Chapter 30: ABO WORLD

(original owner pov)

"Thank you and I'm grateful because of you I can feel the warmth of having a family again"

"No problem I wish you all the best," Qiran said before she disappear and the original owner took over.


(Fu Mengyi)

"Hello Miss can I invite you to a dance"

A familiar voice sounded in front of me, instantly i looked up and a beautiful smiling face greet me. My tears welled up in my eyes and jumped on her and wrap my legs around her waist, hugging her tightly.

"I'm back baby"

I didn't respond I grab her cheeks and press my lips on hers, I miss her. I didn't bother the people looking and kept kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

3 whole minutes we parted and press my forehead on hers, then she giggled.

"Did you miss me that much love"

"Yes very very much"

She put me down on the ground then a banquet of roses was in front of me.

"Congratulations on your graduation my love"

She said in a sweet and greasy voice she peak a kiss on my lips. She stood up properly in front that's when my eyes went wide.

Yu Li was wearing a white polo long sleeve the 3 buttons are undone showing her jade white skin and collarbone. She wore black jeans where the white polo was tucked in and black and white shoes.

Her silver hair drops down her back like waterfalls and a watch is on her wrist. She looks so f**king hot and handsome.

I subconsciously bit my lower lip and my eyes are s**ing her body, how can she be so sexy.

"Baby are you okay"

Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I nodded, that's when I notice the eyes of the students looking at my lover with gazes.

Immediately I took her hand and put it on the waist which she gladly hold firmly, and look at the omega's who was staring with a glare. Dare to covet my alpha I'll pierce your eyes, all the Omega's who stared were scared by her eyes.

"Baby can I have a dance with you"

Yu Li whispered in my ear, look at her, and smiled happily. I nodded I put the banquet down on the table and took her hand. We walked towards the dance floor and everyone make their way.

The music then change to a sweet song, I put my right hand on her shoulder and she held my left on her hand, her right hand firmly held my waist. Slowly we sway with the rhythm of the song.

As if the world turned slow and it's only the two of us, our eyes stare at each other not minding the surroundings. We dance the night away

Jin Nie who was staring at the two who are dancing felt sour and bitter. His heart was repeatedly crushed a million times, he clenched his fist and his eyes darken.

'if I can't have you then no one can'

He turned his back and went backstage to the DJ, where he found an ax. He became crazy he didn't know what he was doing, he broke the glass and took the ax.

He walked slowly towards the dance floor while dragging the ax. The look in his eyes is terrible and crazy,


When the music stopped the students all applauded, then suddenly a scream shouted and I subconsciously look at the source.

I saw Jin Nie holding an ax and the students were terrified they all gave way, staying far away from him.

"I'll kill you I'll kill you"

He kept saying when he raised his ax I immediately kick his stomach and he stumbled and fell.

"Baby stay away I'll handle him"

I said and lightly pushed her away, I looked at the male lead he was blackened.

[Host the male his blackening] thana said panicking

"It's okay, ill make him return to his senses. Thana give me that medicine"

[Host you don't mean it's that medicine]


Jin Nie stood up as if nothing happened and picked up the ax and rushed towards me. He swing his ax and I jumped sideways.


The ground was cracked and a hole was created due to the impact. I held the ax and forcefully took it away from him then once again kicked him which send him flying away for 3 meters.

I put the ax in my space suddenly a punch came I easily dodge it, but he kept punching messily here and there. Taking advantage of this I read his next move.

Then caught his arm and twist it on his back then took his other arm also locked it in his back. He struggled until he fell to the ground I put my knee on both his hand locking them in place

I took out the medicine and forcefully turn his chin I bit the cap of the potion and open it, then open his mouth using my fingers. Feed him the potion he struggled not to drink so I press his acupuncture and he obediently drink it

Gradually he relax and the teachers who called the police immediately came and saw him unconscious on the ground. They immediately took him

Suddenly I was pounce hard and saw my lover crying she hold me tight.

"Baby don't cry"

" don't you dare do that again"

I patted her back and she slowly calm down. I looked at her with a smile and she reciprocate with a sweet smile.

"Can I invite you Miss beautiful to come with me tonight?" I said as I kiss the back of her hand and she nodded continuously. She's so cute

"Then put this on first"

I put a blindfold on her eyes and I held her hand and slowly we leave the room. Thana teleported us to my favorite place.

Fu Mengyi was excited about where her lover is taking her, she didn't have any doubt since the day they got together. She trusts her more than anyone,

"Were here love, take off your blindfold"

Her low husky voice whispered in my ears sending shivers down my spine. Slowly I took off the blindfold


I exclaimed as I saw the most beautiful sunset in my entire life, we were standing on top of a hill, and below us were billions of different kinds of flowers blooming beautifully.

I was amazed by the view that I didn't notice Yu Li was kneeling behind me.

"Love can you turn around for a while"

Her voice sounded behind me, slowly I turned around and saw her....kneeling.

"Love you know I'm not good with words to describe how much you mean to me. You brighten up my gloomy world with colors and love, I can't promise you anything but I do promise you with all my heart that only I LOVE YOU. And in this lifetime you are the only person I love. So baby, will you give me the honor to marry you"

She said sincerely and lovingly her eye's never left mine, the small box in her hand open. Showed an exquisite ring made with a special gem she gave me before but it was slightly different.

Immediately I kissed her lips and tears fell on my cheeks

"Yes I'll marry you, honey"

Then she stood up and put the ring on my finger which she kissed. I felt that I was so lucky to have her in my life, we both watch the beautiful sunset as it slowly disappear.


(After a Month)

A grand wedding was held at the most beautiful place in the kingdom, the church was filled with friends and family. The wedding was also broadcast live on tv

(Live Forum)

[The day: waaahhhh my goddess]

[General I love you: The venue is so grand and beautiful the general go all out for the wedding... I'm so jealous. Biting the handkerchief.jpg]

[Love love: I saw their prenup pictures and they look so good together.]

[Hehehehhe: yyeeesss my ship has sailed... I'm so proud. Crying.jpg]

The live forum was on fire, then the wedding started. All guests waited for the bride to come.

I was waiting for her at the altar I bit nervous that my hands turned cold. When the door slowly opened I saw my bride slowly walking toward me with a beautiful smile.

I felt the world stop revolving around us, I was stunned and my heart was beating in my heart with ecstasy. She's so beautiful

(Live Forum)

[Wedding: oh my god look at the bride she's stunning]

[No one gets me: f*ck I saw that dress was worth million's in the shop, it was created by a talented famous designer]

[Nononononono: I'm envious of her, also her alpha is so handsome on the suit.]

[You're the one: waaahhh the day I finally see my goddess marry is the best day of my life]

When the door opened I first person I saw was my fiance soon to be my wife. She was wearing a white suit and her hair was tied up in a ponytail it was a bit loose. But that made her more handsome and

The moment I reach the altar she took my hand into hers and guide me to the front.


"I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss your bride"

I face my now wife and she lifts the veil, slowly she pressed her lips on mine. I was so happy the kiss was short since we have guests.


All the people in the church stood up and clap their hands even though the live broadcast was sending blessings to the newly wedded couple.


The guest are all in the reception the couple was talking with the people who were invited and thanking them for attending.

Before they eat, both the couple first dance and the guests are all watching. You can see pink bubbles surrounding them.

*Ting ting*

We were all seated when the sound of the clicking of glass sounded turning the attention to them. Lieutenant Wang stood up with a glass of wine

"First of all, I want to congratulate the general and her wife. For those who don't know me, I'm lieutenant wang right hand of the general. But that's not what I want to say, general I have followed you for years and finally, you got married... Even though I'm older than you" she said and laughter was heard in the audience

"General may both of your hearts be warm and happy With the lilt of loud laughter every day in every way, and forever and ever after. Cheers" then she raised her glass and said loudly


All the people toast, and they all continue eating. After a while, I saw my wife stand up and kiss my forehead without saying anything. I looked at her confused, she went to the podium and took a mic.

"May I have your attention ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for attending our wedding today. I would like to invite my friends to join me up here"

She was smiling I don't know what she will do but I'm excited for some reason. Lieutenant Wang and some of her friends go to the podium. We all saw them holding an instrument.

"Love will you listen to what I would say"

She looked at me while she said those words I nodded waiting for her to talk but then I heard the instrument's sound.

[Oh my god: is the general gonna sing]

[Life: oh my god oh my god oh my godoh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god]

[King and queen's: waahhh this is so romantic]

The forum was once again in fire, they waiting impatiently for the general to sing.

The music played with a lot of emotions the piano, violin, and guitar sounded soft and sweet. My wife kissed me and stared at me the whole time.

[The first time I saw you

All of a sudden, I'm hypnotized

You're the one that I can't deny

Every time that I say I won't fall

I kept coming back to you

You got me in a tight grip

You know how to just make me want you,

Baby. ]

Once again my tears fell down my cheeks I was gently wiping them so I won't ruin my make-up. Her sweet and beautiful voice sang I felt that her voice was the most beautiful voice I've ever heard.

Then she went down the podium still singing, she walked towards me unhurried and stop in in front of me. She knelt and held my left hand.

[It's the first time in my life

I've fallen in love with someone like this

If I don't say this now

I think I will regret it for the rest of my life


(Author: I got the song with a reference)

The song ended with the words I love to hear from her, then she kissed my hand and stood up to kiss my lips. The audience was moved and happy they all genuinely felt the love between the couple. And they clapped

[I'm crying: waaaahhhhh that was the most beautiful song I've ever heard in my entire life]

[The world is insane: the General's voice is so beautiful]

[Save me: that's so much dog food being thrown to single dogs like me. Huhuhuh crying.jpg]

[The one who escaped: true love is truly the best. I support you, general]


Meanwhile, in the police station, the news was all about the wedding of the general. Jin Nie who was watching the news got crazy and was sent to a mental facility. His father disinherited him and cut their father-son relationship and took an illegitimate child from one of his mistress outside.

Making the male's mother become depressed and committed suicide the next day.