Chapter 14: Apocalypse

(Su Meng POV)

I saw my lover fell asleep, eyes soft expression turned murderous and frightening.

"Thana used the illusionist skill on Lyn, and don't let her wake up until I'm done we will have fun in her dreams" i said coldly. I was not a cruel person but since she tried to kill me then don't blame me for being cruel.

[Okay host.... Illusionist activated]

I smiled then close my eyes my consciousness went to Lyn's dream she was dreaming of being married with Pei.

(Lyns part)

Inside my dream i was happily married with Pei when "rooarrr" a roar sounded suddenly the scenery change from the peaceful world into a dreadful place. The zombies started coming to us i tried activating my ability but not work.

"Rrrooosaarrr" a zombie jumped on me then start biting and scratching me. That's when i saw Pei left me and run away.

"Pei help me" i shouted but he kept running

"No.... Someone help me please"


The zombies stop all surrounded me and i sat up my body was bloody and i saw the zombies make way i tiredly look up and i was shocked. I saw Su walking towards me her face was covered in blood and scratches her clothes are torn with blood stains. She walk staggering then she squat me my level.

"L...lyn why..... why did you kill me" she said creepily while she was looking at me she didn't have eyes

"Ahhhhh stay away from me" i shouted moving back i was scared i tried running but i felt something hold my foot.

"Lyn tell me why.... WHY" she ask as she dug her nails on my foot

"Ahhhh..... please .... I... I'm sorry" i shouted gritting my teeth in pain i close my eyes then i heard the growls of zombies disappear.

I opened my eyes and the scenery change again this time i was in dark room. Both my hands and feets are tied

*Tock tock tock*

I heard footsteps coming near and saw Su covered in blood i was trembling in fear and heart was racing 'Im gonna die I'm gonna die' i repeated in my thoughts.

"Lyn i didn't do anything to hurt you yet you killed me how about you also try what I suffered" she said smiling it was creepy the side of her cheeks has no flesh and can see the inside of the mouth. She was slowly approaching me i tried moving around i don't want to die i was crying hard and snots are all over my face

When she was infront me i felt something cut my back



"Stop...stop" i begging me but then i felt more cuts on my back, Su suddenly hold my chin and made me stared at her. I widen my eyes when i saw what she was holding a knife.

"Hehehehehehe you took my eyes how about i take yours" she said

"Ahhhhahahhaha" i screamed as i felt the pain my body shook violently. I was gripping the arm of the chair and move my body to shook her off but she hold my face firmly then i felt a sharp knife pierce through eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" only screams was heard and growls of zombies

(Back to Su Meng POV)

For the whole night i enjoyed making her suffer in every possible way. I woke up with the sun rising that illuminated the dark room and the face of my lover who is sleeping cutely on my chest.

I gently stoke her hair and played with it while she was sleeping.

'Thana is Lyn awake now'

[Yes host] then a panel appeared infront of me showing Lyn woke up from cold sweat's of last night. Her body was trembling violently, her eyes are red and she kept whispering some words. I close the panel and continue stroking my lover's hair.

[Host what do you plan on doing with Lyn]

'I need to wait for the plot to kill her'

A week from now on our level's rise and we will go to B base. One day the team separated and while we were in the park filled with zombies the villianess pushed the female lead so my plan to let Nan Yue kill her for me by taking her fall.

I was recalling the plot when i felt something soft on my cheeks coming to my senses Nan Yue was smiling at me "Good morning honey" i said lovingly "Good morning love" she said shyly blushing. She was so cute that i had kiss her for a while as we parted breathlessly she was looking at me blushing like a tomato.

I softly pinch her cheeks then individually took a bath i suggest to her we both take it but she furiously blush then run to the bathroom making me laugh at her cuteness.

After a blissful morning we went down to the canteen and saw our teammates. Lyn was avoiding my sight we went to get some food then sit down with the others.

"Good morning Su Nan Yue" they greeted

"Good morning everyone" i said coldly then start eating

"Nan Yue here is your contribution card" Pei said while hand over the card

"Thank you captain" Yue said then take the card

I saw him helplessly smiled and looked at Nan Yue with a pampering expression. He should be thankful i didn't poke his eyes when he looked at my lover, tsk this guy is really getting on my nerves.

"I told you to call me by my name" he said softly

"Captain why is your treatment to Nan Yue different from us we all call you captain but she is allowed to call you by name" Lyn immediately retorted i thumb ups to her in my mind 'Good job'

[Host you...]



"Lyn it's not..."

"Then I'll also call you by your name Pei" Lyn said cutting him off his sentence

"Please don't fight" Nan Yue said stopping them

"I can't call you by your name since everyone call you captain so I'll also call you captain" Nan Yue said making it clear

*Sigh*"Okay" Pei said the Lyn smiled

Everyone continue eating and talk about something else pretending the conversation earlier didn't happen. After we have eaten, for the whole day we continue to practice our abilities.

(1 week later)

Pei was satisfied when he saw that our abilities level up to 2 "I'll go say goodbye to the boss of the base so wait for me" pei said then went to brother Li.

After an hour he came back

"Let's go we'll go to B base" pei said and all noded we went and get our car that was parked outside the base.

Pei drove the car directly to B base it was only a day away from the A base.

We stop by a store to get more materials since we are short of food.

"Dale Zhen stay here for a look out we'll head inside to get some supplies" Pei said and we all noded. Stepping inside we sense something coming immediately I took out my sword and deflect the incoming weapons.

*Cling cling*

(Pei Wei's POV)

We sense a dangerous vibe when suddenly Su deflect weapons who came to us.

"Who is there" i ask stepping forward with a metal spike on my hand

Then a group of people walked out they are all guys

"Well well look do we have here"

"Woah boss look there are some hot chicks with him"

" Hehehehe pretty girl want to play with me" he said drooling

They were staring lustfully at the girls and licking thier lips they are so disgusting

"How about we have a deal young man, if you give us the girls behind you we'll give you a lot of food so how about it" a fat man said




"Yahhh bastard didn't you hear what my boss say give the girls to and we'll reward you food" a thin man said angrily

"Piss off" i said coldly sending a metal spike on the ground as a warning scaring the thin man and hide behind his team.

"Show me where the foods are?"i said coldly walking passed them when suddenly i heard scream looking back the fat man was on the ground holding his cut arm.

"Ahhhhhhh.... arm"

"You dare to touch me I'll kill you" Lyn said holding a water blade on her hand.

The other guys who was with them are trembling in fear while on the floor with thier pants wet they piss.


Ignoring them we went to the storage room and took everything immediately since zombies can smell blood from a mile. We walked passed them and went out, we immediately went inside the car and drove away. We heard a faint scream from the shop but we pretended not to hear.

After a few hours we have arrived at B base we got out the car. Then went to the guard

"Excuse me can we enter the base" i asked politely in a cold tone

"Before you go in please place your hand on this orb" he said pointing at the transparent orb

"This will scan what level you are and place you in a more comfortable place by the base" he continue we noded

I first put my hand and it glowed black

"Ohhhh your a level 2 metal ability" he said surprised then Lyn was next her's glowed blue.

"Your also a level 2" he was getting excited

"Actually all of us are level 2" i said informing him he was shocked and immediately called his friend.

"Go tell the boss that we got a 7 level 2 user's" he said and the other guy immediately run away.

"Can you please wait for a while, it's rare to have 7 people in one team all level 2" he explain we just noded and waited. Few minutes later the guy run back

"Go lead them to the boss he wants to talk to them" he said breathlessly he other guy noded.

"Please follow me" he said and we followed him.


We followed the guy into a big house inside was filled with expensive things like painting and antique vases. At the end of the room was a large door then it opened we walk inside.

On the second floor of the room hiding in the dark someone was watching them until it stop on a petition girl with jet black hair and silver eyes her face was innocent. Taking a deep breath he left quitely.

[Host the boss of the base was looking at Nan Yue earlier] i also sense his presence making me click my tongue in annoyance.

"Honey what's wrong" she said whispering she may have notice the change of my aura

*Sigh*"Your beauty is attracting people im annoyed i want you all to myself, call me selfish I don't care your mine" i said firmly and seriously whispered looking at her with doomering eyes.

(Nan Yue's POV)

We were walking when i felt the change of aura beside looking at my lover who is annoyed i move closer to her and softly asked

"Honey what's wrong"

*Sigh*"Your beauty is attracting people im annoyed i want you all to myself, call me selfish I don't care your mine" she whispered firmly and seriously. My mind went blank for a bit




I hot steam got out on top of my head and i felt my face burning hot. I was blushing furiously as we walked no one looked back since we are far behind I don't want them to see me like this. She was holding my hand possessively which i like it.

We stop in a spacious room and saw the leader of B base his a tall man with a bulky body he was sitting like a king.

"Thank you for sparing us your time today"

"Its fine sir we are glad to meet you face to face" Pei was the one answering questions

"I heard that you are all level 2 how about you introduce yourself and your abilities"

"I'm Pei Wei captain of the team and i have a level 2 metal ability"

"I'm Zhen and i have a fire level 2 ability"

"I'm Lyn and i have a level 2 water ability"

"I'm Dale and i have a level 2 earth ability"

"I'm Su and i have a level 2 space ability"

" And I'm Lyn and i have a level 2 ice ability"

We said introducing ourselves to him. I didn't know that after i said my name he repeated it on his mind over and over again.

"I'm the leader of B base Murong" he said deeply then i notice him staring at me making me uncomfortable. I lean towards Su and ignore him.

He said a few words then he let us rest. We rent a house for all of us and went to bed. As we enter our room Su immediately close the door and hug me from behind i froze a bit then gradually relax i held her hand that was on my waist then turn around.

Put my arms around her neck and my head rest on her chest. Suddenly she held my buttocks firmly and easily lift me up my legs wrap around her waist as she got to the chair and sat down still sitting on her lap.

"Love I'm curious about something" she said gently

"Hmmm... What is it?"

"How do you raise your zombie level"

"Well there's a message on my mind saying i should exchange fluids with my significant other" i said confused until now.

"I may know what fluids you need i can help you but do you want to raise your level" she asked hoarsely

"Really yes" i said excitedly not knowing what was gonna come at me as she started kissing me passionately.