Chapter 3: Scumbag

It was early in the morning when a woman in the luxury bed woke up lazily, then sat on the bed and looked at her sorrounding. The bedroom was wide and spacious the decorations in the room was simple with black or gray furnitures and white wallpapers yet it feels homey. The girl smiled and looked at the mirror beside her, the girl has jet black wavy hair, her eyes are of purple that looks seductive, and mesmerizing, her beautiful nose was a perfect shape, her lips was thin but plump rosy lips looks kissable.

"Thana give me the memory of the original owner" said her voice was enchanting yet cold enough to send shiver to the spine

[Yes host..... Transferring memory.....]

Qiran felt a slight head ache so she lay in bed and close her eyes

The original owner was named Shi Lu, daughter of the riches man in Korea. Her father is a business man while her mother was a top tier actress, Shi Lu grew up spoiled by her parents they loved her and give what ever she asked for. When Shi Lu was in highschool she fell in love with the male lead Hu Lan the hier of the Hu family thier business was mostly in the intertainment and food industry.

Shi Lu chased after the male lead but was rejected over and over again but she persistent she believes that one day they will be together. She continued to chase after him until they both went to college making her looked desperate the male lead just ignored her and even worse he hated her. Then the female lead came Chen Lou she was born in a middle class family, she was bright and good at academics. She transferred in Vena College a prestigious school for the rich and high status people. She was top 1 in the examination and gained full scholarship.

When the female lead was introduced the male lead was staring at her, he didn't notice that Shi Lu was paying attention to him and saw him looking at the female lead. She was jealous she thought the female lead will take him away from her, so she started to bully her in school and outside. She schemed and created misunderstanding around her but the male lead always saved the female lead, this made the male lead even more disgusted to Shi Lu. He then planned to use Shi Lu to destroy the Shi family business which lead the business to go bankrupt and thier reputation covered in mud.

Shi Lu was depressed and hatred filled her heart she was betrayed and used by the person whom she loved and she was killed by the male lead. She wanted revenge and make the Hu family to be dragged into mud like.

Lu Qiran or it should be Shi Lu now

"Hmmm quite interesting she was blinded by love and that lead to her families distraction. Don't worry we'll play with him then" said in the cold voice while smiled sinisterly

Thana shuddered and fear crept to her and sweats in her back. Qiran put down her smile and stand up

"Thana which part of the scene are we" said while washing her face

[Host, you are just about to start college it's the first day] Thana said calming down her nervous voice

Shi Lu then change her clothes and pick put her bag when....

*knock knock*

"Baby are you up yet you'll be late for school" sounded outside the door a soft pampering voice of a mid-age woman

Shi Lu opened the door and saw her mother smiling at her. Lu Qiran saw her but she didn't feel anything she may have gone numb about feelings, she was acting because of the original owner. The original owner was always smiling to her parents and people she knew but she is cold as ice to unknown people.

Shi Lu smiled and hug her mother "Good morning mom" said sweetly. Her mother almost had diabetes because of how sweet her daughter was.

" Let's go downstairs your father is waiting for us" said softly then both went downstairs to the dinning room.

In the table there sit a mid-age man with handsome features, his wavy jet black, his eyes slightly sharp giving a cold look and his well tone body. He saw his wife and daughter coming over and smiled warmly at them.

"Dad good morning" Shi Lu said happily then went to her father and kiss his cheeks "Good morning princess". Her father laugh and mentioned them to sit down. The pair sat down and the maids brought out the food.

" You'll be starting to go to college are you ready princess" he asked softly

"Yes dad I'm ready and excited to go to college" said happily by Shi Lu

Father Shi looked at his daughter and saw her genuine smile he would do anything to keep his daughter that beautiful smile.

"Baby are excited in going to school or because 'he' is also there" her mother cautiously asked afraid her daughter would be angry but nothing. Shi Lu understood her meaning and wipe her mouth.

"No mom, I stop loving him already I wasted 4 years of my life chasing after him and i had enough. I though about it for a long time why would I spend my time wasting it to a scumbag" said seriously looking at her parents.

Her parents are shocked then smiled happily that she finally give loving the Hu bastard, they actually didn't like him for thier daughter. They only endured so they won't hurt thier daughter but now they are happy that she will start a new life.

"Then what is your plan princess" mom asked softly

" Well father has been training me to inherit the company if i want to learn more, father how about you give my share of work send them to my laptop and i will get them done if i have time in school"

"Okay i will it's good your diligent in taking over the company" he said approvingly

"I take after my handsome father for being diligent" said cutely and laughter was heard in the dining room. After they eat her parents want to send her to school, she just noded her father drove in school and stop at the entrance.

"Baby have fun in school okay, you father and I won't be home tonight one of our driver will come pick you up after school" her mother said while looking at her with a wide smile

"Yes mom don't worry about me. Dad how about you buy me a car i want to learn how to drive" said nervously Shi Lu know that her parents are protective of her that they didn't let know how to drive because she might have an accident

"Okay, you will learn how to drive but for now one of our drive will come to drove and pick you at school okay" her father said convincingly and I noded happily

"Thank you dad. I'll be going now bye mom bye dad" said then kiss thier cheeks and went out. Wave at her parents and walk towards the entrance of the school.

While she was walking she heard whispers around her, she just ignored them and went to Class A her classroom. As soon as she step inside everyone look at her, they were drooling Shi Lu who normally wore expensive dress wear the school uniform that showed her sexy yet curvaceous body that was online by the uniform. Her hair that always has a lot of decorations has only a simple clip and her hair was wavy that it reach her waist. The people around Hu Lan saw that she was walking towards them they immediately open a path, they don't want to offend someone like her. But instead of sitting beside him ..... she walk pass him.

The students watching was shocked even Hu Lan but regained his composure fast and just frowned 'What is this bitch planning this time' he thought. Little did he know because of the updated system Shi Lu heard him.

"This male lead is so arrogant" they are talking in her mind

[Host what do you plan to do] Thana said seriously she doesn't want people insulting her host

"Don't worry Thana i have a plan just wait" said and her eyes showed tinge with red color. Thana noded and just wait 'You better pray for your life male lead' Thana thought

After a few minutes the teacher came in with a girl she has long golden hair that reach her waist, beautiful sky blue eyes that looks innocent and pure, her plump rosy lips and her slightly chubby cheeks overall she looks so cute and petite.

"This will be your new classmate, introduced yourself" Teacher said

"Hello my name is Chen Lou please to meet you" her voice sounds like music to the ears. Some students blush when looking at her, some are jealous of her beauty and some are drooling.

Shi Lu just glanced at her and the male lead he was frozen in his sit. After she introduced herself the teacher looked around to see a vacant chair and that happens to be right beside me. In the original text they didn't became sit mates because Shi Lu was with Hu Lan so inorder to make her sit beside me was she exchange sit with Puo Min Chen Lou's former sit mates and sat beside Hu Lan.

"Chen Lou go sit beside Shi Lu" teacher said then raise my hands so she can know where.

(Chen Lou's POV)

I was so nervous it's my first day of school and a prestigious school at most, there are a lot of rich kids and i hope i get along with them. My teacher and I entered the classroom and I saw rich people looking at her in displeased expression. She was only wearing a simple uniform plain to be exact while the other's were costumed made with decorations.

After i Introduced myself they were staring at me and i became quite uncomfortable.

"Chen Lou go sit beside Shi Lu" teacher said i noded and saw a hand raise. I looked at the who raised her hand and was stunned the girl called Shi Lu was so beautiful this is the first time she encountered such a beautiful girl. 'Seductive' was the first thing that came to her mind then she walk towards her each step she took she heart was pounding fast, when she reach her desk she sat down and looked at her sit mate.

"H...Hi nice to meet you Shi Lu" said stuttered then want to shake her hands. She looked at me with her beautiful purple eyes with tinge red on her iris her eyes were cold as ice but she still shook my hands. Her hands felt soft and warm behind her cold domering aura she's warm then she let go and look in front i felt i little lost but didn't thought much and listen to the lecture.

(Shi Lu POV)

After the lecture i brought out my pc and looked at the document my father gave me. While i was sorting it out i notice a gaze on me and look sideways and saw Chen Lou looking at me. I tilte my head slightly and my face with a question mark.

Chen Lou was looking at Shi Lu's every move she was mesmerized until she look at me and the way she cutely tilte her head my heart suddenly got shot by an arrow making a THUD sound. My face was burning hot, my hands are slightly wet and I can't seem to know what to say she can only hear her heart throbbing out of her chest.


Hu Lan was paying attention to Chen Lou's every since the end of the lecture and saw her interaction to that bitch, 'she better not do anything'. Then i saw brought out her pc and focus on what she's doing.

"Hu Lan why is Shi Lu ignoring you" s1

"How would i know and i don't care" said coldly

"Maybe she is trying to get your attention in a different way by ignoring you"s2

"Let her be i will not like her no matter what she do" said without caring

Then i look at Chen Lou again and i saw her face red while looking at that bitch. He thought that Shi Lu was bullying Chen Lou that her face turned red because of anger.

*Back to Shi Lu*

I was waiting for her to speak but she didn't her face was red and i was confused. Suddenly.... BANG.... all students there was startled and I saw Hu Lan coming towards us in an angry face.

'Took you long enough'

"Shi Lu what do you think your doing" he yelled

Shi Lu pretended to frown since she know this was coming.

"Are your eyes blind can't you see I'm doing some paperwork. If you can't see go to the hospital for a check up" said deeply her voice sounded very cold and eyes look at Hu Lan like prey.

The students around watching was stunned they never expect that tone from Shi Lu.

"Do you think I didn't know what you did" he said looking at me like he want to murder me

"Then tell me what did you see that you accused me without evidence" i asked seriously

"Hmmmpphh do you think you can fool me i know you bullied Chen Lou" he said arrogantly

'What an idiot' thought

"Ohhh you said i bullied Chen Lou then do you have evidence that i bullied her and there are many students here too. Then let me asked did anyone of you saw me bullying Chen Lou" said loudly in a firm tone.....

The students look at each other and shake thier heads what she said is true no one saw her bullied Chen Lou she was working in her pc.

*saw them shake thier heads*

" Now then Hu Lan where is your evidence that i bullied Chen Lou. You are trying to ruin my reputation by accusing me falsely" said in a murderous tone which sent chills to all students down there spine and there backs was sweating uncontrollably.

"Chen Lou tell them Shi Lu bullied you right, earlier i saw your face turned red in anger" he said softly

Chen Lou who was listening can't help but curse this man of accusing my Shi Lu of bullying. He is destroying my chance to get close to Shi Lu, I'm so angry i want to punch his face he didn't even know the reason and yet he immediately falsely accused her. I saw her got angry and instead of feeling fear my heart was racing her angry face looked so beautiful and her tone send shivers all over my body.

Then this man suddenly asked me if Shi Lu bullied me his tone was disgusting, 'from now on your are blacklisted' thought while stare at the man infront whose name i don't know and don't care .

"Shi Lu didn't bullied me and what you said my face turned red was because i was embarrassed i want to talk to her but I don't know what to say" said very seriously while looking at him in an angry face.