Chapter 59 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 32

However, the wedding night was quite tiring for Ji, she only felt that the night was extraordinarily long.

When she woke up the next morning, she felt very weak.

Upon inspection, she found that her cultivation had fallen to the Qi training stage!

She was shocked!

She wanted to ask Nan Chengyang what happened to her.

But could not find him.

Asked Nan Chengyang's parents, they also shook their heads and said they didn't know, maybe he went out.

Ji is helpless.

Nan Chengyang's parents didn't care much about their son. Instead, they let their son make up his mind about everything and never asked him where he was going.

This is what she already knew.

And she's been here for so long, but she hasn't been out much, and she didn't know where to look for a while, so she had to wait for him to come back.

This wait is two days and two nights.

Nan Chengyang came back, and the corner of his eyes was full of joy that could not be concealed.

Ji forcibly ignored the strangeness in her heart. She asked him if she knew why her cultivation had dropped so fast, and what happened that night.

Only then did Nan Chengyang restrain the joy on his face.

He told her that he didn't know until that night that she had a pure yin constitution.

But the beauty was too beautiful that night, and after years of wishing, he finally got what he wanted. He couldn't control it for a while, so he didn't know how to control and almost sucked her cultivation base clean.

He was also surprised and sorry for her.

That's why I couldn't face her for a while, and went out in a hurry, also trying to find a way to restore the cultivation base.

Fortunately, two days and two nights were not in vain. He found a rare elixir, which could help her recover a little.

As he spoke, he took out the elixir with guilt on his face.

Ji saw the wound on the palm of his hand at a glance. Although it had been dealt with simply, the bloody opening still made her heart twitch.

At the moment, she didn't even bother to question him anymore, she hurriedly pulled him over and helped him deal with the wound carefully again.

She took back all the dissatisfaction and complaints that even the newlyweds had left behind.

She wanted to have a good time with him.

So, after that, this kind of thing still happens from time to time.

Nan Chengyang was also guilty, but he said he wanted a child, a cute and kind child like Ji.

Ji couldn't move.

She let him go out more and more and longer.

She knew that he was busy with the future of both of them, and that was enough.

And all she can do every day is to concentrate on her practice.

She likes children from the bottom of her heart. If she can really have a child, she thinks all the suffering will be worth it.

Fortunately, three years after they got married, she did get pregnant.

After being diagnosed with pregnancy, she couldn't hide her excitement and almost cried with joy.

She was eager to share this joy with Nan Chengyang.

And Nan Chengyang went out again because he was looking for elixir, so she could only wait.

She waited patiently for ten days, and the initial excitement gradually calmed down.

When Nan Chengyang heard the news, his face became extremely ugly.

Ji keenly sensed that, even though he immediately turned into a smile, she still caught something wrong.

This is not what a father who is talking about all day long about having a baby should behave!

She finally became suspicious of him.

Especially when he walked out with a gloomy face that night.

Looking back and thinking about the past, she became more and more suspicious.

She quietly followed behind him.

Nan Chengyang had something hidden in his heart, but he didn't find anyone behind him.

After this, Ji followed Nan Chengyang to Nanfu.

From a distance, the Nanfu is resplendent, and its status and strength are definitely not low.

Ji had an almost absurd conjecture.

And the respectful "Second Young Master" from the gatekeeper of the Nanfu cut off the last thought in her heart.

She covered her mouth with one hand, and tightly grasped the blue wall behind her with the other, hiding her figure in the darkness.

With such a mansion standing here, it's easy to find out what's going on.

After intercepting several passersby one after another, she also asked for most of the information.

The Nan family was originally the first-class Xiuzhen family in Xieyang City.

However, no matter how good or many resources are, if the future generations are not up to the standard, there will always be a day when they will be exhausted.

This generation of Nanjia has gradually declined.

Nan Shu, the eldest son of the Nan family, was gifted and intelligent when he was a child, and his cultivation speed was extremely fast. The head of the Nan family was once proud of his eldest son and regarded him as the hope for the rise of the Nan family.

However, unfortunately, when Nanshu was fifteen years old, he had an accident when he went to the Monster Beast Mountains to practice.

He was trampled under the body by the suddenly manic monster. Although he was rescued in time by the guards, he still broke his legs and was paralyzed on the bed.

The head of the Nan family was sad and grief-stricken, so he could only take the illegitimate child raised outside home.

This illegitimate son is the second son of the Nan family, Nan Chen.

Although Nan Chen's qualifications are not good enough, he is very patient. Under the difficulties of the Nan family's mistress, he has firmly secured the position of the second son of the Nan family, and even won the support of the Nan family's head.

However, when Nan Chen was seventeen years old, in order to save Yao Xinlian, the beloved daughter of the city lord of Xieyang City, from the hands of the magic cultivator, unfortunately, the severely Nan Chen counterattacked to the death and was shot down the cliff and disappeared.

People thought his life was in danger.

Unexpectedly, a year later, Nan Chen returned again.

The first thing he did after he came back was to propose to the Yao family, saying that he had been in love with Yao Xinlian for many years.

In the past, I knew that my cultivation was too low, my aptitude was blunt, and I had always been very inferior, so I had to hide this love in my heart.

After experiencing life and death this time, I woke up and didn't want to miss it again.

Since the moment Yao Xinlian was rescued by him, her heart was attached to him, and when she heard this confession, she was naturally moved.

However, City Lord Yao did not agree. He would not allow his beloved daughter to marry a mere foundation-building cultivator.

But he was afraid that blunt rejection would affect the father-daughter relationship.

He said that two years later, as long as he saw Nan Chen's hope of advancing to Nascent Soul, he would agree to marry the two of them.

City Lord Yao thought that Nan Chen would retreat in spite of the difficulties, but two years later, Nan Chen broke through the golden core and reached the middle stage of the golden core.

Now, City Lord Yao saw Nan Chen's potential and naturally no longer objected.

So Nan Chen married Yao Xinlian as he wished.

The past three years have been very sweet for the two of them. Just a few days ago, there was news that Yao Xinlian was pregnant.

When Ji heard Nan Shu's accident, a storm surged in her heart.

There are too many similarities connected, and she can no longer deceive herself.

Nan Chengyang is Nanchen, this is the truth that needs no further verification.

She only had a deep hatred for Nan Chen.

She stumbled back to the home that Nan Chen fabricated for her.

A few days later, she casually drank the abortion pill that Nan Chen handed her.

After the child was lost, she shut Nan Chen out of the house because of her grief and grief.

Nan Chen thought she was too sad because she felt guilty for not taking good care of the child, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought that Ji was still as simple as before, so he said that he was going to a far away place to find elixir, and he might not come back for a long time.

Ji in the room sneered, and said bye in a low voice.

Nan Chen returned to Nan's house contentedly to accompany Yao Xinlian, who was pregnant, and it was a year since he left.