Staring At His Prey

Night fell, the night where they would stake their life to fight an enemy beyond their power. The battle against the boss was decided to be carried out at night, considering Logan's potential strength, which will be boosted if he is under the moonlight.

They were getting ready, making sure that their weapons were at their best. And also ensuring that their physical and mental conditions were at its finest.

"Status Window"

Logan reaffirmed all the stats he had.

[Name: Logan Evans]

[Tier: 3]

[Class: D Grade Stalker Lv. 4]

[Class: SSS Grade Soul Emperor Lv. 3]

[Strength: 35]

[Dexterity: 100]

[Intelligence: 118]

[Constitution: 18]

[Charisma: 39]

[Luck: 18]

Logan managed to get the status points he needed to reach Dexterity 100 and some status points to increase his Strength.

After reaching Dexterity 100, Logan acquired an additional skill in his Stalker class.

"Class Window"

[Class: D Grade Stalker Lv. 4]


[Shadow Blessing Lv. 2: Increase attack speed and movement speed by 10%.]

[Shadow Vanished Lv. 1: Vanish under the moon for 2s.]

[Moon Assault Lv. 1: Increase attack damage by 10% under the moon.]

[Class: SSS Grade Soul Emperor Lv. 3]


[Soul Domain Lv. 1: Unlock access to a specific domain to gather any soul. Slots 3/10]

[Soul Collector Lv. 1: Collect similar soul fragments, create a soul stone. Slots 1/2]

[Soul Contract Lv. 1: Make a contract with any soul and share some of their traits. Slots 0/2]

The Shadow Blessing skill had successfully increased to level 2, and there were additional skills that would increase the total damage of the attacks he did.

Most of the SSS-Grade classes are classes that cannot stand alone. On average, they are obtained after the first class owned by the adventurers, likewise with Logan's current condition.

Before getting the right person for him to contract and unlock other skills from this class, Logan would not be able to maximize the potential of the SSS class he has.

That's why, at this early stage, Logan focuses on unlocking the three skills of the Stalker. So, he can focus on maximizing the level and then doing quests to upgrade the grade.

Logan was a tier 3 Adventurer who was still at a very early stage. In addition, the class that he has was also not fully compatible with the opponent he was facing. If he was without the soul stone's help, maybe Logan would not have survived this far.

"Equipment Window"

[Poison Snake Tail Dagger Tier 2]

[Soul Stone: Venom - Poisonous King of King Cobra Tier 3]


[Passive-Poisonous Bite: Apply powerful poison on every attack.]

[Active-Poisonous Fog: Produce a fog that will decrease anyone's sight in nearby]

[Active-Slithering Bind: Summon a snake to bind someone and make him unable to move.]

[Active-Snake Tail: Throw the blade with a chain.]

[Blink Spider Coat Tier 3]

[Soul Stone: Peter - Wild Steeder Tier 3]


[Passive-Escape from Death: Avoid critical strike once a day.]

[Passive-Spooky Groan: Places a Fear debuff on the attacker.]

[Passive-Spider Sense: Increase the sense of danger from a small range of areas.]

[Passive-Spider Walk: Allow to walk on any platform.]

[Ring of Nature Tier 3]

[Soul Stone: Ivy - Vegepygmy Tier 3]


[Passive-Thorny Whip: Apply a thorny modification to the weapon the user used.]

[Passive-Flourishing Forest: Recover health by being in nature.]

[Passive-Forest Whisper: Increase Strength by 10% by being in nature.]

[Passive-Friend with Nature: Increase affinity with Plant type Creatures.]

After knowing all the skills of the soul that are on the equipment he has, the information was automatically added to the system.

Logan gulped, then stood up, approaching the four elves waiting for him. Each of them showed a smile filled with tension.

The fire in the camp was still burning, creating shadows of the five people present. In the dark night, under the moonlight, among the trees and plants that grow wild, among the sea of ruins, they had made up their minds.

"Let's go, Captain Logan!"

Logan nodded his head, accepting Zeno's greeting of appreciation. On that night, everyone in the party agreed that Logan would lead their fight.

They knew that Logan was really new to the dungeon expedition. But the knowledge he had and all the decisions he made were not something a beginner would have. They never asked the reason for all that. Only by trusting Logan completely, they were sure they could get through the night perfectly.

Logan turned to face the other four. His stern face, always like the previous nights, was reddish-black, reflecting the moonlight and the embers of the bonfire.

"Ilmar will focus on carrying out long-range attacks and making sure Pan and Rania are out of danger."

Ilmar nodded his head slowly, not replying to Logan's words.


"Yes, Mr Logan..."

"You will focus on disrupting the movement of the golem. Attack its legs, making the golem unable to move freely. And if he jumps or attacks, don't hesitate to hit the Golem's eye with your arrows."

"Yes, Mr Logan. I'll do my best. You may put your trust in me."

Rania nodded her head. Her face looked stiff, but there was a blazing spirit and sincerity in the woman. In their one-week battle in this dungeon, Rania had also managed to advance to tier 4. Her self-confidence was at its highest.

"Zeno. You will focus on carrying out your brutal attacks to destroy the Golem's legs as much as possible."

Logan took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, making sure everything they had planned would go according to plan.

"Pan, you will focus on protecting everyone on the team."

Pan just nodded her head. The girl's smile was never seen again by Logan. But it was still better than the sad face she always put on her first two days in this dungeon. This time, Pan seemed more determined and focused on what they would face.

Everyone agreed and had only one goal. They immediately dashed to the destination where they would be conducting their fight tonight.

A temple with torn conditions, moss, and vines filled the outside of the rocky building. The moon was shining brightly that night, making it quite bright outside, even though it was night.

They stepped into the temple door, walking slowly. Until a room that could accommodate hundreds of people welcomed them.

At the far end of the room, a dull white figure, with a body covered in moss and vines, was curled up, asleep. A three-meter tall wolf, no, a golem in the shape of a wolf.

[Elite Forest Wolf Golem Tier 4]

The golem opened its eyes, which shined bright red in the dark. Standing up, shaking its head. It opened its mouth and howled.


"I didn't know that golems could sound like that."

Rania pointed her bow at the ceiling. After that, dozens of arrows shot out, crashing into the thick dark dome glass covering the room.

The shards of glass fell onto the floor, making a loud noise, followed by another howl of the golem. After that, the moonlight entered the room. Making the figure of the giant golem in front of them clearly visible.

The hammer in Zeno's hand suddenly enlarged several times. He immediately ran to greet the Golem.

Logan, too, ran, disappearing several times, after which he suddenly floated over the head of the Golem, which was now glaring at its prey of that night.