~17~ Sending Muffins with Letter

'Then yesterday, the lady that once had introduced her name as Victoria to me never went to the bakeshop again. If that's the case then I should as well shrug my thoughts to her. However, at the present I can't. It's not because I felt being drawn to her but because of Finneas and his gift to her. I only lied to him just to see him smile. However, I never thought that, she'll stop going in the Berry's anymore'

Ger thought while cleaning the tables inside the bakeshop. It was already time for him to go home again. That's why he was already cleaning, while Willy was busy checking the money income for the day

"Oh ho ho! This day surpassed the incomes for the previous days! Maybe because there's lots of ladies who were now interest at you Ger!"

"I don't think that, it's a valid reason Sir"

"Well, let's just say that it is! By the way, since I've counted that the income tripled, then I will award you for an extra bonus this day! However, I'm hoping that you'll be able to spend it wisely enough, alright?"


It surprised Ger because the owner in the shop truly is a generous one. He couldn't asked for more because the moment that he first applied there --- Willy just looked at him without any questions. Then afterward, he's already hired. The next day that Ger was hired --- comes many ladies lining up the old man's bakeshop. That's when he thought that Willy took him in because he can captivate any ladies. Before many ladies came to the shop --- he was left outside the bakeshop first to clean there and put some table and bread to offer or the ladies. It's the time that he went viral for the ladies there

"I'm guessing that your silence is a yes, right Ger!"


"Then come here, silly"

After saying those, Ger immediately cleaned all there had to clean and went towards Willy who gently and giggly messed Ger's hair while giving him his bonus for the day

"Remember to buy only the important things for this, alright? Oh and again with the breads that your siblings love as you said"


"I guess this is it"

The bakeshop had already closed and locked earlier. The old owner was now walking towards his home and Ger was about to walk ahead his small home when he stopped in his tracks and heaved a sigh as he looked at his other hand who was holding the bonus pay he had for the day

'The owner whose name is Willy sure is generous. He never forgets about my siblings' favorite breads to eat. I can only be thankful for him to let me work at his bakeshop even though he used me for my looks to the ladies'

Just by thinking of those thoughts made Ger heaved a sigh and started walking again. However, he only took a step forward and stopped again after seeing a shop that was selling different color of scarfs. He wanted to buy some for his brothers but he may never sure if the bonus that he got for his part-time job is enough for them

'Probably those scarfs will be expensive than my bonus'

He nearly shook his head when his sight saw how the scarfs can be bought half off of their prices when people bought them by 5 pcs

'I guess this time, I'll be able to buy some decent scarfs or cloth to keep my brothers warm'

Then afterward, he didn't hesitate to enter the shop only to be greeted harshly by a young man serving the people

"What do you want here young man. It's not a place for playing so would you ple---"

However, the servant wasn't able to finish what he was saying when Ger cut him off

"I apologize for coming however, I wanted to buy some of the scarfs there"

"Huh? You want to buy some scarfs with that clothes and appearance of yours young boy? Are you trying to make me laugh?"

The servant was harsh it's because he's only respecting nobles and harshly talking to commoners. Especially that Ger was entering the shop with his usual dirty clothes and brown paper bags with breads inside

"No, I'm not trying to make you laugh and I'm serious"

"With that appearance of yours? Excuse me young mister but I guess you are in the wrong sho---"

Again Ger cut him off with his serious look. He was patient for talking with the servant because he wanted to buy the scarfs that his brothers will like or even love. So he had no choice but to step down his pride and only grip tightly towards the brown paper bag he's holding

"I'm not in the wrong shop. I wanted to buy those and I'll buy those in five pieces"

"Are you kidd----"

And again for the third time --- the servant was cut off however this time it wasn't Ger that cut the young servant off from what he's saying it was the shop's owner

"I apologize young sir about how this servant of ours acted"

The owner was an old man with such a genuine smile towards Ger. Now, he was in front of Ger and immediately pick the servants ears making the servant yelp in pain

"For the hundredth times that I've warned you of disrespecting our customers Rasper, you should respect them for whenever they came, alright?"

"I-I'm s-sorry m-master. I-I promise I would never do that again. Please! My sister needed to some food to eat to our table so please don't fire me m-master Seb!"

The owner of the shop who was called master Seb by the servant only heaved a sigh and lets go of the servant's ears whose name is Rasper

"You've already said those hundredth times already however, right now I'll be giving you a chance. Accommodate this gorgeous young man and seek what he wanted to buy"

Seb warned Rasper as he seriously looked at the servant. A few seconds later, he looked to the young man whom he said was gorgeous and smiled. There, he said something as a sign of compensation for the servant's rude attitude for him

"I truly apologize young sir. It's because of this servant of ours that you were rudely greeted. Right now I wanted to offer you free things this day as a compensation for our rude servant"

Seb after speaking of those immediately bowed respectfully in front of Ger who was surprised by the sudden actions of the owner. However, Rasper was also surprised at the moment but later on he averted his gaze with a worried look. He's worried about his job and his attitude towards the people. Right now, Ger only looked seriously at Rasper and Seb

"I think it's alright besides, I truly wanted to buy for my sibli-----"

"Oh! So it's a gift young sir? Then it's truly my pleasure to offer you free of charge. Just tell me whatever you want this day"

"I'm sorry but I think that I still needed to pa----"

Right now, the owner was cutting what Ger was about to say

"Young sir, it's already an opportunity that I'm giving to you so please accept my sincerest apologies by granting you an offer right this night young sir"


Ger wasn't able to immediately respond because he was stunned by the persistence of the owner thathe only heaved a sigh after speaking what he truly wanted

"It's said in the sign outside the store that if one bought five scarfs the price will go down to hald of the usual price that's why I'm willing to pay if----"

Then again Ger as cut off by the owner while smiling genuinely

'So this young guy wanted to buy those scarfs. It's rare to have someone buying those kinds of clothes but for him I can give them for free. Besides, I saw how determined and how genuine he is even though he was being insulted by Rasper. I understand Rasper but I also understand the young sir that's why I needed to compensate him by offering free things. However I never thought he's also persistent at paying the things he'll bought here'

"Are there anything else, young sir?"

"Nothing more or less, I was hoping to give them to my siblings"

'Oh! So it's a gift! As I thought and said earlier, he's not only a good young guy but also a thoughtful one. I respect him a lot. It's because it's rare to see someone like him these days'

"Alright! Rasper, please pick those five scarfs---- oh wait"

Seb immediately halt what he was about to speak

"Don't you want to pick some of the colors there, young sir?"


For a moment Ger thought in his mind what color he should be buying. However, the only images that flashed towards his mind is the eyes of a lady that greeted him with her name Victoria

'Why did I suddenly thought of that girl? This is not normal anymore. Calm yourself down Ger, calm yourself'

Then after reminding himself --- he immediately spoke what he wanted

"Any colors would be fine. I only needed those as my gifts to my siblings"

"Alright, young sir. Now Rapser bring those scarfs in the front that was arrange nicely. Then you know what to do"

After waiting for a few seconds, the gifts were wrapped up with a nice paper brown bag with the shop's name "Magic"

"Thank you for visiting our shop young sir!"

"It's my honor to thank for giving me this for free Sir"

"Oh no worries, besides I think I you're a good guy who works hard that's why I'm willing to give you free of charge also with a compensation for my servant's rude behavior"

"It's alright sir I understand. Once again thank you"

"Yes young sir. Be careful for your way home and you're truly welcome"


After buying the scarfs he was about to enter the alley when he saw a covered person placing something at the entrance of the alley they're staying

'Who is that person? This is the first time I saw someone placing something at our place'

Then he went inside after knowing that the person had left. He left inside their home on the alley the breads and the scarfs there as he immediately went towards the entrance. He was about to catch the person when his foot unconsciously kick something making him look towards the thing. However, it has a strong box so the things inside never thrown away

"What is this?"

Then he went from wanting to catch the person to being curious what the box had. Then after opening the box, he was surprise to see muffins there. Not only muffins but also a letter attached on the box inside

"Dear young boy, you may not remember me but I was one of the ladies that saved you that day! I just wanted to say take care and please have some of the muffins that I've baked! Oh! And if you're wondering who am I? Then just call me Tori"

That was what the letter's content yet it made Ger more confused and curious

'How did that lady named Tori know of our place?'