Chapter 29: ABO WORLD

The sound of roars and machines sounded in the middle of the night, silver mechas raise their hand and a light beam appeared in its hand and throw at a group of zerg's.



Causing a loud explosion and creating a huge hole on the ground, dust and pebbles are flying around the place.

"Tsk... General this worm is slippery" lieutenant wang groaned

The breading human worm was always being protected by a queen zerg, no matter how we attack due to its tough skin we can't penetrate.

Then suddenly I had a bold idea if the outside is then the inside is soft. I rushed towards the queen zerg. It opened its mouth and swallowed me instantly.

The last thing I heard was my soldier's shouting at me. I took out my sword and chanted.

"黒死病"(means black death)

The sword glowed a violet color blanketing the sword giving an overbearing pressure. Raising my sword I swing it upwards hard.


Outside the soldier's are all dumbfounded when they saw their general was eaten then the zerg queen cried in pain and kept struggling.

A light beam came down from the sky the zerg queen's body was pierced and a huge cut opened the zerg's body. They saw their general coming out of the zerg

They all almost cried but control themselves, there are still zerg's around so they continue cleaning up.

When the zerg queen died the other zerg's tried to protect the breading human worm but unfortunately they were killed one by one.

After I finished killing the last zerg protecting the breading zerg, the human's face was in his teens. He was looking at me murderously.

Raising my sword I easily swing it and the head was removed from his head. All the remaining zerg's were killed.


"Finally we are done hhhoooooo"

"Yyyyeeeesssssss I survived"

The soldier's cheered and celebrated this past few months we calculated and prepare a very decent ambush. We observed their positionings and the longer it takes for a zerg to fully grow up.

Thankfully after planning for so long we were able to kill them and the remaining eggs.

"General congratulations" the Silver Knight salute

"Good work everyone" I looked at them proud

"General the aircraft will be here in ten minutes," lieutenant wang said as she called the aircraft

"Make sure to keep the news that we are victorious..." I said to her seriously

Lieutenant Wang nodded obediently she knows why the general want to keep the news for now. I was envious I also want a lover so I won't eat the General's dog food. (T_T)


Three beautiful girl's are walking around the mall looking for a dress.

"Mengyi how about this," Chole said handing a beautiful blue tube dress.

"No, it's way too revealing," I said when I saw a part of the dress will show my side waist

"Then this one" Sun then show me a silver slit dress

"Hmmm do you she will like it," I said looking at the dress

Both Sun and Chole knew who the 'she' she mentioned they both tactically looked at each other

"Of course, you know that she likes any dress you wore," Chole said seriously and I noded

"Then will take this one" I decided then we went to pay

It's been a few months since I last talked to and saw Yu Li, I always check the news if there is news about them but so far there's none.

After we pay for the dress we went to have dinner and then returned home. I hang the dress on the cabinet so it won't get wrinkled. I saw something that caught my eye in the corner of the cabinet where Yu Li's clothes are there's a black box.

Curiosity get the better of me, I took out the box and I was nervous for no reason. Slowly I opened the box and saw a beautiful silver-covered book.

'Is it her dairy'

Sure enough, I opened the book and it was her diary. Her writing is neat and beautiful.

[June 5. I meet the most beautiful woman I've ever seen] my mood suddenly sour, who...who is that then read the next page

[June 7. I helped her carry her bag when I saw her struggling to walk, she's quite cute when she's shy hehehe] immediately I remembered when she helped me carry my bag, and my mood immediately improved.

[June 9. We got attacked by zerg's thankfully we escaped, I can also get to know her hehehehe] even in times like that you still want to know me more

[July 10. YES YES YES YES... I finally got her SWEETEST YES. She's finally mine] I giggled

[July 15. My life is a bliss gosh what did I do in my previous life to have such a beautiful girlfriend] my face heat up

[I'm falling more and more in love with her, hehehe she is quite possessive but I find it so cute]

[Wahhh I'm excited I kept imagining our future and future kids hehehehe] my heart beat wildly and blushed even more

[A few days ago I got a mission to reclaim a planet and I'm very reluctant to leave my baby...]

[When I get back I have to marry her]

That's the last thing she wrote my heart was filled with warmth. Turning to the next page I saw my pictures that I don't remember taking then I saw the title of the page

"My treasure"

I saw a lot of my pictures from every angle, some are beautiful and some are funny. I didn't know that she was taking my pictures she's good at taking pictures. I was smiling the whole time while looking at our photos.


Jin Nie came home in a bad mood when he entered the house.


My mind didn't process for a while until I looked at my father with a shocked and confused face.

"You bastard, do you think I won't know what you did" he shout loudly

"Honey please calm down," mom said holding his hand

"What are you going to defend your son, if it weren't for him then I won't be humiliated at the party" father said angrily looking at me in anger

"What did I do father" I asked calmly

"You're asking what you did huh.... Do you think that you can keep it I know that you were punished by the principal and you're going to be sent to the mines after graduating" he said angrily

"You even tried to touch the lover of the general, are you sick you bastard"

I was stunned I was planning on telling on the right time but somehow it spread and now they all know.

"You better go apologize to the General after she returns or else" he threatened and left

"Are you okay son?" mom asked worriedly and caress my cheeks

"I'm fine mom don't worry, I'll go to my room first," I said softly she nodded and went to my room

Closing the door I clenched my fist and hit the wall and my eyes are red. If I got sent to the mines my father will disinherit me from inheriting the company.

My father is the CEO of the Jin Group, he is responsible for making parts for mechas that are needed in both schools and the army.

Immediately I took my light brain and send an apology to the Silver Phoenix base, then wait for a reply.

The school was preparing for the upcoming graduation of the senior students. The ballroom was decorated with beautiful tables and little lights.

The stage has musical instruments, there are flowers on the sides. Fake dangling leaves are also placed on the walls and the door has glass beads dangling.

"Gosh my so excited for the ball"

"Me too, do you have a partner"

"No, I'm planning on asking my male god"

"Heh don't dream his going to reject you for sure"

"Yeah, I'm sure Rou Wei will also ask Jin Nie"

"Didn't you hear she also got rejected"


"Yeah, I pity Rou Wei she is blinded by love and has been chasing Jin Nie for years without results"

"We can't do anything she won't listen to anyone even if we tell her"

"That's enough of that, more importantly, did you already have a dress"

"Oh my gosh not yet"

The students were all chatting and laughing with each other when suddenly someone pushed open the door with a bang.

All the students looked at the person who open the door, Rou Wei's face was ugly and the looked in her eyes are murderous. She walked towards Fu Mengyi who was reading a book peacefully.

I was reading a 'book' or rather my lover's diary when suddenly i loud voice sounded in front of me. I looked up and Rou Wei was standing in front. I raise my eyebrow at her

"Fu Mengyi you already have a lover and yet you kept seducing my fiance you slut" she said crazy

"What are you talking about Rou Wei," I asked calmly then close the book

"I saw it with my own eyes, you talk with Jin Nie earlier," she said sarcastically

My head suddenly ache is this woman blind that her fiance was the one who kept pestering me.

"First, he was the one who spoke to me. Second, he is not my partner for the ball. And third, are you blind don't you see your fiance is pestering me, whenever I go. I'll make it loud and clear to you.... I DON'T LIKE HIM AND NEVER WILL. So can you please tell him to leave me alone and don't approach me again in the future.

I said very seriously to hear my voice was loud enough that all the students heard it clear. Rou Wei was standing there stunned and left without looking behind.

I look at her leaving back and sigh, one-sided love is hard especially when the one you like loves someone else. I sympathize with her, they were engaged since young but Jin Nie don't appreciate her.

I shook my head and did not think about it. I continue looking at the book.

Meanwhile, a beautiful aircraft landed on the Silver Phoenix base, and all the soldier's line up and saluted

"Welcome back General for your victorious mission"

The new soldier's all cheered, and the soldier's came back safely and had no injuries. This only shows how powerful the General is, the new trainees are all fired up to be able to fight together with the general.

Yu Li and her army immediately went to rest, they all didn't get any sleep since the zerg's come after the other. When my body touch the bed Instantly I fell asleep.

I felt the sun rays hitting my eyes through the gaps of the curtain. Slowly I opened my eyes and felt very refreshed I took a bath.

[Good morning host]

"Good morning Thana"

[Host when are you going to propose] thana said enthusiastically

"I will propose after the graduation party, I plan to take her to my favorite place"

[Hehehehe I'm so excited I don't know why]

I chuckled at Thana, I opened a small exquisite red box inside was a beautiful ring. I smiled at putting it in my space

"Thana be sure that the place is prepared"

[Of course host, it's all done]

"Now let's see what should I wear"

Thana was looking for clothes to wear to the graduation party. I was thinking of a dress but I don't like it. I was creaking my brain on what to wear.


It was finally the day the school was decorated and all students gathered in the hall. Students and parents are all seated in their respective seats.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen today we celebrate the graduation of the senior students"

"When I call your name please come up and receive your certificate"

The principal called the names one by one, while I wait for my turn I kept looking at my side as if looking for someone. (Which is true)

"Now Let's all welcome our highest achiever Miss Fu Mengyi" the principal announced

I stood up and went to the podium I got my certificate and he gave me the mic. Looking at me expectantly I understood his look and took the mic.

"First of all, I want to thank all the teachers who helped and support me in my studies. Without them, I won't be able to reach where I am now. I would like to congratulate my fellow graduates for also doing their best in school. Congratulations to us"

"Congratulations to us"

The students cheered and I went down to the podium and then sat on my chair. The last remaining time was awards and pieces of advice.

After the ceremony all the students change clothes, I put on my silver slit dress. My jet-black hair falls like a waterfall on my back and put on light makeup. I wore a 4-inch high heel.

"Waahhhh you look so beautiful" Chole praised

"T..thank you Chole," I said shyly

"I'm sure the general will fall in love with you all over again" Chole said seriously nodding

"Hahaha that's for sure" I proudly said

"Come on let's go" Chole eagerly said

We went to the ballroom beside the main building of the school. The students and teachers are all dressed up beautifully tonight. Music was on and the dance floor was rocking with students dancing with their partners.

I was sitting in a corner, I was waiting for Yu Li she said she would come maybe. But I held on to her word that she would come.