Chapter 13: Apocalypse

After resting for an hour Nan Yue and i went downstairs and saw that all of our teammates have just arrived.

"For today i want you all to improve your abilities Zhen go to the blacksmith to help with the fire they need to melt iron for weapons, Dale go to the field and help them plow the soil, Lyn go to the pool and filled it with water, Su since your ability is space i want you to help transport materials around the base and Nan Yue go to the canteen to help freeze some foods" he assigning us all

"What about you" Zhen asked

"I'll be going out together with brother Li to hunt so i can improve my metal, when i return ill each give you contribution points" he said and we all went to help around the base.

I got assigned for transporting food to the canteen where Nan Yue was working. Putting the food on my space i went to the canteen basement and saw Nan Yue freezing some off the walls to keep it cold. I went near her and wrap my hands on her waist

"Are you not cold" i asked with my chin on her shoulder

"I... I'm fine the cold doesn't bother me" she said sturring and saw her ears turned red. I chuckled and let her go stepping back i opened my space and took out the food and put them in thier place.

For the whole day we all work hard and we repelish our energy if it run out and continue working. It was already in the evening and we saw Pei in the canteen.

"Here are your contribution cards it has 300 points" he said then give each one of us a card except Nan Yue

"Nan Yue your's will have to wait tomorrow for now you can use my card" he said softly looking at Nan Yue

"It's okay captain i can share with Su today" Nan Yue said firmly refusing

*Sigh*"Okay" he said acting sad but she didn't take it instead

"Su let's go buy some food I'm hungry" she said pulling me to line up i let out a giggle the order our food.

Paying for our food we sat down on our table and started eating.

"Where did Lyn go" Zhen asked looking around

"She left she said she's tired" Dale said while eating

'Thana where's Lyn' i ask thana

[Host she's went to buy a teleportation seal which is illegal this will teleport anyone who she wish for anywhere limited only in this country]

'How did she knew about that' i was confused

[Host she heard other girls talking about it when they are putting water in the pool]

'Thank you Thana'

[Hehehe anything for my host]

I continue eating Zhen and Dale went to rest first they were exhausted for the whole day. Nan Yue and was the one left in our table.


After Lyn bought the seal she immediately went to her room and locked the door, the seal was quite expensive that she paid 50 evolution stone's. She set up the seal and choose to teleport Su to a hospital filled with zombies 5 kms away from the base, she remembered the girls saying that the base will exterminate zombies in the hospital after 2 days so she choose the hospital since it's far. Lyn was jealous of Su because she was always been praised by Pei....

"Hehehehhehehe" i laugh madly and activate the seal it shine then disappear. I then went to bed and lay down to sleep like nothing happened.


(Nan Yue's POV)

We were talking in the canteen and l was laughing at her stories. I was looking at her when i saw half of her body is disappearing

"Su why are you becaming transparent" said pointing at her lower body even her hands started disappearing. I felt my heart throbbing in pain and i was panicking 'No no' thought before she disappear completely i hold her hand tightly.


When i open my eyes we were in a room it was dusty and it smelled so bad. I looked at Su and saw her right beside me that made me breath in relief. God knows how scared she was when she saw her disappearing she thought that she was leaving her.

"It looks like were in a staff room" Su said and we heard growls outside the door. The door was covered with tables and beds put together.

"Looks like this place is surrounded by zombies, looking at the corpse it died of hunger since he can't go out" she said looking at the corpse.

We peek at the window above the door and saw the corridor filled with zombies, i was nervous i can just order the zombies stay away but what if Su found out. I was bitting my lips and trying to hold myself not to cry 'i don't want her to hate me' this circulated in my brain over and over again and i was gripping the hem of my shirt bowing my head.

'Thana who sent us here'

[Host it's Lyn she activated the seal after she returned from her room]

'What..... But how did she know this place' confused

[Host she heard it from the girls who were talking when she was in the pool]

'Thana scan the place and tell me how many zombies are here'

[Host there's around 500 zombies here] i frowned

Other's might think it's easy but in reality if this zombies attack together a team will immediately be overwhelmed easily draining energy from defending thier selves. Even low level zombies they are relentless in attacking.

I saw Su frowning i was scared i don't want to tell her about me being a zombie queen but we have to get out of here. Taking a deep breath i went and hold her hand

"Su i have a way for us to get out from here do you trust me" i said nervously looking at her holding back my tears frim getting out.

(Su Meng POV)

I frown wheni heard Thana's report 500 well be overwhelmed by zombies before we can even go out. Then i felt someone hold my hand i look at Nan Yue i felt her hands trembling then i waited for her to speak.


"Su i have a way for us to get out from here do you trust me" she said nervously her eyes are red but she's trying not to cry.

"Yes i trust you Yue" said softening my voice she held my hands more tightly.

Nan Yue ordered the zombies to stay away from us i made sure to hold her hand tightly i can feel that the heart was racing trying not to be obvious.

The zombies growls outside the door slowly disappear then she opened the door and we walk through the corridor. I heard growls but i didn't see any zombie around, we walked until we are out of the hospital. Then i saw Nan Yue's shoulder was trembling i immediately turn her around and she was crying.

I hug her tightly then she cried more. I rub her back gently calming her down. Few minutes later she calmed down i lokked at her gently then wipe her tears with my thumb not saying anything. Until she opened her mouth

"A...are you not going to ask why we didn't fight any zombies along the way" she said on the verge of crying again still wiping her tears.

"Then will you tell me why" ask softly

"I.... it's because I'm a zombie queen they are low level zombies so they followed my order to stay away from us" she said crying

"Shhhh don't cry baby your making me distress" said softly at her.

Nan Yue gathered all her courage and told Su her about being a zombie queen. I thought she was going to hate me so i cried again but instead she told me not to cry. I looked at her eyes to see if she not afraid clearly she eas not afraid she was looking at me lovingly. My years won't stop falling

" don't hate me that I'm a zombie" she ask staring at her not to miss her reaction

"No I don't hate you baby. Do you want to know why" i said hugging her


"Because I love you for whatever you are do i need a reason to not to love you even if your a zombie then your the cutest zombie queen i have ever meet" i said softly

She hug me even more burying her head on my chest then she look at me.

"S...Su I love you" she said shyly my smile got wider on my face then i approach her face and passionately kiss her, she taste sweet and her tongue is soft. I kept tasting her sweet lips making me addicted.

(Nan Yue's POV)

She kissed me passionately and i can hear my heart beating in my chest i felt hot all over me. The cold wind of the night was gently blowing at us who are standing and kissing passionately under the full moon shining above us.

"After i get my revenge and build a base I'll make you my one and only wife"

After she said that she kiss me again as if a seal of her promise to me. I looked at her we both felt breathless she then held my waist firmly in her arms. She step closer to me and put her head on my neck i felt her warm breath near my neck making my legs go weak.

"S... Su uhmmm"

She lick my neck i felt a tingling sensation in the place where she lick me. She kept her head on my neck sniffing and licking it, i was feeling good to be honest. I covered my mouth not to let me moan.

I saw her eyes glow in the darker giving a sinister aura that made me shuddered I was not scared instead i felt hot all over me.


"Baby we have to go back now" she said still looking at me

"Okay let's go" i said softly holding her hand on mine i was so happy I smiled like maiden in love which is true we took a car outside the hospital and Su drove us back to the base.

After the run out of fuel the base is near to we walked holding hands. The we saw brother Li with his car....

"Brother Li" Su called him

"Oh what are you two doing here this hour" he asked curiously

"We were looking for supplies when we didn't notice the time" Su lied i looked at her then she wink at me mischievously i blushed slightly

"Well be careful next time, com one hop in i was also on my way back to the base" brother Li said

"Thank you brother Li" i said then we sat on the back.

Brother Li drove the car towards the base.

"Brother Li are you out collecting supplies"

"Hahah well yes we need to strengthen the walls of the base"

"Are you planning on expanding the base"

"That is the plan but we needed manpower and we need materials, I'm thankful for your captain that we brought back more materials" he said laughing. The rest of the ride was we laughing (I don't know why there laughing).

Arriving at the base we got down the car.

"Thank you brother Li for the ride"

"No problem take care" he said waving goodbye

We then walked towards the house and i saw Su staring at the door of Lyn suddenly i felt my heart uneasy 'Does she like Lyn... No no no don't doubt her she already promised you to you her wife" said to myself. Maybe she felt that I'm quite she smiled at me her smile is really beautiful.

We walk towards our room then she xlose the door

"Don't be jealous my love i just thought of the possibility that Lyn has something to do with teleporting us to the hospital" she explain after she said that my felt ease.

"Why we didn't do anything to her" i said then we sat down the chair with me on her lap and my head on her chest hearing her heart beat

"I have been noticing her since we join the team, everytime the captain praise us she would glare and her eyes would look at us with hatred"

"I also noticed her glaring me when we rescued them from the bunker" i said recalling her glaring at me

"What should we do then" i said softly looking at her

"For now, i want to play with her for a bit" she said eerily I'm not scared at her but i just noded

I don't care if my lover will kill her since she started it but I'm also thankful because Su was able to be my girlfriend.

"Honey show her a bit of mercy if not for her i might not tell you yet about me" i persuade her

"Okay" she replied then carry me to the bed and gently put me down.

She move close to me and kiss me passionately with my hands around her neck i pulled her closer more. Her lips was soft like clouds i couldn't resist bitting it softly pulling out the kiss. I stared at her eyes and saw her looking at me like a precious treasure i felt my heart being covered in honey once more.

"My love let's sleep now we still have work tomorrow" she said then kiss my forehead i noded and put my head on her chest, slowly i fell asleep.