~18~ The Awaited Day

"…..and this will be your room from now on"

Fhar was instructing Giovanni because it was what the crown prince had told him. he didn't even know why he agreed easily because the emperor must have any say to this but because the crown prince is powerful on him then he can easily let it go. Besides, he knew that the crown prince is very grateful to this person for saving Miss Hersha that's why as a gratitude --- he invited him to work in the palace without any objection from the young man.

Fahar could only sigh after saying those words because when he looked at Giovanni --- his expressions says it all. His mouth was wide open with his eyes roaming around the place as if he was in some dream

"Please pinch me and tell me that it's not a dream?"

Giovanni unconsciously blurted out to Fahar. However, he never meant any of those words. He only meant for himself but Fahar immediately did what he said. He immediately pinched one of Giovanni's cheeks and said the reality to him

"Young sir, you're not dreaming. This is reality"

Then instead of looking immediately at Fahar he yelped in pain for what Fahar did to him. He only felt how painful was being pinched in the cheeks than the ears that his father usually do to him


"Oh! Apologies, I must have exerted a lot of effort"


However, instead of replying back to Fahar Giovanni only massages gently his cheeks while closing his eyes

"Alright, young sir --- as his highness had said your name was Giovanni right?"

"Y-Yes Sir"

Stuttering he finally said some words even after massaging his cheeks. Now, he's looking seriously towards Fahar who looked more than strict to him. He even asked those words with a tone of strictness in it

"Alright, call me Fahar instead"


"Yes just like that. Besides, you're one of his highness special people right now so I'm hoping that you'll be exemplifying such duties from now on"

"Exemplifying such duties?"

'Does this person new to things like cleaning or even what a butler can do? However, looking at his appearance he looked like a decent person but not like a noble though. How did the Piel even find this person?'

Fahar only heaved a sigh then talked to Giovanni again

"From now on, you'll do what a butler has to do for the mean time. However, when Miss Hersha had already recovered and woke up then you'll help her with everything she'll do, understand?"

'Now I know for one sure that my life from now on is not the same with my father who's serving count Florence'

"Understand Fahar. Oh and you can also call me Giovanni"

"Now, let's get that body of your in work"


However, the strictness in Fahar's voice seemed to be fading after knowing that the young man in front of him is not hostile but more like --- agreeable.

'Seems like we could be a good friends here'

Giovanni could only smile in his thoughts


Days had passed and the awaited day for the Chutlier had arrived

"Alright, Victoria how about you try this?"

"Mom! That was too girly!"

"Oh and how about this?"

"That was too revealing for a young lady like me"

"Hmmmm, then let's settle with this"

"I don't know what you're thinking right now mother however, it seems that I'll not wear any of those!"

Victoria was exclaiming hard enough for her mother Olivia picking what she'll wear for the day. It's because the duke will be arriving a little bit later on the afternoon and Olivia was guiding --- more like instructing her daughter what she'll wear.

"Listen, Victoria we must established good relationship with every noble in the society. We knew that duke Felium was the only duke to have son in his family, the others doesn't have a family while the others only have daughters like your father. Now, will you wear these dresses?"

"B-But mother I-I----"

Victoria wasn't able to complete what she was saying when Olivia had already cut her off

"No but young lady now let's start with this one!"

Olivia happily said to her daughter whose expressions right now is so bitter that she wanted to get away from her position and rather bake instead

'As I thought, she's Victoria's mom who would take no for an answer'

Instead of protesting enough, Victoria only sighed and took the dress from her mother's hand.

"Oh! That looks good enough but I think that ruffles in the skirt is a way bit too much. Alright, then try this one instead"

"Mother I---"

"As I've said young lady, no buts! Now go and try this one ahead"


Victoria could only shout inwardly and shook her head. She doesn't even like one bit of the dresses because she doesn't want to associate herself with the other male lead however, she doesn't have a choice. It's what her mother wants. Even though her father spoils her --- her mother sometimes is a bit strict

'Now I'm confused if Melly had acquired such attitude on Victoria's mother instead --- she's like my mother in my previous life though both of their attitude seems like it'

Then with that she only sighed and took the dress again and put it on with the maids assisting her

"Alright! However, the dress is so much colorful for an afternoon tea. Hmmmm, then let's try this"


"Yes, young lady and right now, you have no other choice but to try this, understood?"

'Ugh! What choice to I have to? The other maids were on the door! They're like some knights who'd catch me if I ever run away!'

"I understood mother"

"Alright and then go and try this one"

'Not again!'

Victoria tried many dresses that her mother only criticizes. However, the second to the last dress was a good impression for Olivia. It had a silk clothing, a tiny slit on her legs and it was colored brown with such butterfly designed on its cascading skirt

"Hmmmm, then I guess this one suits you best"

'This? More like I'll be the spotlight of the event and I don't like that! This dress seems like shining more like a disco ball!'

Victoria wanted to protest however, she couldn't speak what she was thinking because her mother's look was happy to her. Olivia was smiling genuinely to her daughter and she doesn't want to ruin that smile. Suddenly, she felt some warmth inside her heart whenever she's with Melly and Greya. Now, she understood that those people only wishes the best for her

'You don't know how lucky you are Victoria with these people surrounding you for a long time'

"Alright mother. I guess it is a good dress after all"

"It is right?"

"It is"


"Alright, Xyle when we're there, we'll be staying for a week. Alright?"

'What choice do I have? You always decided for what I want and what I don't want. It's not like I have a choice though'

The young man whose name is Xyle only looked seriously to his father. Then afterward he nodded. They were preparing their luggage --- putting some dresses inside, shoes, and other necessities they'll eventually need. However, instead of putting some, Xyle only left his luggage and went towards the large window inside his room and sighed

'How long has it been since mother had left us? Just by thinking of that made me want to vomit. How could she?!'

Xyle was looking at the window with the magnificent warm rays of the sun cascading down to his skin. Then he immediately saw a new rose --- a rose that was on the other side of the wind. He went towards it and gently holds the rose

'I guess some people doesn't even know that I-----'

Before Xyle continued what he was thinking he immediately crushed the rose in his palms. Only then after seeing that the rose fell to the floor he immediately smirked.

'I hated roses and anything related to ladies. Now, let me see what family we'll be staying on now'

He thought as he went back to his bed and prepared his own things. His father left his room after saying some words to him. Felium knows how his son hated ladies more likely maids that's why he never lets any maid assist him.

It's because the last time that Xyle was assisted by a maid, he nearly killed the maid with a broken vase in his bleeding palms

Felium, on the other hand, went immediately towards his room and sighed

'I know Xyle hated ladies because of his mother but I can't let him hate them forever. I needed to change his point of view before it's too late. That's why contacting Duke Chutlier was a good idea. Besides, his daughter was a strong one --- maybe that lady could change what Xyle's point of view was. I just hope about it'


"Your highness, are these the books that you're searching for?"

"Oh! They are Giovanni! Thanks! Oh and could you tell Fahar to do me something?"

"Absolutely, your highness"

"Alright just put those books to my desk now and immediately return with Fahar"

"Understood your highness!"

Giovanni was beaming hard with the crown prince while bowing and respecting him. it's because he became accustomed towards a butler's life inside the palace after days of being trained by Fahar

'I guess he's absolutely accustomed to the palace. Now, he's more jolly than I thought. Then I hope if Hersha woke up the two of them will be good friends. I'm hoping for that besides, he's a reliable and trustworthy young man I've known for a short while now'