Chapter 60 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 33

Ji used this time to cultivate hard. Her aptitude is not bad, and one year is enough to restore her cultivation base to its peak state.

Moreover, during this period, she contacted Nan Shu, the eldest son of the Nan family, by writing a letter.

Although Nan Shu was no longer the same as before, he did not become decadent.

With the help of his loyal subordinates, he successfully concealed everyone in the Nan family, and quietly cultivated to the early Nascent Soul, on a par with his father, the head of the Nan family.

He knew that his accident was because of Nan Chen, so he was thinking about revenge all the time.

The reason why he didn't have an attack was because he was afraid of City Lord Yao, who had cultivated in the late Nascent Soul.

At the same time, there is also a lack of an opportunity.

And now, the opportunity has clearly come.

Nanshu and Ji hit it off.

And they also know that revenge can't be rushed, so they do not move for the time being. It's just a secret plan through correspondence.

A year later, on the day the Nan family held the Full Moon Banquet, news came out from the underground black market that the reason why Nan Chen's cultivation progressed so quickly was because a female cultivator with pure Yin constitution was helping him behind him.

There was an uproar in the cultivation world, and the first thing everyone thought of was Yao Xinlian.

As a result, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods came out one after another.

They didn't believe Nanchen's explanation, so they robbed people without saying a word.

City Lord Yao was severely injured in the chaos, and his cultivation base was destroyed in one fell swoop.

In desperation, Yao Xinlian tightly protected the baby in her arms. Nan Chen saw that her newborn son was going to be brutally murdered by everyone. Finally, he no longer thought of monopoly, so she loudly announced Ji's existence.

When Nan Chen took everyone to find Ji, he was in vain.

Ji has long disappeared.

I asked the old couple who pretended to be Nan Chen's parents, and learned that she left as early as two months ago and never came back.

Although this matter has temporarily stopped on the surface, a large number of monks are still secretly investigating Ji's traces.

Including some monks who have been paying attention to this matter, but have not shown up.

However, Nan Chen didn't have the energy to keep track of Ji's whereabouts.

Returning to the Nan family, what awaits him is Yao Xinlian's rebellion, the questioning of the head of the Nan family, and Nan Shu's long-awaited revenge.

In the end, Nan Chen's leg was broken alive, his cultivation base dissipated, and he was kicked out of the Nan family.

Nan Chen, who had nowhere to go, went to the city lord's mansion many times, hoping that Yao Xinlian would forgive him for the sake of the child, and let go of his past suspicions.

However, Yao Xinlian is not soft-hearted at all, how much she loved him before, how much she hates him now!

Her father, who was seriously ill in bed at home, seemed to remind her every moment how hateful this man full of lies was!

She would rather have a child without a father!

Therefore, once Nan Chen appeared, she would have someone blast him away once.

She didn't fall into the trap and kill them all. For the sake of her husband and wife for many years, she only had a little kindness left.

The crippled Nan Chen slept on the street and worked as a beggar for twenty years.

The monks who were looking for Ji have also left in disappointment in the past 20 years.

When Ji, twenty years later, saw Nan Chen again, he was dying.

She looked at Nan Chen who was staring at her for a while, and smiled quietly.

Half a day later, someone found the body of a beggar with a dirty body and an extremely strange death in the streets and alleys.

He lay flat on the ground, and from a distance, it seemed that there was no abnormality. If he leaned forward, he would find that his neck was flying.

What everyone does not know is that in front of a grave in a remote small mountain village, there is a neck with a needle stitched in the middle.

After taking revenge, Ji devoted herself to cultivation, and her cultivation has already broken through the transformation of God, and she is only one step away from ascension.

However, it was this step that she couldn't take in a short time.

In desperation, she traveled around.

On the way, she encounters a highly respected monk.

The eminent monk told her that her future generations will also repeat her mistakes because of her constitution.

Ask her if she is willing to give up the opportunity to soar and find a slim chance for her future life.

Ji didn't immediately answer the monk's question, and after he left, she still traveled around according to the plan.

When she met a mountain range, she finally chose to end her trip.

She opened a cave here and never went down the mountain again.

She used her remaining time to keep casting spells on herself, and at the same time, she worked hard to create a set of amazing exercises.

In the last time, she placed special restrictions on Dongfu, and then she sat down peacefully.

"So, Ji is Jiang Mi's previous life!" After hearing Ji Cannian's voicemail, Tu Mi felt very complicated for a while.

In this way, it also makes sense to explain why Jiang Mi, who has a yin physique, has progressed so slowly in her cultivation, which must be related to Ji's spell.

A pure yin female cultivator with a low cultivation base is not suitable to be a furnace, at least not for the time being, because there is not much effect.

Tu Mi understood Ji's thoughts and admired her very much.

Not only because of her way of doing things, but also because of her free-spiritedness.

It is not something ordinary people can do to easily give up the opportunity to soar.

Thinking about it this way, I'm afraid that only she can open the restriction of the cave here.

It's just a pity that what Ji tried so hard to do still failed to make Jiang Mi escape the tragic ending.

Tu Mi looked at the corpse in front of her, and felt a deep pity for her for a while.

"Oh…that's all…"

Tu Mi shook off the uneasy feeling in her heart, bowed to Ji bow, and buried her good life.

Just let it all, dust to dust, dust to dust.

After half a day, Tu Mi returned to the cave.

She looked around and found a small groove on the back wall where Ji was sitting, and she decisively inserted the wood chip in her hand.

At this time, the wall slowly opened to both sides, revealing a deep path.

Obviously an agency.

Tu Mi poked around and walked inside.

At the end of the trail, it was not what Tu Mi thought, it was another stone room.

Instead, what connects here is the bottom of a canyon.

As far as the eye can see, is a large piece of green bamboo, the bamboo leaves are densely intertwined.

The staggered shadows spread over the long trail.

At the other end of the path, there is a two-story bamboo hut.

The environment is quiet, and there is a sense of quiet time.

However, Tu Mi could not feel any signs of life activity here, as if it was isolated from the outside world.

She felt something was wrong.

This is not like the place Ji has lived, but it is like a place that is deliberately prepared for others.

Tu Mi had a bad guess, she tried to go back.

However, she found that she seemed to be inseparable from here, as if there was an invisible and intangible barrier trapping her here.