Evolving Thermal Sight

The war was standing with the giant sword in front of him, his legs straddled to stabilize his body, his body leaned forward slightly, and the blue veins on his hind legs burst out.

He was like a cheetah about to slaughter its prey, his body arched, his muscles expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted.

"Is it still possible to transform a human body like this?" Rhodes raised his eyebrows, playing with his taste.

"Hahaha~" Zhan said with a deep laugh, "What are you going to do with this trick?"

After he finished speaking, his body flew away from the spot, and the knife light flashed in front of Rhodes.


Everyone could not see the movements of the two, only to see two silhouettes intertwined with each other, and then a loud noise broke out, the wind and waves spread, and the smoke and dust blocked everyone's sight.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the silhouettes of the two appeared dark shadows in the thin dust.

A giant beast was strangled by the neck of a teenager, and its limbs dangled and swayed at will, and it seemed that it had lost its vitality.

"What! How is this possible!" the Egyptian soldier screamed.

In front of them, Rhodes actually grabbed Zhan's neck with one hand, pierced his fingers deeply, blood poured out of the blood hole, and Zhan's body had become a corpse.

And Rhodes actually didn't change his expression, no one saw how he strangled the war, but from his expression, he knew that there was no strong fight at all.

He strangled the war like a rabbit.

The plague's body shook, and the horses under him neighed in fright, then turned around and began to run wildly.

The master's fear infected the spirit beast, and the fear of death stimulated its survival instinct, allowing it to escape with its master.

The plague recovered from the shock, leaned over and pressed against the white horse, then swung the whip and ran away quickly on the horse.

He knew that a monster like Rhodes had exceeded his expectations, strangling the war with one hand, what kind of strength would this have?

When the Egyptian soldiers saw that the general had fled, they threw away their shields and spears one by one, and then fled in all directions.

"Can't let him run away!" Sieg commanded the Athenian soldiers, pointing at the fleeing plague, he fired a cannon, but the distance was not enough.

Rhodes stared at the back of the plague, thinking that this guy caused the death of innocent people in Athens, a wildfire couldn't help but ignite in his eyes.

"Ding! The host [Rhodes] has evolved [Thermal Sight]!"

In the eyes, a red stream of light burst out suddenly, and two scorching beams shot straight towards the plague, piercing through several Egyptian soldiers in a straight line along the way, and instantly burned them to ashes.

The plague felt a chill behind him, and turned around to check. Two parallel red beams of light shot instantly in front of him. Before he could respond, they pierced through his chest.

The white horse under him suddenly stopped slowly. The plague still didn't understand what happened. He looked down and saw two blood holes in his chest. From the cross section, he could see that his internal organs melted like magma, and gradually evaporated into a stench. blood fog.

He vomited a mouthful of blood, and his body fell on the horse's back and gradually burned.

The white horse felt the burning sensation on his back, and his hoofs accelerated, throwing the plague corpse off, and then fled into the distance.

The remaining Egyptian soldier, Rhodes, didn't intend to let it go either. He flicked the lasers from his eyes, and two streams of light that had the temperature to melt everything swept across the battlefield, cutting every accessible creature and substance into pieces. Two breaks.

In an instant, the war changed to a sea of ​​blood, and the screams of Egyptian soldiers were heard everywhere.

But it only lasted for a few seconds, replaced by a silent silence, all the Egyptian soldiers died tragically on the ground, their bodies were swallowed by the flames and turned into ashes.

The Athenian soldiers were also terrified. They hid behind Rhodes and did not dare to advance, for fear that Rhodes' divine power would strike and affect them.

Seeger also froze in place. He couldn't imagine how fast Rhodes was growing, and he couldn't even think of any ancestor who had seen it in history that could reach the speed of Rhodes' growth.

Only a few Egyptians who accidentally fell while escaping escaped, stood up and ran even more frantically.

"Stop chasing, let them report back," Rhodes ordered.

The Athenian soldiers then began to sweep the battlefield, instead of pursuing the few fleeing soldiers.

After running for a while, they found that there were no pursuers behind them, and they fell to the ground half-dead, gasping for breath, tossing their limbs, and unable to move.

"Then… what is that?"

"Mephista! It's a red-eyed Mephista!"

After a short rest, their bodies suddenly became cold, and they recalled the hell-like scene they had just experienced. They were too frightened to stay for a long time, and immediately set off and fled all the way back to Egypt.

Egypt, inside the pharaoh's palace.

In front of the main hall are two sphinxes, staring into the distance so that everyone who comes here feels an invisible sense of oppression.

Inside, several deserters who survived Egypt knelt on the ground, not daring to look up.

Sitting on the main hall, holding the golden staff of Su Sheng, he has dark blue skin, his eyes are hidden behind the eyelids, empty and deep, and his solemn appearance makes people feel his solemnity.

His long blue hair was scattered behind him, he was wearing golden shoulder pads and bottoms, a scarlet gem was inlaid on the waistband, and a silver-white long sword was inserted beside his seat.

After listening to the narratives of several deserters, he stood up, drew his long sword and gradually walked in front of the crowd.

Several deserters listened to the heavy footsteps that gradually approached, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Several silver-white sword lights flashed, and the blood instantly stained the earth-yellow ground. *