Chapter 24: ABO WORLD

After walking for a few kore minutes we reach the camping site.

"Zou Zou and I will collect some wood for the fire," I said

"Then Chen Chi and Rou Wei will go hunt some food," Jin Nie said since Chen Chi is a medical student she can identify herbs and fruits that are consumable.

They all nodded except Rou Wei who has a sullen face but she can't do anything, she left with Chen Chi. While Jin Nie build the tents while waiting, Wang and Yu Li we're watching them on top of a tree.

Zou Zou and Fu Mengyi were the first to come back with a bundle of sticks in their arms. Putting the sticks in place Fu Mengyi took out a flint and easily lit the stick on fire. Then Chen Chi and Rou Wei came back with fruits and 5 rabbits

"Do any of you know how to cook a rabbit?" Chen Chi said raising the rabbit in his hand

The four shook their heads, cooking a rabbit is hard if you don't know how it will be tough to eat.

"General I want to eat your cooking again" they heard the lieutenant say suddenly we all looked up and saw the two of them sitting on a branch of the tree.

"If you can beat me I will," the general said as she shows her fist

We all gulped we thought they were going to fight, both fists are near each other then raise slight and show a.....paper and scissor?

"Yes I win I win, finally after so many months, I won again," lieutenant wang said happily and jump up and down the tree, they were relieved she didn't fall.


The general said and jump down the tree and took the rabbits in Chen Chi's hand. She tied her hair into a ponytail showing her delicate neck and roll her sleeves which showed her thin arms but strong muscles.

Then a knife appeared in her hand, she easily skin the rabbits and chops into small pieces. Her knife skills are eye-catching her movements are smooth and elegant.

The way she cut the vegetables neatly at a fast pace was beautiful. Then she put a pot directly on the heat and start stir-frying the spices creating a wonderful smell

"Hehehee it's been so long since I tasted the General's cooking," lieutenant wang said drooling looking at the pot

"Wipe your mouth," the general said snapping her from her daydreaming

Then she added the chop pieces of rabbits to the pot and added water with seasonings. The smell is so tempting that even us was drooling just from the smell. When it boiled she put the vegetables that she cut earlier.

"General is it done yet," lieutenant wang said impatiently

"Yes," the general said and put the stew out of the heat and put the pot on the stamp near the fire.

Almost everyone immediately held their bowl to the general. She looked at us with a slight smile


My heartthrob when I saw her smile, that's weird. She put each of our bowls with the stew, and without waiting we all started devouring the food.

"Sooooo gggoooooddd" we all said

"General your cooking is still the best" lieutenant wang complimented

She hmmm as a response and continue devouring the food until there was nothing to help. This is the first time I ate a lot it's really good.

After we ate we washed the pot and bowl, then gathered around the fire.

"Lieutenant Wang can you tell us when you first meet the general" Chen Chi asked curiously

"Is it alright general" lieutenant wang asked looking at the general

"I don't the harm on it, go ahead," she said cold

"The first time I saw General Yu Li is when she was only 14 years old, she went to the battlefield with her uncle. That time I thought why is a child doing here, so I approach her and told her to go home. Which she savagely said 'No'" she said a little embarrassed

Such a young girl and she went to the battlefield at an early age in her teens. Looking at the general poking the fire she was silent listening to the lieutenant.

"Her first battle she was victorious, when the leader died she took over the commanding of the soldiers and was able to save the remaining soldiers. Out of 200 soldiers only 40 of us return" she said remembering the times

They were assigned to the wasteland planet, a dangerous place where there are zergs lurking around the place. We were tasked to kill the remaining zergs, but something unexpected happened there was a queen zerg.

"Everyone take your mechas" the leader shouted and all the soldiers summoned their mechas.

We fought and fought but the zerg's kept coming one after the other.

"Retreat everyone retreat" we were overwhelmed and the leader ordered us to retreat but we were surrounded

"Commander watch out" I watch as the zerg swallowed the mecha of the leader.

"Were gonna die"

"I don't want to die yet"

The soldiers are all panicking, I gritted my teeth there are over 200 more zergs and only 40 of us left. I was thinking about what we should do

"Everyone calm down" a child's voice sounded that made us all calm down

"If you don't want to die, calm yourselves and prepare your boosters, in our left, there are only level one zergs. We can rush and create a pathway for us to escape" she said coldly

We were in doubt but we all rushed toward the left. And she was right we did escape and hid for while, we send a distress signal but it was blocked.

"Something is blocking the signal"

"Even the light brain I can't connect"

"All of you quiet down," the child Yu Li said coldly again

We all shut up her aura is heavy that we can't refute

"Let all your mecha absorb mana, for now, we have the energy to create a bomb to distract the zerg queen," she said and took out the energy of her mecha

One must know that the energy of a mecha is precious since it is one of the sources to operate the mecha.

"But if we remove the energy core we won't be able to operate the mecha," soldiers said seriously

"I didn't say you will take in out only my core is needed," Young Yu Li said and created a simple but powerful bomb it was complex and difficult.

The zerg queen was just a few meters from where we are hiding she bravely run to it head-on. And throw the bomb she only has 5 seconds before it explodes


"Quick send the signal" I shouted and immediately we were able to send the signal and the zerg was heavily wounded

The rescuers came almost instantly and kept sending rockets on the zerg queen.



Immediately I rush towards the child where I saw her hide and sure enough she was alive.

"Come on let's go," I said and help her stand up we all return and that's when she received the Silver Phoenix Badge

"Ooohhhhh so cool," Chen Chi said admiringly

"Hahaha right she's a badass," the lieutenant said

"Alright that's enough for tonight time to sleep," General said looking at us

"Aaawweee," the four said

"Then I'll be on watch tonight" Zou Zou volunteered and we noded

"But where will you sleep General and lieutenant," Rou Wei asked

"Oh don't worry about us," the lieutenant said then a bed appeared in front of her and place near the fire.

We were looking at her blankly, we are going to sleep in a sleeping bag and yet she has a bed. The general just went back to the tree and lay on it.

We all went to our tent and rested.

The next day we all set off and explore the jungle while walking.



We heard growling and immediately the general raised her hand and we all stop.

"Shhhh be quiet go hide in that bushes first," she said we nodded and quietly went to the bushes and hide.

Yu Li jumped from tree to tree and went to the sound of growling, she got near and the growling became louder.


On the ground was a level six zerg and a... Human.....

Looking closely the human had a tail, half-human, and half worm body. The human worm was producing eggs after eggs and they were hatching baby zergs. Immediately I took a video and was about to leave

"There's a human in the tree," the human said hoarsely and the level six zerg instantly move its tail towards me. I jumped high and run away, I saw the place where they hide.

"All alpha's carry an omega, we need to go," I said hurriedly and they all panic

"Don't panic and go" I said again coldly

"Rou Wei come on hop on my back," Chen Chi said

"No I want Jin Nie to carry me," she said crossing her arm

Wang was about to say something when suddenly a zerg rush towards us and we separated

"Damn it," I said and looked at the students but there are only four

"Thana where's the female lead," asked my mind

[Host she's in front of the zerg's] thana said panicking

I look in the direction and saw her there,

"Damn, Wang take the students back to the base and immediately dispatch the knights here," said loudly and throw at her the video device and run towards the female lead.

"Yes, General" I heard wang say loudly and summoned her mecha. She put the students in the capsule and activated the booster.

Which automatically sends them back to the base in no time. Arriving at the base we went out

"Lieutenant Wang" the soldiers saw us

"Prepare everyone we will go to the General," she said immediately and the horn sounded

All the soldier's gathered immediately in the training grounds, ready for battle.

"The General said to dispatch you all, and gave me a video cam," she said and open the video.

Which showed what she saw a human worm laying eggs and baby zerg's are born.

"Send this to the kingdom and we will dispatch now," she said and immediately they took out a device. Then when all soldiers stepped in they disappear.

Looking at the four students especially Rou Wei with a meaningful look

"On the battlefield, if you are picky then it's better not to be in the army, you are selfish do you want to kill your teammates," lieutenant wang said coldly at Rou Wei

She was trembling and scared the look in the lieutenant's are terrible that even tears are. running down my cheeks.

The lieutenant didn't speak anymore and also stood in the device in which she disappear.