Chapter 58 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 31

Suddenly, Tu Mi found that the female cultivator's left hand bone was clenched into a fist, as if she was pinching something extremely important.

Taking a look at the simple and obvious ornaments around, it doesn't seem like there will be any secrets.

So, she bowed slightly towards the corpse of the female nun, bowed and said, "I'm sorry."

Only then did he reach out to the bone of the nun's left hand.

Unexpectedly, Tu Mi broke her phalanx with a gentle break.

Tu Mi shook the strangeness in her heart, and took the small piece of wood in the nun's hand bone that showed its true face, took it into her hand, and looked at it carefully.

The wood chip is very small and delicate, about the length and width of the little finger of a child of five or six years old, and a small "Ji" character is engraved on it.

After playing with it for a while, Tu Mi spread out a ray of divine consciousness and attached it.

Afterwards, a sentence left by the female cultivator Cannian in the wood chip solved the doubts in Tu Mi's heart.

This is indeed a monk's cave, and the owner of the cave is the female cultivator who has turned into a dead bone. Her name is Ji.

Ji, who lived in a remote small mountain village ten thousand years ago, has parents who dote on her and love her.

Although the parents are not great monks, in an ordinary small mountain village, the family lives happily.

However, Ji is a five-spiritual root, and the five-spiritual root ten thousand years ago is equivalent to a top-grade spiritual root.

At the same time, she has a pure yin constitution, which is doomed that she cannot stay in this small mountain village all her life.

Accidents are coming soon.

When Ji was sixteen years old, she rescued a seriously injured boy by the creek at the entrance of the village.

The boy closed his eyes tightly, already fainted.

His chest was slashed by a sharp weapon, and blood was still bleeding intermittently. His right leg was slumped weakly, apparently broken.

Due to excessive blood loss, the boy's face was pale, and he could not even see a trace of blood on his lips, as if he might die at any time.

Simple Ji moved with pity and couldn't bear to leave him here alone, so she took him home.

After finally carrying him home, Ji Chunpu's parents did not object, but instead helped to carry him to the side room, and took out a few rare elixir that the family had collected over the years to treat his injuries.

Under the careful care of the Ji family, the teenager's injury gradually improved.

The wound on his chest was slowly scabbing over Ji's daily uninterrupted application of herbs.

Half a month later, the unconscious teenager opened his eyes.

Looking at everything in front of him, he naturally understood that he was rescued by the Ji family, so he was grateful.

He told them that his name was Nan Chengyang, and he came from an ordinary Cultivation family.

This time, during the treasure hunt, the demon cultivator was concerned about it. Not only was the treasure he had just obtained stolen, but even the storage bag was taken away, and he was seriously injured by the demon cultivator after it was over.

He thanked her again and again and expressed his determination that he would definitely repay the Ji family's life-saving grace in the future.

Seeing that his attitude was so gentle, Ji's parents naturally became more interested in him, so they said he should not think too much, live with peace of mind, and take care of the injury first.

As for repayment, they didn't take it seriously. They believed that their family was safe and happy, and there was nothing he could do to help.

Nan Chengyang's injury is not serious, and Ji's parents are busy with the farm work in the fields, so the task of taking care of him falls on Ji.

Ji did not dislike this modest and polite young man, and naturally took care of him very carefully.

For the first few days, Ji felt that Nan Chengyang treated her very politely, and she didn't care.

But then one day, when Ji was cultivating, she was bumped into by Nan Chengyang, and her face changed instantly.

Ji asked him what was wrong, he adjusted his expression, told her that she was very talented, and asked if she would like to let him guide.

Ji is naturally incapable of seeking knowledge. Her parents' cultivation base is not high, and they are both in the period of qi training. She lacks formal guidance.

So, in the days that followed, the two were basically inseparable.

Nan Chengyang likes to throw his wooden crutches aside, leaning on Ji to practice walking, and he will patiently guide Ji's practice, explaining to her the knowledge she can't understand over and over again.

As if to use up all his tenderness.

Gradually, Ji's face turned red involuntarily when she was helping Nan Chengyang to change the wound medicine; when he instructed her to practice, her eyes became erratic involuntarily.

Ji knew that she fell in love with this gentle young man in front of her.

She began to run away, she knew that he would leave sooner or later, this boy did not belong to her.

However, Nan Chengyang found her and confessed to her. He said that he had fallen in love with her a long time ago and asked her to come with him, and he would marry her.

Ji was shy, but after that, she felt overwhelmed.

She didn't want to, she didn't want to leave her parents just for the love in her heart.

She shook her head in rejection, pushed him away and ran away.

Nan Chengyang shouted affectionately behind him, he will not give up his beloved girl, he will wait until she agrees.

After that, Nan Chengyang treated her more tenderly, robbed her of the heavy work in her hands, taught her to practice, and did not alienate her because of her refusal.

Ji was a little moved, but that was all.

When Nan Chengyang mentioned it to pick up her parents, she resolutely refused, and told him that her mother was injured in her early years and was not suitable for long-distance travel.

Moreover, the ancestral graves are here, and they cannot leave.

Now, Nan Chengyang finally stopped persuading her.

He said with a smile, he was not leaving either, he was where she was.

Ji can't do it, the two just dragged along.

However, Ji's father was unfortunately crushed to the ground by a sudden manic monster while hunting in the mountains, and his neck was bitten off, and he died on the spot.

Ji's mother suddenly heard the news, her old illness relapsed, and she followed.

Ji has since become a real loner.

Nan Chengyang offered to take her home again, and promised to treat her well and give her another home.

The heartbroken Ji did not refuse this time.

After the two buried Ji's parents together, they left the small mountain village.

Nan Chengyang took her home, and his parents treated her very well, just like their own daughters, all of which were perfect.

And he also fulfilled his promise. He treated her so well that the neighbors were envious and praised.

He never let her do rough work. Whenever he was free, the two would get together and exchange cultivation experience.

He attaches great importance to her cultivation, and when she appears in the neck, he is always more anxious than she is.

He would often go out and buy her the elixir pills needed for her cultivation.

She persuaded him, but he said that before her mother died, he promised her mother to take good care of her.

And he didn't want her to be too weak in her cultivation. Anyway, in this cultivation world, she must have the ability to protect herself, so he can rest assured.

The scene of her father's death lingered in his mind, and he didn't want such a thing to happen again.

Ji remembered her parents and felt sad, so she stopped persuading her, and instead practiced seriously.

Fortunately, she did live up to his expectations, and her cultivation improved quickly.

After Ji breaks through the golden pill, Nan Chengyang finally proposes marriage to her.

Ji thought that he had treated her well over the years, and that she really liked him, she tried her best to ignore the unreality in her heart, and nodded in agreement with him.

So, amid the lively beating of gongs and drums by the neighbors, she put on the red wedding dress she sewed and married the boy she had been in love with since she was young and ignorant until now.