a night pearl and held it in her hand, and then carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a simple hall supported by four sturdy stone pillars, except for two ordinary tables and chairs that have accumulated dust, nothing else can be seen.

"Strange, why does this look more like a monk's cave?" Tu Mi muttered to himself.

"There is a door there." Sansheng flew towards the stone door at the end of the hall.

Tu Mi glanced at the empty hall again and saw that there was nothing unusual, so she lifted her heels up.

"Look, there's a skeleton here!"

Tu Mi had just entered Cave, and without Sansheng, she immediately set her eyes on a skeleton.

Because it's so awkward.

Judging from the skeletal features of this petite skeleton, she should have been a female nun before her death.

She sat cross-legged on a tattered mass of objects that looked like a futon.

The clothes on her body have long been cut into small pieces of rags that have lost their color by these ruthless years.

As if touched, they would turn into dust and scum.