Chapter 32: Cultivation

[Ding world completed]

[Calculating points....10%...26%....58%....78%....100%]

[Ding you have received 20,000 points. Rank S]

"Hey Thana, is there any cultivation world that's not in the medieval period"

[Yes there is host. It's a modern cultivation world]

"Then let's go"


Lu Qiran opened her eyes asual the time stopped "Thana give me the plot"

[Ding giving plot]

This world is a modern cultivation world where cultivation matter's the most only the strong survive while the weak are beaten to the ground.

The original owner is named Aurora daughter of the most prosperous clan in City G, but because of having weak cultivation she was mistreated and humiliated in the house. Causing her to resent her family to her very core and vow vengeance.

Aurora was kicked out of the clan when she turned 18, having low cultivation she can't survive. When she was wandering, Sean saw her and offered her money in exchange for she will work for him.

She agreed not knowing about her work, Sean did the unthinkable to her, she was able to escape and didn't give up although her body is bruised and blood is flowing out, and she stumbles upon a book.

The book was not just any book it was the long-lost forgotten cultivation technique, Aurora wasted no time and started cultivating. But her Qi was not enough to practice the technique, causing it to destroy her cultivation core and died.


Lu Qiran then opened her eyes now Aurora, the room she was staying is very small and there was blood on the ground. The walls are mossy and dirty, there's dirt everywhere. 'aarhhhhh'

[Host your body is fully healed]

"Thank you Thana"

[Oh host before I forgot the mission given by the original owner]

"What is it"

[Ding task:

1. Kill all the people who humiliated and mistreated me

2. Create the most prosperous clan

3. Find love]

Aurora looked at the task and had a headache. The first and third are simple but the second is hard, creating a clan needs a connection from powerful clans or families to have as a backup.

"Now this is more challenging than the last world's"

[True, host this world is different than the others]

"How can it be different when it's only cultivation that was changed"

[Host this world has two herione]



" can there be two heroines, isn't supposed to be one"

[Host each world is different and can have more than two heroines.]


[Host don't you want to create a harem]


"A harem, I never think of that"

[Then why don't you start now host, you can make the two heroines fall for you]

"But a harem is also hard especially when giving attention to one the other would be jealous. I don't want to die because of jealousy of a woman"

[Fair point....]


"Can you give me the profile of the heroine's"

[Ding analyzing....]


Name: Vera

Identity: Young CEO of the Gu Group

Personality: Cold, obsessed, and control freak

Unhappiness: Sean (male lead) ]

[Ding ....

Name: Elizabeth

Identity: Young Miss of the Fu Group

Personality: Sweet, Caring, and Possessive

Unhappiness: Her brother Sean]

Aurora and Thana looked at their profile shocked. Why the hell is the herione's... I have nothing to say but 'Sh*t'

"One is an obsess and the other is possessive, how can they get along if I have them both"

[Host don't worry you can do it]

"Easier said than done"

Aurora stood up and change the clothes she got from the system since her clothes are smelly. She cleaned herself then, she check her pocket for any money. Only to have 20 dollars left

"Thana I'm so poor huhuh" Aurora fake cried in the last world she was a tycoon now she's poor.

[Host your not poor you have money remember]

"Ah sorry I forgot"

Aurora went out of the small apartment and find a place to get some food. She was wearing a jacket and put the hood on her head.

She walked towards a small stall and eat some food before she went to the mall to get some clothes to wear. Upon arriving at the mall


An object or most likely a person flew past her, looking forward Aurora saw a man holding a woman hostage. Why does every time I do something it's either me that is in danger or other people whom it turned out to be the heroine?

Aurora walked towards the man "Sir can you not create a scene it's annoying" said coldly

"How dare a person with no cultivation to order me around B*tch I will kill you" he roared

'This.... Well, that's it the original owner is a bit short-tempered.

Aurora raised her hands and suddenly the man had a hole in his head.

"Disrespecting me means death lowly human"

Aurora didn't care about the person she saved and walked past them going to a clothing shop. Everyone was looking at the person dumbfounded.

_________Elizabeth's POV____________

I and my friend Ana was shopping in the mall, to have something to wear to the party.

"Eli, how's this" Ana then showed a red dress

"Hmmmm, no let's look for something else," I said softly

"Then how about we separate and look in different shops so we can have more time to choose from" Ana suggest

I nodded, and Ana went to the third floor while I was on the second floor. Then suddenly out of nowhere, a man held me hostage.

"How dare you...let go of me"

Using my elbow I hit him in his stomach but he didn't even flinch

"Hehehe you are too weak," he said disgustingly

I struggled but to no avail, he might be stronger than me, my cultivation is in the middle stage of Reform. Then a tall hooded woman speak

"Sir can you not create a scene it's annoying" her voice was cold but melodic

"How dare a person with no cultivation to order me around B*tch I will kill you" he roared

I also saw that she doesn't have any cultivation, is she looking for death. I saw her raise her hand and the man holding me let go.

I looked at him and he had a hole in his head, I was shocked I didn't feel anything when it hit him.

"Disrespecting me means death lowly human," she said her melodic voice sounded

I was looking at her back as she walked away, and felt my cheeks heating up. She's so cool,

"Eli are you alright, your not hurt are you" Ana suddenly appeared and hold my shoulders checking if I'm injured

"I'm fine Ana someone helped me," said softly

Ana sighed in relief then looked at Elizabeth only to see her in a daze. A question mark popped on her head, then Elizabeth's face turned red.

"Eli, are you sure you're alright why is your face red," ana said panicking

"I'm really fine Ana" I snapped back and took out my phone

"Hello young Miss" an old man's voice sounded on the phone

"Hello butler Ming, can you investigate the girl from earlier" I know that her father sends someone to look after her

"Yes miss, it will be done," he said and the call hang up

"Who did you want to investigate," Ana asked curiously

"The girl who rescued me"

Ana didn't ask anymore and they both continue looking for dresses. Elizabeth was in a daze sometimes


(Aurora part)

Aurora finished buying clothes are going to a hotel.

"Thana let's start a business again"

[What kind of business host]

"Hmmm if we want to create a clan then we need support from powerful families. Thana see if there's an auction going on well start selling cultivation pills and books"

[Host according to the story there will be an auction in three days, the Fu, Gu, and Yu families will be there]

"I see, open the shop Thana time to do a shopping spree"

Then a blue panel appeared in front of me showing different kinds of cultivation pills and books.

[Blood Pill- it enhances your blood and can cure any blood-related disease]

[Boost Pill- a pill that can boost your cultivation speed by 10x]

[Fist Fire book- a book created by the famous Fire Fist master]

'maybe this will do'

I purchased the three and put them on my ring storage, then create two female golems. To be my bodyguard, going to the auction will always meet trouble if you gave no background.


Elizabeth and Ana went home right before dinner and went to the party hosted by the Yu family. The Fu, Gu, and Yu families are the three major families in City S.

"Sis are you ready" a man's voice sounded on her door

Elizabeth was annoyed and opened the door showing a handsome man. His eyes are looking at me as prey, this is her brother it makes her sick that she had a brother like him.

Sean the oldest son of the Fu family, was a talented cultivator his flaw was that whenever he sees a beautiful woman, he became lustful. Even his sister

I walked passed him and went downstairs mom and dad are waiting for us in the living room.

"You look beautiful princess" dad praised

"Thank you dad you also look dashing" I teased

He laughed and lead me to the car. We arrived at the front gate of the Yu family then a butler took the car and park it.

The large door opened inside and was full of people chatting and drinking it was lively.

"Mr. Fu long time no see my friend" Mr. Gu greeted happily

"Mr. Gu it has indeed been a while, why don't we both catch up" Father then sat down near him and start chatting

"Vera long time no see" I greeted her

"Elizabeth how are you" she softens her voice a little

"Well, how about you"

"Same as always"

"You should also relax sometimes, there's an auction going to be held in three days how about we go and see if there's anything we can buy"


Vera and I are childhood friends she was engaged with my brother when they were young but was broken when he did something unforgivable. Vera frowned and I turn to see that my disgusting brother, is flirting with girls. We both ignore him and sat down in the corner of the room

"By the way, I heard that someone rescued you when you were in the mall, what happened?"

I told her everything that happened.

"Hmmmm, a woman with no cultivation and yet was able to kill the man without moving" Vera frowned

"She might be hiding her cultivation level, you know that people don't want others to see their cultivation level"

"Make sense" Vera noded


"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please"

We all stop talking and looked at the person who spoke

"Welcome and thank you, everyone, for attending my birthday today, I hope you all have a good time," Mr. Yu said then went to their father and talk

"Seriously, he only said that went to talk with our father" Vera raise her eyebrow

"Ahhaha you know that he doesn't like talking that much" I giggled

The party ended successfully and all the guests bought their gift's to please the old man. My family said goodbye and we all went home.