My daughter, I leave everything to you

King Neldor, Flashback.

The Vensalor Kingdom, the Island of Elves. At the residence of Neldor Zylven, King of Vensalor Kingdom.

The old elf man with white hair was enjoying a cup of hot tea in the evening. That day was also when his beloved daughter returned to Vensalor after visiting the human world.

"General, Aura."

The Elven man muttered under his breath. His deep, firm voice broke the silence of the night. A quiet and peaceful night like the usual nights in that heavenly land.

"Please come in."

A circle of black energy appeared in front of the man, a teleportation portal. And from that portal, a person appeared, Aura Vamoira, the 4th General of Vensalor Kingdom.

Aura, the elf girl, immediately knelt before King Neldor.

"After hundreds of years, you are still doing this, General Aura?"

Aura then raised her face and stood up. King Neldor invited her, and the girl then approached the nearest chair and sat opposite King Neldor.