Chapter 25: ABO WORLD

When the general came back she immediately told us to be carried, looking at her face she was in a hurry. But Rou Wei is picky that a zerg rush towards us and I got separated.


I heard a sound behind me and saw the zerg in front of me. My legs are trembling and I was scared, suddenly before it swallowed me I was embraced.

Then saw the general caring for me and run in the opposite direction. I look back and saw the others being taken away by the lieutenant.

The zerg was behind us chasing but the general was running at a steady pace. Then I saw a cave nearby

"General there's a cave over there," I said pointing at the cave, and she nodded she increase her pace and landed steadily on the cave.

We hid behind the rock and wait for the zerg's to pass by. After they pass I was put down on the ground.

"Here put in on, this will minimize our presence," she said handing me a spray can I nodded and spray it on my body.

[Dididid] the ring sounded and touch her wrist a blue panel appeared. The lieutenant's face was seen

"General we have arrived and the zerg's change position we are now looking for the human worm," she said seriously

"Good we won't be able to meet with you yet we have entered the forbidden zone," Yu Li said coldly

"The forbidden zone, general please be careful," lieutenant wang said with a hint of worry. The general just nodded and the call ended.

"Let's go explore this cave, we can't go out yet this place is the forbidden zone it will be dangerous if we go out now," she said looking at me. I nodded and she held my hand, I blush when I felt her warm hands thankfully she is leading the way so she won't see my face.

The cave was large and the walls have engravings on them each having different shapes and drawings that are unknown. One by one the general recorded the engravings, we walked for a while without meeting any monsters.

"Are you okay?" she asked looking at me and I shake my head in embarrassment, My body is sticky and uncomfortable because of sweat.

"We'll stay here for now then continue tomorrow," she said I look at my watch and it was already 8:00 in the evening. She made a fire I sat down near it, I want to take a bath but there was no water.

"Come here," the general said and look up she was holding a device I went near her, then she put the device in my hand out of nowhere. I felt my body cool and refresh, I stood stunned. What the hell happened just now

"This is a showering device that I created, just by attaching this to yourself it will automatically clean both your body and clothes" she explained and put the device in my hand

"Keep it" she shortly said I nodded blankly.

*Crackle crackle*

No one talked and we were both silent not knowing what to say, I want to talk to her but the words are stuck in my throat.

"G.. general how long will we stay here," I asked stuttering

"Until we finish exploring this cave it may take a while," she said slightly cold

"Then what how are we gonna get out," I asked low

"I saw another cave connected to where we are, that may be an open place for us to get out," she said answering

Then out of nowhere


My stomach growled a blush of embarrassment creep out on my face and shamefully cover my face.

"Here eat this" then look at her handing me a big piece of bread with milk I took it and thank her then devour the bread and milk she was also eating the same as mine.

"Go to sleep I'll be on watch," she said when she finished her food I nodded and summon a sleeping bag and lay down.

For 3 days we were in the cave still moving forward, slowly I was able to talk we the general more and more often which made me happy. These days together I got used to her holding my hand in hers, that made me feel safe and secure they were getting closer.

Then we something unexpected There's a house inside a cave. It was an abandoned house it was full of dust and cobwebs.

"Did someone live here before?" I said looking around

"Maybe look there's a picture here," Yu Li said touching a picture frame. In the picture, there's a middle-aged man, a young woman in her twenties, and a 5-year-old child they were all smiling.

"Looks like a happy family lived here before"


She put down the frame and we search around the place. While I was walking I heard a metal clicking

*Clang clang*

"Li did you hear that," I said and we both stopped and heard the metal clicking under us. Yu Li look for the entrance it was beside the fireplace, there was a door she opened the door. And there were stairs leading down.

"I'll go first," she said and she slowly went down I also followed her. The room was dark so she open her light, I was shocked to see that there were bloodstains and tools for..... torture.

I covered my mouth and I could smell something nasty, Yu Li handed me a device and put it on the side of my ear which created a mask and a clean smell of the air is being produced.

Masking the nasty smell, in the room, there was a cell we went near it and saw a skeleton chained in both of its hands on the wall. Near the cell was an old wooden door.

Pushing it open the room is full of papers scattered around the place. I pick one and their drawings of the ones we saw on the wall when we came here.

"The man tried experimenting with something and used his wife and child as test subjects," Yu Li said coldly

I was disgusted by it using his own family for his interest is intriguing.

"It seems that he succeeded in his experiment and turn the child into a breading machine for zergs," Yu Li said looking at the book on the table which wrote 'i finally did it' it has bloodstains on the book.

"But where is the child," I asked looking around I didn't see any skeleton of the child then, Yu Li open a blue panel showing me the one saw. I covered my mouth and my tears fell. That man is so evil he turned his child into a monster creating zergs.

"What a despicable man," I said cursing

Then felt a hand wiping my tears, I froze and look at Yu Li she was gently wiping my tears and her face soften a bit. Which surprised me and felt my cheeks burning.

"Don't cry" said softly making my heart beat wildly, I bit my lower lip to calm my heart down so she won't hear the beating of my heart. Slowly I stop crying and we left that place without looking back.

Another 3 weeks have passed, a week ago they lose connection to the lieutenant and we are still in the cave and the relationship between Yu Li and Fu Mengyi was very close. They won't run out of food and water since Yu Li did have a system where she purchased healthy food for them.

The deeper they went inside the cave the signal was cut off, it's been a week since they saw the sun. They saw a lot of things inside the cave and found some interesting technology that was different from what we are using now.

For the past 3 weeks, Fu Mengyi knew she liked the general, every time she hold her hands her heart skipped a beat and when she smile at her she felt the world stop and I only see her.

I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly I felt my body heat up and it hurts. I curled my body in pain and a smell of peach phenomenon was slipping out.

I'm in estrus, I thought and my breathing became heavy.

Meanwhile, I was looking at the fire I smelled the scent of peach, and my instincts immediately skyrocketed. And saw Mengyi squirming in pain, slowly I got up and went near her holding my last reason.

"Mengyi where's your inhabitor," I asked hoarsely controlling myself but she didn't respond and put her hand on my neck.

"M...mark me" she whimpered looking at me with misty eyes and her cheeks are dyed red

"Are you sure?" I asked holding her waist

"Yes," said painfully

Looking at her glands I slowly pierce my fangs into her delicate glands then I tasted the sweet peach from her, I injected my phenomenon into her while savoring the taste of peach.

When Yu Li approach me I didn't think twice and let her mark me. I smell her phenomenon which was a citrus lemon with vanilla. Her phenomenon is making me dizzy, then I felt her fangs pierce my glands my mind went blank. I only felt her phenomenon pouring inside me, I held her head tightly and greedily sniffed her phenomenon.

I opened my eyes slowly, my head was dizzy and lightheaded. Then the memories from last night woke me up completely, I felt someone move beside me. Looking at my side I saw Yu Li sleeping face, I blushed hard. I can still smell the scent of citrus lemon with vanilla and peaches in the air.

"How are you feeling" a hoarse voice sounded I looked at her shyly

"I... I'm fine thank you for yesterday" I said low I can't look st her in the face it's embarrassing

Suddenly she pinch my chin and move it to look at her I saw her smiling. I was stunned this is the first time she smiled at me like this. Then she... Kiss me...

My mind went blank her lips are so soft and sweet, and her kiss was slow and passionate. Both my hands gripping her clothes, then we parted. She was still smiling and both my face and neck were red

"Fu Mengyi will you be my girlfriend," she asked softly patting my back

"Really...yes a million times yes," I said happily and hugged her tightly

"I love you baby"

"I love you too"

And we sealed it with a passionate kiss, we cuddled for a while. Then continue walking, I felt refreshed and light there was always a smile on my face which clearly showed that I'm so happy.

Yu Li looked at her lover smiling ear to ear since earlier I smiled looking at her she's so cute I can't help but kiss her cheeks and she blushed, I softly pinch her cheeks

"Your so cute baby," I said lovingly

She turned even redder and hug then hug her laughing at her reaction.

"Don't tease me" she mumbled as I hug her

"Hai hai, I won't tease you," said surrendering

We continue to walk when we reach the end of the cave. It was a wide and spacious room some eggs are about to hatch.

"These are zergs in the egg, we need to kill it before they hatch," I said and immediately took out a liquid bottle of wine and a flint. Mengyi helped me and poured the bottles of wine on the eggs and lot up immediately

All the eggs are being burned to be sure I took out my sword and swung it towards the eggs a sharp wind cut the eggs in half while others burn.

In the original story, the male lead and female lead will stay in this cave but they didn't explore it. The only way to get something to eat was that the male lead will go hunt and sometimes return wounded, this made them closer. They were both stuck here for a month before being rescued by the Silver Knights who were looking for them.

But before they could go a large amount of zergs came running out of the cave killing also all the soldiers, only a few survived, and the male lead and female lead returned unharmed.

The zergs came to an all-out attack on the base and destroyed 1/4 of the training grounds. A lot of Silver Knights died and Yu Li was severely wounded, so she was in a coma for a month.

Looking at the burning eggs I destroyed one crisis and one more remaining is the breading zerg. In the story, there was no description of how the zerg's kept coming even though we killed a lot of them. Now we know that there was a breading zerg found.