Dark Blue-colored Energy Flowed from His Palm

Logan came out at the same place where they entered the pocket dimension.

It was midnight, and the ocean was a lot calmer than before when the high-tier half-demons attacked them.

Logan put his feet on the surface of the sea. Then he combed in all directions for Elincia's whereabouts. Even though the night sky was bright enough to be filled with stars, the sea surface was still so dark that it was difficult for him to see.

Someone then stepped closer to him. Elincia was strolling on the surface of the water.

When they were sucked into the pocket dimension, it had been mid-noon, and now it was nighttime. Logan really wished that it was the same day as they had entered the pocket dimension.

Logan had a hard time standing on the surface of the water, which was constantly moving and undulating. He looked a little stupid as he repeatedly nearly lost his balance.

"General Elincia."


Logan gulped. 'Is there really no way to have a peaceful talk with her?'