Chapter 31: FINAL ABO WORLD (R-18)

The next day the hot news was about the wedding and Jin Nie being disinherited and going to the mental facility.

"What are you watching" a hoarse voice sounded beside me

"Nothing love," I said and kiss her lips

I looked at my wife and saw her tired her body was. full of love marks. I smiled at my craft satisfied but I think I tossed her a bit too much yesterday.

Last night the moment they got home, immediately went to the bedroom and tossed until 3 in the morning.

She hug my waist and buried her head in my stomach. I patted her head and then felt her boobs touching something that should not be awakened.....yet.

I tried not to get tempted but every time she rub I felt stimulated and hot. My breathing began to get heavy but then she rub even more. That's it....

I pushed her onto the bed she was under me, looking at me playfully. She did it on purpose my eyes darken and lick my lips seductively. Without letting her speak I kissed her lips fiercely, her phenomenon once again filled my nose

Both my hands didn't stay still and were groping her bare breast. I parted with her a silver thread connecting us, I suck and lick her breast while my left hand pinched her nipples in the other boob

The right hand was teasing her core and never entered her, she was creating the excitement. Her wife whimpered and shiver she moan every time she was teased. When she felt that her wife has no plan of penetrating her she got impatient


She begged but her wife looked at her with a smirk, then suddenly she flip me. I was on all fours on the bed showing my private to her, that only she can see and touch.

Yu Li was looking at the view of her wife presenting her most beautiful parts to me. I slapped her buttocks and she moan pain and pleasure, still, I was teasing her. When she looked at me with lust in her eyes.

"What do you want my love~" whispered in her ear

"Hmmm..honey... please"


She begs desperately, without warning I penetrate her core suddenly, causing her to moan excitedly. I felt her sucking my fingers inside her non-stop and tightening her walls. Then began to thrust my fingers inside her I saw her core dripping with her love juice every time I thrust


Thrusting faster, her legs tremble. Putting 2 fingers.... Three....four. Her pussy walls suddenly tighten and she moved her hips as she reach her climax

"Aahhhh..ho..ney..i.. I'm... cumming..."

Her hips move faster than before then let out a loud moan. She came on my fingers I looked at her back as it tremble from her first cum. I took out my fingers and lick them she was looking side way's at me breathing heavily.

I held her waist firmly and without waiting for her to recover I thrust my length inside her. The sudden pleasure causes her to bury her face in the bed

Her moan was muffled as her face was in the bed, gripping the sheets. Then I slap her buttocks again and she squeezed me hard. Is she a masochist probably not.

I concentrate and began to thrust fast inside her. Her core was already slippery since she came earlier making it easy to penetrate her.


She was tight no matter how many times we did it she was tight. I groan and moan with her, bending over I pinched both her nipples and she moaned loudly.

"H..honey...i.. I'm aahhh.cumming"

As she said that I thrust one last time and we both reach our climax. She squirts and trembles her phenomenon is getting on my head again.

(Fu Mengyi POV)

My wife made me cum for the second time when she suddenly flip me and saw her looking at me with red eyes. With lust her eyes are beautiful and enchanting, she moved closer and kissed me.

"Love ware just getting started"

She said as she kissed me, I didn't stop her and let her do anything she wants. Fu Mengyi also wants her to dominate and possess her whole being.

"It's your fault for being so beautiful love I can't stop myself"

She lift me and sat me on her lap, she greedily sucks and lick my boobs. I hold her head pulling her closer and my hips grind on her, all I think about was her penetrating me. Then both her hands grope my buttocks which are red from the slapping


I moan low my hips won't stop moving on their own. Then she held me firmly and stopped my movements, I was about to say something when a sudden pleasure came again


She entered me once more causing her length to go deeper inside me poking mostly my sensitive part. I hold on to her shoulder as if afraid she loses it when she doesn't.

Not giving me time to get used to this sudden pleasure she moved her hips. Entering in and out of her pussy fast. She was moaning a mess

Her g spot kept getting hit with every thrust making her cum nonstop. She lose her mind right this moment, they both lost their minds on pleasure.

"Aaahhhh..i.. I'm... cumming"

Her movements went fast and my mind was blank, and then I back arch. We both came at the same time, our juices are mixing inside me.

I leaned on her all my weight was on her, she held me securely and we both lay down on the bed.

"Are you okay my love?" she asked as she kissed my forehead

"Yes honey but I'm tired" then yawns tiredly

I rest my head on her arm and she embrace me, I felt comfortable and safe that fell asleep instantly.

(5 years later)

Yu Li succeeded in becoming a Supreme Warlord her Silver Phoenix army became the most unpenetrable shield of the empire. Expanding its influence no kingdom dared to up against them

Over 2 years ago the kingdom of Vanllar waged war on the empire, only to be defeated mercilessly by the Silver Knights. All captured civilians are put to labor and farming, while the nobles who resist didn't have a good ending

In just a week the kingdom of Vanllar disappears from the world expanding the empire's lands. Almost all students who graduated wanted to be in the silver phoenix army.

Only a few pass the requirements are very strict, it both tests strength, mental, and determine. Those who passed had to train before they are sent to their first fight.


[Host what's wrong]

Thana asked as she looked at her host looking at the happy faces of the original owner and her family.

Yu Li and Fu Mengyi had 4 children, three of them are rare SSS Alpha while the youngest is a SS Omega. There's still another to the belly of the mother that has yet to be born.

Looking at their faces I thought to myself, is it that good to have a family who loved each other. Lu Qiran can inherit the original owner's emotion's when she took over but if it's her real body.

Her heart is like an empty void there are no emotions or feelings. She is thankful to feel that emotion even if it's for a short time.


Taking one last looked at them then turning the video off, I stood up from the bed and look outside my room. All I could see are stars and the night without the moon.

There's no knowing if it's morning or night in this place, I stared blankly at the view.

Thana who was looking at her host the entire time felt pity, when her host is in a small world she could see her smiles but when she return here all the beautiful smiles and laugh

were gone

I scan her body and the result was shocking. Her original body rejects any kinds of emotions even if it's a slight emotions it would be rejected.

Because of the years, she suffered her heart was locked so deep inside her. Even I still can't be sure which stage am I in the host heart. But I know she likes to have friends

Her trauma was the one holding her back and her emotions are blocked by something. I tried contacting the main system but to no results.

If the host doesn't want anything to do with emotions it will be blocked on her own and only she can unblock it. I was sad I can't help her with this.

"Thana.....will I be able to love someone too"

She asked in a low voice and I heard it loud and clear

"Of course host, someday you can also have someone to love like the ones you helped. Host, I know you're trying let's give it some time. Until you can express yourself"

"Thank you Thana"

[Your welcome host]

Even if I like this small encouraging advice I'm happy the host lighten her mood even though her face was expressionless.


Up next.... See you next time