Lauf meets Apocalypse

Several deserters were decapitated, and the fractures were as smooth and neat as mirror surfaces, making it impossible to imagine how skilled the beheaders were.

"There are such cowards in my army." He flicked the blood from the blade and drew a splash of ink on the ground. The purpose of beheading deserters so solemnly was for military discipline.

"Lord Apocalypse!" The Egyptian attendant in golden armor stepped forward and said, "The light cannon they mentioned may be Asgard's weapon."

"But we've never heard of a Mephista who can use the power of the magic eye, maybe they're exaggerating to avoid sin."

Apocalypse turned around and walked back to his throne, the silver long sword was wrapped in a lavender light, and then he actually returned to the sword slot and inserted it.

The people around were not surprised, they all knew that this was the special ability of their Lord Apocalypse, Psychokinesis.

Compared with this magic-like ability, Apocalypse's other abilities are even more terrifying, and even a single snap of a finger can make people melt into a piece of flesh and blood.

In their eyes Apocalypse is the only god in this world.

"Even without the terrifying Mephista, as long as the people of Asgard intervene, we will not be able to capture Greece." He said worriedly.

"And…" Apocalypse clenched his fists, "I also lost the two generals of the plague and the war, the god of evil eyes, I must tear him to pieces with my own hands."

The hall fell into silence. They knew Asgard's strength. The thousand Protoss soldiers who suddenly appeared on the battlefield could suppress an army of 30,000 people at will with their spears and light cannons.

And among them, there are so many transformed people who have surpassed ordinary human beings, and they are still vulnerable.

If you want to fight against such a race, the strength of the current army is simply hitting the stone with the egg.

Seeing that no one could come up with a countermeasure, Apocalypse became even more melancholy, and he did not dare to offend Asgard's people at will, after all, it was the power of the God King Odin.

Fighting with him will only hurt both sides.

"Report! Pharaoh!" One of His Royal Highness's messenger guards rushed up, "A Giants of Jotunheim who calls himself Lauf asks to see you!"

Apocalypse narrowed his eyes, hooked his fingers and said, "Call him up."

In his impression, the Giants of Jotunheim are the race of Jotonheim, and have a bloody feud with Asgard.

He had just had a head-to-head confrontation with the people from Asgard, and the other party actually came back to see him at this time. It seemed that his intentions were somewhat similar to his own.

Your Highness, Lauf came forward with several of his Giants of Jotunheim.

"Hello, I'm the King of the Giants of Jotunheim, Lauf."

Apocalypse looked down at the people who were humbling and half-kneeling in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you ask to see me?"

Lauf looked at the corpses under his feet, and then waved one hand, and an ice cream instantly turned into an ice thorn and pierced through the corpses.

The corpse was condensed by ice cubes, and the surface was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the skin turned ghastly.

A few Giants of Jotunheim stepped on it gently, and the corpses shattered like bubbles in an instant, and the ice crystals that turned into fragments scattered in the air.

The corpses that were still on the ground disappeared completely, and the ground was tidy all of a sudden.

The Egyptians looked at Lauf in amazement, realizing that he was a man with the same miracles as Lord Apocalypse.

"I'm here to clear the obstacles for you." Lauf said humbly, and by the way, used frost to clean up the blood on the ground.

"I know that Asgard has offended you recently, and we have a deep hatred with Asgard, so I want to help you."

Apocalypse raised his eyebrows with interest, and spread his hands around his wrists, "Continue talking."

Lauf raised a finger, "But if you want to know more, you have to promise us a condition first."

"What conditions?" Apocalypse asked.

"We must kill Asgard's soldiers first, and take Athens as the second. With the support of our weapons, ordinary human beings are like dust, which can be wiped away."

Apocalypse nodded. Since Asgard was already sheltering Athens, they couldn't cross this hurdle. They had to confront Asgard head-on, and it was reasonable to kill the powerful divine soldier first.

Lauf smiled lightly, and then asked his subordinates to present an ice crystal axe, "This is the Axe of Frost. It can use frost magic. It can freeze their bodies for divine soldiers, and directly destroy them for humans."

"My people will send you these axes. I believe that with these weapons, your army will be more brave."

Apocalypse took the axe and waved it casually. A frost appeared in front of him, and an ice thorn was frozen, extending to the outside of the temple.

Seeing how powerful the hand axe was, the flames of revenge against Asgard and Athens ignited in their hearts.

Looking at these high-end weapons, Apocalypse smiled, "You have shown your sincerity, and I am willing to befriend you."

Lauf smiled faintly, "My honor." Then he left the main hall with his men.

outside the Egyptian palace.

Several of Lauf's subordinates walked up to him and asked inexplicably, "Why should we respect him? After we open the treasure box, he will freeze to death here."

Lauf shook his head, looked at the sky and frowned: "Midgard is under Asgard's surveillance, if we rashly open the Ice Treasure Chest, a powerful source of magic will definitely be detected."

"In the time it takes to activate the Ice Treasure Box, there is enough time for Asgard's people to bring people over to strangle us."

"And, can't you feel it? The Ability hidden in that guy is really amazing. If you want to find an adjective, it can be said to be Almighty God, even if I dare not say that it can win."*