Chapter 2: First Meeting

When Lu Qiran was not yet an agent she was living her life in both pain, betrayal, insult, beating, physical and mental abuse. Lu Qiran was born from wedlock her father Lu Rin was the hier of the Lu Empire he was the only child from both her grandparents. Her father meet her mother when he went abroad to continue his studies.

When he first saw her mother he was bewitched by her beauty and her body was well curve in the right places. My father started chasing my mother until they finally got together and my mother got pregnant with me. When she told my father he immediately paled, the day she told father she was pregnant was also the day his parents arrange his marriage partner and they want him to go home.

My father told my mother that he will visit his parents and tell them about us but after a few days mother can't contact him she was worried until one day. She was watching the news when she saw my father married someone else live on tv. My mother cried and decided to off contact with him and went to her home town. That's where all it started since birth Qiran was abused by her mother saying that she was bad luck because of her, her father married someone else.

Lu Qiran was also condemned by the people around her even when they saw her mother beating her they turned a blind eye on her. She didn't understand why this is happening to her, she asked why a million times to herself but didn't get an answer. 'They all beat me even though I didn't do anything to them WHY'. No one help her when she was abused that's when she disgust humans to the very core of her soul. Her only way to escape her mother was playing games when she is not around, she was a pro player and has played millions of games, won tournament's, and event's.

Lu Qiran was laying in the floor after her mother beat her when she arrived home from school. She was hit severely in her head she felt dizzy and tingling sensation to the back of the head, blood was dripping out of her then fell to the floor. She was already dying yet her mother didn't notice and kept beating her with the empty bottle of alcohol.

Lu Qiran knew she was done this time but she didn't fear death then she black out.


Lu Qiran regained her consciousness instead of feeling pain she felt lightness and comfortable. She opened her eyes and saw she was in a white place, she roam her eyes and saw nothing but. she didn't mind. Until...

[Ding.... New Host..... Has Been Found]

[Connecting to System 01.... ]

[Connecting successful]

[Hello host I'm your system 01] said a mechanical voice that sound lifeless and without life

"I see then what is that you do" asked coldly

[Host we will travel in different world's to save or change the fates of misrable villains and other characters] replied shortly

"What are your features"

The system was silent for a while.

[Host.... I'm one of the oldest system in the insular world...]

said the system then stop talking again. Qiran wait patiently for the system to finish

[Host, the only features I have is transport you to a different world....] said in a low tone

Qiran sense that because the system was an old version her/his previous host didn't upgrade the system and became depressed

"Then how can you have more features then" asked in a normal tone

[The host would have to spend points in order to upgrade the system]

"What points" Qiran asked

[Everytime the host finishes a world you will accumulate points on your performance, thier will be task given by the system and the host is required to complete them]

"Can you show me the panel" said

Then a panel appeared in front of her

Name: Lu Qiran

Age: 18

Points: (♾️)

Worlds: 0

Shop: (Not yet available please upgrade the system)

(System Upgrade)

(Permanent Skills)

Qiran saw her info and was curious about her points nothing was indicated in her panel

"Can I change your name, I can't just call you system"asked

[Yes host can name me] said the system with a bit of happiness it was the first time in millions of years that the system will be named since the systems former hosts didn't name him/her because the system was not upgraded. So at least even the last time the system will have a name.

"Then I'll call you Thana" (means Death in japanese)

"You can call me Qiran or host up to you"

[Thank you host from now on my name is Thana] Thana said excitedly

"Thana can you see my points"

[No host all system is forbidden to see or know the points of the host but if the host wants to show his/her points to the system it's okay]

Qiran just noded and without waiting she click the system upgrade and saw how many points needed to upgrade a system.

"Thana, why do i have Infinite points" asked curiously

Thana heard the question and was shocked

[I'll contact the main system host please wait a minute] Thana said then immediately send a call to the main system

While Thana is busy contacting the main system Qiran was looking at the shop and saw many different kinds of items such as potions, clothes,beauty products etc.

After waiting for a while

[Host I have contacted the main system they said that with the points that you earned in playing games when your still alive was too much that your points became infinite to even calculate]

"I see" Qiran shortly said

Then without waiting Qiran went to the system upgrade, without hesitation she choose to upgrade the system to the latest upgrade a whooping 1 million points but she has infinite points so she waste points as she wants.

(System POV)

When the insular world started I was the first system ever been created by the main system. I was excited i was given a host and we travel to a world but because the host needs points to upgrade me. I helped her until we completed the task i was hoping she would upgrade me but instead choose another system that was newly updated at first i was fine since i can have other host.

But reality shattered my dream to become a powerful system every single one of my host choose a different system after the mission. I was depressed and already given up until I was given a last chance.

I look at Qiran my new host she was patient with me when I was telling my story and after i told her all that's making me depressed finally lighten she didn't asked but I'm sure she knows.

While I was thinking what to do. I suddenly felt something and I was shocked, I look at my host and saw her smiling at me it was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

"Thana your previous host may not like you but I'm not like them, they may not need you then I will tell you I need you Thana" she said softly

If i have a face i would cry but I'm truly grateful that i found a host like and my system upgraded.

(Qiran POV)

I saw Thana being updated while i was waiting i look through the shop and saw many interesting products i can have my own place in the insular world.

'This floating island looks good and it's the new released product' thought.

A whooping 20 billion points and the product was one it already has everything you need and thier are robots that will take care of the house while traveling. The floating island was large enough to have an empire. Qiran didn't think much and purchased the island.


#Ding The floating island has been purchased (announced)

This shocked the whole department and systems

EM1: what someone purchased the island thats insane

EM2: That 20 billion points.. oh my god

EM3: Who purchased that island i wish to change host

EM4: Damn the system is lucky

#Ding system 01 was updated to the newest version (announced)

When the systems heard this thier jaw dropped everyone knows that system 01 was the oldest version in the insular world

SM 57: What it must be a joke

SM 90: I can't believe someone actually update that trash

SM 34: Oh my god the new update was just released and he/she immediately updated

SM 21: I'm so jealous

SM 265: Just who is her host i want to get her

The insular world was in hot topic today system 01 was updated to the newest version and the floating island was also purchased.


Lu Qiran and Thana was exploring thier new home and it was very beautiful. Qiran also purchased permanent skills to help on her mission. After they explore the whole island Qiran went to her room

" Thana i want to put this in my permanent skills but i dont know how to" said while holding a paper on her hand looking at Thana.

Thana transformed into sa cute little rabbit she has white fur with golden line on her back.

[Host just tore the papers one by one to learn the skills] Thana said excitedly

Qiran noded then tore the papers one by one

[Ding host learn photographic memory

Ding host learn 18 martial arts

Ding host learn talent in business

Ding host learn celestial medicine

Ding host learn illusion]

Qiran looking at her permanent skills smiled satisfied and she felt changes in her body 'That most be the skills they are infusing with me'

" Thana do i have to choose worlds or the main system chooses"

[Host after you updated me i have a lot of authority you can choose the world or i can]

"okay, then you choose first"

[Yes host please wait a minute] Thana said excitedly then look for a world suited for her host.

[Host, this is the world i choose it is a teen love story] said happily

"Okay, then let's go" Qiran said then she lay on the bed and close her eyes