Chapter 28: ABO WORLD

The sun rose in the morning and the sleeping beauty opened her eyes, Fu Mengyi looked at her lover and remember last night she blushed hard. And she smiled looking at the peacefully sleeping person.

"Good morning love" a husky voice sounded and saw her open her red eyes looking at me intently making me blush more

"Good morning honey" I greeted and she kissed me passionately on the lips I responded to her. She smiled at me with softening face, I told myself I really love this woman, and I smiled at her too.

The past 6 months were the best days of my life, we were always together and we rarely fight. She was always very attentive and gentle whenever I got moody or want to eat something she always make it for me.

She gave me the warmth that I always crave and she filled my heart with all her love. There's no way I will ever give her up to anyone. These past few months I notice that I'm very possessive towards her I don't want any omega touching or coming near her. Except for her soldier's

When I'm jealous she would always coax me for a few words and my irritation disappear almost instantly.


-Fu Mengyi POV-

After we ate breakfast were in the living room watching a movie since I don't have any class for today. I was cuddling with her on the sofa and she was holding me securely

"Love there's something I need to talk to you about," she said and I looked at her she was serious so I immediately turn down the volume of the tv

"What's wrong honey," I asked softly

"Well I need to return to the base tomorrow I received a call from the king and the zergs are starting a full attack in the kingdom," she said seriously,

This is one that I'm afraid of, she goes to battle leaving me behind even if I want to go I'm an omega and will only be in the way. I bit my lower lip to surpassed my tears from falling

"When will you return," I asked

"I don't know, the planet where the zerg escape is full of level 8 zerg's it will take long until we exterminate them" softly said but I'm worried level 8 zerg are more complex monster they are hard to beat even if you have a high mecha

"Love doesn't worry I will return to your side after I finished reclaiming the planet," she said as she hug me and my tears fall sobbing.

Yu Li kept wiping my tears that kept falling down my cheeks. She occasionally kisses me to calm me down

"Honey I want you to permanently mark me"

I said seriously and she was stunned for a while and looked at me dotingly she smiled ear to ear.

"Are you sure love"

She asked concerned, a permanent mark is once in a lifetime process you will be bound with the alpha who marked you. And only her phenomenon can calm your estrus period, the process of permanent marking is very painful.


I said without hesitation I want her to mark me as hers so that she will know that someone is waiting for her return and full fill her promise.

Then she picked me up and walked towards our bedroom, for the remaining day I cried and tremble as I feel the phenomenon's entering my glands in a large amount. It was painful but I choose to accept it

For a long time, the process of permanent marking is exhausting my body was both tired and in pain. I felt her phenomenon run through my whole body and soothe me. I felt complete finally she marked me.

"When I return I'll marry you, my love"

She said hoarsely I looked at her in tears and nodded happily

"I'll wait for you honey no matter how long it takes"

I said then kiss her hard and hug her tightly, I'm going to miss her so bad when she leaves I got used to being by her side anywhere and anytime I want.

The next day, she dropped me off at school I hugged her unwilling to let go. She patted my back gently to calm me down. After a while, I let go

"Honey you better return to me or else I will ignore you in our next life," I said threatening her

"Hai hai, I will return I don't want my baby to ignore me I'll die," she said softly

She tenderly kissed me passionately before you left, she also arrange bodyguards for me from the Silver Knight they are all very loyal to the general.


Days passed and I'm still getting used to her not being by my side, I even had insomnia on the first day. Every day we talked through the light brain I can only sleep when I hear a voice until I fell asleep.

"Mengyi did you finish your assignment," Chole asked she is a member of the silver knight who is my bodyguard

"Yes I did" I smiled at her and she pouted

"I rushed in the morning and forgot my book," said fake crying I laugh at her

"Oh right Mengyi did the general tell you where they are now," she asked

"I don't know I didn't ask her," I said shaking my head

"I see, I also want to fight together with the general on the battlefield," she said slacking

"Don't know I'll help you" I said giggling

"Really," she asked excitedly, and nodded my head

She immediately stood up and jump around the place.


Meanwhile, in the Vio Planet, 200 silver mechas are walking into the forest. The mechas are all stained by blood and dirt they were fighting zergs almost every day without stopping.

"General the zerg's stopped again," wang said looking at the binoculars

"Strangely, we have been chasing them for days now but we are always get ambushed by zergs out of nowhere," she said curiously

"They are leading us to a place where they would be able to capture us and have no escape," I said seriously

"Thana what happened why did the world suddenly change," I thought in my mind

[There was a bug host that disrupted the timeline]

"Then where are the queen and the human worm"

[Host they are in the center of the planet, waiting for you

are level ten zergs surrounding them]

"What..... How many level ten zerg's are there"

[About 20 host]

"Damn... I can defeat them but my soldiers won't, only my lieutenants can defend but not attack"

[Host you can purchase potions in the shop it can boost the mecha and person]

"Let me see"

The shop menu appeared and a lot of new products appear it's been a long time since I check the shop. Scrolling down and saw what Thana was talking about

[Super boost- can boost anything and anyone for a day, it will increase all stats by 100

No side effects after it wears off]

the price is about 10,000 points and there are only 100 left in the shop. Immediately I purchased all of them

[Ding you are trying to purchase 100 Super Boost deducting 1,000,000 points]

[Ding purchased successfully]

I went to the other's and distribute the potions to each one

"This is a potion created by me this will help us if ever were in trouble so only use it when needed," I said seriously

"Yes General" they all obeyed

In the original story, the attack would be a year later but it was disrupted and ruined my plan, thankfully I had another if ever there was an accident. This is also the place where the original owner died saving the male lead.

After I took the role of the male lead his future is a mess now and he didn't tell his parents about him going to the mine after graduating but I don't care I need to finish this and return

Thinking of my lover's face I smiled thinking about our future and future kids. What a happy future indeed, then her wrist lit up showing the person she was thinking with her future

"Hello my love"

"Hi honey, how are you"

"I'm not good" I pouted

"What..why are you hurt" she panicked

"I miss you so badly I kept thinking about how I used to hold in my arms and kiss you," said pouting and I saw her face blush

"I miss you too honey"

We talked for a long time until the alarm rang a warning that I sat up when a zerg is coming.

"Baby go to sleep now your wife is going to battle," I said jokingly and she blushed

"Wife be safe, I love you," she said lovingly

"I love you too baby muah," I said and she also respond

I turned the video off and open the map we were surrounded again by a large army of zergs. Without waiting I summoned my mecha and prepare to fight.

"Everyone prepare for battle"

I shouted they were all in their mechas, the zerg's relentlessly attacking together.




Bodies of zerg are piled up one after the other all the mechas attack with their power killing more than half of the zerg's. Explosion and cries of zerg's sounded on the whole planet.

My mecha rushed towards a level 7 zerg and imbodied the sword with a light blue color. Which instantly cut the zerg's head like butter, and a lot of blood spilled out dyeing the ground red.


In school, Fu Mengyi was busy practicing building a level 5 mecha which will be her graduation pass.

Sweats sled down her delicate face, her face was slightly red and her lips are slightly open. She used her mental ability to build the mecha, she had practiced using her mental ability in the Silver Phoenix training room. To improve her control

At first, she can't complete the core and she was immediately exhausted, after a few trials and errors she was now able to build the core using half of her ability.

"Mengyi that's enough for today," Sun said handing me a towel

"Thank you Sun" then took the towel and wipe my sweat

"You should prepare now, or you're going to be late at school," Chole said who was behind Sun I noded

Immediately I took a refreshing bath and Chole send me to school. I walked towards my class and at the same time I heard the bell ring, I went to sit at my table and pull out my book

"Mengyi" a male's voice sounded in front of me looking up I frown when I saw who it was

"What is it," asked coldly

"Mengyi you~"

"Just go straight to the point" I cut him off

"Mengyi can I ask you to be my partner at our graduation party," he asked with hope in his voice

"Jin Nie you know that I already have an alpha and I don't want her to misunderstand me," said rejecting his invitation

Jin Nie has been pestering me after my lover went back to the base. He persistently invites me to anything which I refuse time and time again. Chole and Sun also helped me since both of them are excellent beta's in the Silver Knight's army.

-Jin Nie Part-

Again, I got rejected. I have chased Fu Mengyi for so long since the first time I meet her. I tried chasing her in different ways but it was always in vain.

I thought that she won't have a lover until she graduated giving me more time to chase but then after she separated from us she came back with a lover.

Not just any lover it was the Silver Phoenix General, I plan to befriend her with my status and be a helper. But I didn't expect that Fu Mengyi and her will become lovers when they return.

I clenched my fist in anger, then leave I don't want to embarrass myself more than I already did. Why....why can't you see that I love you....

-end part -


-Fu Mengyi -

After he left I felt a hot gaze I turn my head to my left and saw Rou Wei glaring at me with jealousy and hatred in her eyes. She can't bully me now since the school knows that I'm the lover of the youngest general in the kingdom.

Some even try to befriend me but I can see in their eyes that they want to benefit from being my friend so I ignored them all. I was always followed by Chole and Sun wherever I go, they also gave me privacy which I appreciate.

I ignored her glare and continued reading I have no energy to deal with her.


"Mengyi, the general has prepared something for you," Chole said excitedly

"Huh.... Prepared what" asked confused

"Hehehe general said it's a surprise when you get home you will see," she said mischievously

I can only nod helplessly and she drove me to our house. Upon entering I saw an exquisite box on the table the box was colored silver and the ribbon was red and tied in a bow.

Immediately I took the box and slowly open it, my eyes sparkled when I saw what was inside. It's a..... beautiful bracelet made with a gem that I've never seen before.

"Wow that's the Spirit Stone of the general" Chole said shocked and excited

"Spirit Stone what's that" confused

"That Spirit Stone is quite special since only the general can have something like that. It is said that the Spirit Stone is a gem that was blessed by the goddess of love, it also said that wherever your lover maybe she will always return to your side be it this life or another" Chole explained

My heart was filled with warmth and it was beating furiously on my chest. Looking at the bracelet I smiled sweetly, my love for her is already overflowing. I can't wait to marry her, then I put the bracelet on my right wrist and it fits perfectly.

"Wahhhh I'm so jealous I wish I have someone like the general" Chole said pouting little did she know someone was looking at her with helpless eyes. But Chole didn't seem to notice and continue looking at the bracelet. I noticed Sun's gaze at Chole and chuckled in my heart

"Don't worry Chole I'm sure someone will give you something more precious than this stone" I said giggling

"Really," she said excitedly I just nodded and wink secretly at Sun she saw me and also noded as if understanding the meaning

I took a picture of my bracelet and post on my account, it immediately received a lot of comments and likes. Being a lover of a general a lot of people will naturally pay attention to her account. I send the picture to my honey and wait for her to see it.

Then my honey called a minute after I send the picture I opened the video. The first thing I saw was her beautiful smiling face which every time made my heart skip a beat

"Did you like my gift love"

"Uhm I don't like it.....I loved it"

"I'm glad I carve that gem every time I'm thinking about you" my cheeks heat when she said that

"I.... I'm also thinking about you, honey. I miss you"

She always makes my heartbeat I felt that I'm falling in love with her all over again.

"Baby I have some good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear" suddenly she became serious

"Then the good news," said nervously

"The good news is I maybe be home at your graduation party"

"What really," said excited

"I said 'maybe' love," she said but I don't care

"Then what's the bad news honey" I saw her take a deep breath before looking at me sadly

"Starting tomorrow I will not be able to contact you until I return"

Her words are like thunder that hit me, my mind went blank and my body was shaking.

"Love please calm down" her worried voice woke me up

"Why....why honey"

"We will have an all-out attack in their base and ambushed them, it's most likely that we will fight for a long time" she calmly explained

I bit my lower lip, I once heard that the zerg's protecting the queen are level ten. If an all-out attack is the only way to ambush them but also dangerous.

Level ten zerg's can order low-level zerg's to attack and defend themselves. Not to mention that they can also teleport, their skin is as hard as a rock and their speed is comparable to a running car at full speed.

"Honey please....just come back to me" I chokingly said as if begging her

"I will baby I won't go back on my promise to you. So please stop crying my heart is aching when you cry" she said softly

I wiped my tears and gave her a sweet smile,

"See you look more beautiful when you smile"

I didn't speak and just blush at her compliment, we talk for the remaining time. Until she said goodbye when the call ended my mind is blank.

What if they fail to ambush the zergs, what if she got hurt, what if she gets...kill.

Immediately I shook my head and did not think about it, she promised me to return and I will wait.