Chapter 4: Embarrassment

After hearing her answer Hu Lan shocked and embarrassed he face turned red and he clenched his fist tightly.

"Now you have your answer. Just because you hate me doesn't mean you can trample and bully me" Shi Lu said coldly she stand up and left the classroom...

S1: I can't believe what happened just now *whisper*

S2: Isn't Shi Lu desperate for Hu Lan's attention before * mumbled*

S3: Accusing without evidence.... I wonder what will happen to the Hu Family if he took over *whisper*

The students whisper's can be heard by Hu Lan and he was angry he can't believe that he was embarrassed in front of many students. Without saying he left angrily.


Walking around the garden Shi Lu was smiling for having accomplished her task today.

[Host, what happened is there I don't understand]Thana asked confusedly

"Thana remember in the original story the male lead loved the female lead that he would do anything that also includes his stupidity and arrogance he won't listen to anyone but her. His pride and being a hier of the Hu Family made him believe that what ever he does money can solve it." said non- chalantly

[Then did you purposely anger the male lead] Thana asked

"Yes and No..... actually I'm also quite surprised that the female lead and looking at me flustered" said while touching the beautiful flower that has just bloomed.


Shi Lu returned to the classroom and sat on her chair she didn't mind any of her classmates who are whispering. She focus on reading the document given by her father. In order to make the male lead be trampled she focused and try to buy shares from the Hu Family and sell it to thier competitor in business.....

While making plans she didn't notice that Chen Lou kept staring at her she didn't know why.... ' I think I'm going crazy' thought.... Why why am l feeling this way I don't understand 'arraragggg this is the first time I felt this way' she screamed in her thought.

After school Shi Lu walked out the entrance of the school and saw her driver. "Good afternoon young miss" the driver bowed at her and opened the car door, she just nod and sat down.

"Drive to the Fate Cafe" said coldly the driver noded and start to drive to the Fate Cafe

[Host, why are you going to where the female lead work]

*sigh* "Don't you know that this is where the female lead first got traumatized for being molested by an ugly man. She refused him then waited for her to get off work and kidnapped her" said while recalling the plot.

When Chen Lou was kidnapped it also happens that Hu Lan send someone to investigate her and got the news she was kidnapped. He immediately despatched and rescue the damsel in distressed that's where Chen Lou started to see Hu Lan as her light. If i want to bankrupt the Hu Family I would need the female lead. After graduating college the female lead was accepted over seas and returned after 2 years she became big shot, the male lead fall deeply in love with her and finally after a sincere pursuing they got together and became the most famous business couple.

"Miss we are here" said the driver making her snapped out of her thoughts i nod. Went out and walk towards the cafe, when entering i saw a modern cafe with a comforting vibe that suits the atmosphere. "Please come in Miss" said a girl in a maid costume with fake cat ears i walked inside and sat down where i can see everything.

(Maid POV)

I was working like always nothing was interesting until i saw a beautiful girl walked in she has wavy jet black hair, beautiful violet eyes fair skin perfectly shaped nose and thin yet plumped kissable kiss. She was wearing a uniform , has long beautiful legs and curvy body all in the right places. All of our costumer's are looking at her and they were drooling.

She entered and sat down i went beside her with a pen and a paper for her order. "What is your order miss" asked softly "One chocolate cake and a cup of fruit tea" she said coldly with a hint of hoarseness in her voice sounds so good and sexy. I immediately went to the counter and say her order.

(Chen Lou POV)

After school I went home and change my clothes, after that it was already 5:00 so i went to my part time job in a cafe. Although my parents can support me I don't want them to be tired all day, sometimes they came home late and they woke up early to get to work.I arrived at the cafe it time for my shift.

"Lou lou good evening" Miya said energeticly. Miya is one of my friends i met here when i first start working here.

"Miya good evening to you too" said then smiled and went to change my clothes.

" Lou lou i have some news i heard one of the staff that a beautiful girl came here wearing the Vena College uniform" said excitedly. Chen Lou froze for a bit and finish changing her clothes "You done" she asked and i nod she immediately pulled me out the staff room and went to serve the costumer's, she's a waitress.

" Oh may god look she's so beautiful" M1

"Waaahhh she most rich look at those clothes" M2

"She's so cute and look her lips look so soft" M3

The others whispering, curious i looked at where they're looking and i almost drop what i was holding.

My eyes widen my heart strated to beat fast and my palms started to sweat just her presence made me like this. Like i was under her spell making me fall for her. "Lou lou are you okay" miya asked worriedly making me retract my eyes from her "I'm fine" said dryly damn even my throat is dry. "Then what are you spacing out there go serve what your holding they are waiting" she said then pat my back.

I look at the number 14 and saw that it was her order *breath in and out* gathering my courage i walk towards her feeling nervous. Infront of her table i put down her order carefully because my hands are shaking when i was about to put down the fruit tea it slip when suddenly a hand hold mine and supported the fruit tea from falling. She looked at me with her piercing violet eyes and smile slightly "Your hands are clumsy" she said in a soft tone and giggles at her.

The giggles of the girl infront her was so soothing making her face heat up like a tomato and her heart skipped a million beats it was pounding fast that it can be heard if listen closely. "I.... Im s... sorry" said very nervously she's still holding my hand 'her hands feels so soft and warm it's comfortable' thought with a wide smile while staring at there hands touching. Then she removed her hands on top of mine feeling lost again "P... please enjoy" said then bow slightly I saw her nod and i left unwellingly ' I want to spend time with her' though (T_T)


(Shi Lu POV)

While waiting for the plot to happened i was playing games on my phone.. Suddenly.... Bang....

I looked over and saw the ugly man holding Chen Lou's arm i can see that she is hurting, her arm was red "How dare you reject me... Do you know who I am" he shouted loudly

"P...please sir let go your hurting me" Chen Lou said painfully with tears threatening to fall down.

Without thinking i immediately grab the man arm holding Chen Lou and squeeze hard making him shout and let go of Chen Lou. *Crack*

"ahhhhh arm" he said loudly then fall down on the floor holding his broken arm

"Tsk...." clicking her tongue

She then gaze at Chen Lou and saw her arm red gently took her arm and examine it.

Chen Lou who was in a daze only snapped out when Shi Lu was already holding her arm examining if its is broken. This made me erupt like a tomato my whole face was red, ears and also my neck. i almost fainted "Are you okay. Does it hurt" she asked gently this time i almost had a nosebleed "i... I'm fine.. i... it .s....stings a..a bit" sturred said

Shi Lu saw her face a red like a tomato "pfftt" holding my laugh hearing me laugh she turned even redder 'Just how adorablely cute is this girl' though

"YOU BITCH YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS" he shouted i only glared at him and called my body guard. They took him away while screaming. 'My ears hurt'

"Come I'll take you home so you put some ice compress on it" said then pulled her out without waiting for her answer. Drove to her home. "Uhmmm.... T.... thank you for helping me" said shy "uhmmm" i answered while looking outside the window.

We arrived at her home then got out "Thanks for taking me home" she said while looking at me i noded and the driver drove me home.....


The next day rumours spread around the campus of what happened yesterday. Ignoring the whispering i went straight to the classroom and as usual reading the document my father gave me.

[Host yesterday when you prevented the female leads fate you received a bonus] Thana said while reading the info.

" What's the bonus" asked in her mind and Thana displayed a thin panel blue colored like sheet

[Appraisal: can give the host information of objects, people etc.]

"Ohhh looks nice.... Then give me the information of the male lead and female lead" then another panel pop out

[Name: Hu Lan

Age: 18

Height: 175

Likes: Chen Lou

Dislikes: Shi Lu

Favorability: -30

Additional information: Future hier of the Hu Family ]

[Name: Chen Lou

Age: 18

Height: 165

Likes: sweet's, bunnies, and sports

Dislikes: Hu Lan, horror and ghost

Favorability: 20

Additional information: Future mega giant CEO]

While reading the information given "pssttt" cover my mouth i almost laugh oh my goodness the female lead already hate the male lead. Laughing hard inwardly but her face on the surface cracked a slight smile.

" Thana can you turn on the notification for the favorability" said with her hand on the key board.

[Ding host turned on the notification for favorability] Said on my mind. "Good morning Shi Lu" greeted a beautiful soft voice looked at the source of the voice " Good morning" said simply and continue what I'm doing

[DING the favorability has increased to 30]

When i heard the notification i stop what I'm doing and looked at Chen Lou ' How did the favorability increase by ten just by greeting her' confused

"Thana is this normal" asked confused

[I don't know host everything is working fine in my system]

I just nod and didn't think much about it.

For a week everything was always the same the only thing that change was the female lead would always start a conversation with me, which never happened in the original story 'Maybe because I didn't bully her' convince to myself. It was already the weekend and i plan to go buy some groceries since i want to practice cooking, my parents business was extended for a month and I'm okay with it.

While i was walking i saw familiar back it was petite with long golden hair. Then she suddenly turn around

(Chen Lou's POV)

It was the weekend I'm going to the studio to continue painting i quit in the cafe i was working after my parents know so i switch to painting. I was walking when i felt someone staring at me so i turned around

"Xiao Lu good morning" said happily i can't believe i got to see her on weekends i was over the moon and and i don't want to come back down. "Good morning" she replied hoarsely *Ba thumb* i felt my face turning red her voice was sexy 'dont embarrassed yourself more than you already did' shout at my thoughts

"Xiao Lu where are you going today" asked softly while walking together. "Im going to get some groceries to practice cooking" said normally while staring straight ahead. " How about you where are you going?" asked " I'm going to the studio to paint" said excitedly " You know how to paint" I nod

"Yep it's one of my hobbies i also join competitions"

"hmmm then can i sign up" she said suddenly my eyes widen "Really you want to learn" i said almost jumping.... Im excited if she join i get to see her on weekends. "Yes your praising it means it's good so i want to try"

"Then how about your groceries" asked worriedly she looked at her watch " How about we first order my groceries then we can go to the studio" she with her hands under her delicate chin. I noded and she ordered some vegetables, meat, and some fruits she wrote down her address and time of delivery it's quite convenient if your busy.

After finishing her groceries we when towards the studio, Shi Lu was being a gentlewoman she slide the door for me making me slightly red then walk in.

(Shi Lu POV)

On the first floor was painting of those who participated in competition. While looking at the painting's "Wow, you won first place" said stunned in the original story there was no description that she can also paint after being traumatized she quit and stayed at home for a week.

"Uhmmm" she said shyly "Come you will register here" said then point at a book

Register my name and choose weekends to practice painting "Let's go get you some painting materials" said then we went to a store. Chen Lou knows that Shi Lu is rich so they went to a newly opened stationary store instead of a cheap one. After choosing "Let's go home its already sunset" said while looking at my watch. She noded and we walked towards our home feeling contented.

Chen Lou was so happy on the way home she dreamed of walking home with her future lover under the soft sunset. She get to know more about Shi Lu "Were here" said suddenly and we were infront of my home i felt the 10 minutes walking was 10 seconds, feeling a bit down.

"Chen Lou see you tomorrow in the studio" she said i looked at her with beaming eyes.

"Yes see you tomorrow" i said happily then she walked towards her home we were 10 minutes apart since her house is one of the mansions here.