Everyone should be safe

Logan half-opened his eyes as soon as the morning sun shone and dazzled upon him. He tilted his head, finding himself sleeping on something. Something soft and the soothing scent of the cloth hitting his cheeks and face.

Logan opened his eyes wide and immediately woke up to find himself asleep on Pan's lap.

"Hi… Got enough sleep?"

Logan tried to remember the last thing he did before falling asleep. He had a small talk with Pan, then somehow suddenly it was morning, and he was the one who fell asleep in that position.


"Don't worry, I got to sleep too."

Pan smiled at Logan, a smile he was used to seeing before they entered this dungeon.

They immediately packed up. It was the start of a new day, which was also a sign that they had to fight back another golem.

"Several tens of golems are roaming near this area. Any plans, Zeno?"

They immediately gathered and discussed their plans for today.

Rania was tasked with scouting the enemy's whereabouts and immediately reporting if danger was approaching.

"I think we need to lure them in small numbers, and it'll be easier, of course, to finish them off."

"How do we lure them?"

"Could you do a slight attack with your Hawk Rania?"

The idea expressed by Zeno looked reasonable. Lure small numbers of enemies, then finish them off slowly. This method can be done because Rania had a spirit beast that she could command to do various things, including making attacks on the opponent. However, Logan had other thoughts.

"Golems have connections with each other. If we attack one of them, then the other golems that were in the same group will come to help."

"How did you know that, Logan?"

"I agree, Zeno. I've also read about it in ancient books, about the abilities of the golems, just as Logan said."

Ilmar, who seemed the most passive, also agreed with Logan's opinion. They quite easily believed in Logan's opinion, considering his experience in dungeons shouldn't be as much as they had.

"Do you have a better plan, Logan?"

"I don't think we have any other way than attacking whoever we meet, killing them quickly. Then immediately leaving that place to carry out attacks elsewhere."

Zeno nodded his head, agreeing with Logan's suggestion.

"Okay, let's follow Logan's strategy. Rania will guide the journey this time."

They immediately prepared with their respective weapons. They walked, following where Zeno was walking.

"I will walk into the leading position. Ilmar will guard the rear. Rania will be with Pan. And Logan…"

"I will be with Pan. But I will be more active in making movements if needed, considering that my skills allow that."

They agreed with each other and started their journey.

Rania chose the route for them, trying to avoid the golems in large numbers. They had to run and dodge now and then because a group of golems suddenly appeared and called out to their companions.

Their journey came to a halt when Rania felt they had found a group of golems that matched the number Logan had suggested for them to fight.

The party was hiding behind large rocks when, in the end, they could see 7 brown golems standing in the sun.

[Little Clay Golem Tier 4]

The golems were the same as the ones Logan encountered last night when he was scouting the boss's room.

"This golem, the same as the previous golem, has the skill to restrain the opponent's movement. They are long-range fighting types. It will be tough to escape if you get hit by the clay they throw."

All of them nodded their heads in unison at Logan's explanation.

"As planned, we'll kill them all at once quickly. Let me get their attention."

Logan immediately stood up but stopped when someone grabbed his wrist.

Logan turned his head and found out that it was Pan who did this.

"Logan, be careful."

Logan smiled and nodded his head, then disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Logan ran, jumped, and reappeared around the golems.

"Hi, got enough sleep?"

The golems responded to Logan's presence. Throwing at the young man part of their bodies.

Logan jumped to the side, then into the air. He fell to the ground again, rolled over, then ran in one direction, hoping the golems would follow him.

What Logan was doing was trying as much as possible to position the Golems at one point close together. Logan ran in the direction where his friends were.

Dozens of arrows shot from behind the rocks, raining down on the golems who were chasing Logan.

Someone jumped into the air. A hammer giant was in the man's hands. Zeno threw a blow that instantly made his hammer enlarge several times, hitting the golems.

Dozens of energy balls shot from Ilmar's hands. Then the man also ran, dashing, making sure all their opponents were crushed and lost their life.

The fight didn't take long. The party finished the seven golems. After that, they immediately rushed off, following where Rania directed them.

They spent the day doing the same, combing through the dungeons and killing every golem they came across.

Day by day, they were getting more and more fluent in their movements. The more they fought, the more they understood how the golems fight, and the more courageous they got to face them in large numbers.

"I can confirm that there is no golem left, except the one in the boss room."

One week had passed, and Rania ensured that the remaining golems should be the only ones in the boss room.

"I had been in the boss room, and I can confirm his form."

Logan said that he had visited the boss room, but they didn't really go into details about what he found until now.

"The golem we are about to face has the shape of a wolf. Golems with beast forms have more flexible movements and those who also inherit the beast's way of fighting."

Logan explained the form of the golems that inhabit the boss room.

Everyone in front of him gulped.

Rania seemed to be clearly trembling. It could be seen from the bow she was holding.

"Deals as much damage as possible until the monster core of the golem is exposed. And we will have a chance to finish it off."

Logan went on to explain some of the attack patterns that the golems possessed. Everyone was horrified by every explanation Logan gave.

This was the only path they could take. There was no other way. Waiting too long was also useless. If the allotted time was up, all the monsters in the three areas would gather, making it difficult for them even more.

They went back to rest that night. The food they used to enjoy no longer tasted like food, just something they had to force into their mouths to keep their stamina in tip-top shape.

The opponent they were going to face was something beyond their reach. They had no reason to hold back. For whatever reason, everyone should be safe in at least this first area. Because, if not, how will they get through the following two areas, which will definitely be higher in difficulty?