Chapter 33: Cultivation

Three days later, Aurora put on a white long dress and a mask that cover half of her face. These three days she was going around the place buying a car and looking for a house.

[Host the auction will start soon]

Ren and Rai the golems, we drove to the auction house in the middle of the city. Upon arriving there will be a staff attending for you

"Welcome to Paradise Auction Miss"

"Hello, I would like to sell cultivation pills and a cultivation book," Aurora said coldly

"Please follow me" the staff was polite and then lead me to a room

"Hello dear guest, do you want to sell," a man said he must be the appraisal

"Yes" said shortly and took out the pills and book from my storage.

The man appraise it and his eyes widen and looked at me with twinkling eyes. What the?????

"Miss these pills of yours and book are worth a lot the auction house can give you the first payment and send the rest after the bidding is done," he said politely

"I see, I will attend the auction today and minus the one's that I will purchase"

"Of course Miss, I'll take you there," he said

He lead me to a room on the second floor, the room opened, it was luxurious there was a large sofa in the center. The view from above is overlooking the center of the auction.

"Miss this will be your pass if ever you came to our auction house again, you can show this card," the man said and handed a black and gold custom card

"Okay, what's your name"

"Oh where're my manners, I'm called Del Miss," Del said softly I nodded and he left

I sat down in the chair while Ren and Rai are standing behind me. I looked around and saw the three major family's also on the second floor.

The people below saw a new guest on the second floor, a woman with a mask.


"Looks like there's a new guest," Mr. Gu said looking at the woman who just came

"I can't see any cultivation from her" Mr. Fu stroked his beard

"She might be a young lady from a powerful family," Mr. Yu said

"Even her guards didn't have any cultivation" Vera frowned

"Don't look down on them they might be hiding their strength" Mr. Gu said seriously


___________Aurora's POV____________


[Host you okay]

"I'm fine I think someone was talking behind my back" Aurora rub her arms

I looked around again and stop at a certain place. The Wang family is also here, aurora's family. They were seated on the second floor near her room.

Then a beautiful woman with exposed legs came on stage.

"Wwooohhh my goddess"

"Goddess Hu marry me"

The people below cheered the woman called Hu smiled and took the mic.

"Good evening everyone, today we have a special pill and book that was handed earlier but that will be in the last event so make sure to have plenty of gold's left" Hu winked earning a cheer again

"Now let's start for our first item" Hu announced it was a pill

"100 gold"

"200 gold"

"500 gold"

"1000 gold"

"1000 offered by number 50 .... Going once....twice....SOLD" Hu hammered on the table

The auction continues and nothing catches my eye, everything is useless to me since. I cultivated the most powerful book from the system.


[Host are you not interested in any of the items]

"Thana all of this is useless to me, all the products of the system are more advance than this"

Aurora and Thana were talking in her mind, on the surface, she had her hand on her chin looking at the auction. Though she had a mask, she still had her aura that would sometimes make people glance at her.

(After 30 minutes)

"Everyone it's time for a big finale, this is from room 10 the young lady wishes to sell" Hu pointed her five finger's at my room

"First will be the Blood Pill - this pill was personally appraised by the master. This can enhance blood and cure any blood-related disease. The starting price is 100,000 gold"

"150,000 gold"

"200,000 gold"


Aurora hid her surprised reaction, and calmly listen. I didn't know that it was this expensive. Hehehe now we can easily get rich Thana.

"500,000 gold"

"500,000 gold going once.... twice....SOLD to number 60" Hu then hammered the table

It was the Gu family who got the pill.

"Next is the booster pill, this pill is different from any booster pill. This can increase your cultivation speed by 10x and lasted for a week to wear off its effect. The starting price is 1,000,000 gold"

The crowd suddenly got heated, a booster pill is very hard to make. Since the pill only lasted for a few minutes, so knowing that this booster pill is different. They all betted their money to take it.

"2,000,000 gold" I saw Mr. Wang raise his number

"Heeeeh" I sneered

"3,000,000 gold" Mr. Yu also raised his number

I saw Mr. Wang stiffen and gritted his teeth, he can not afford to offend the Yu family. So he silently sat down with his fist clenched.

I really want to clap my hands at Mr. Yu but held myself back and only smiled.

The three major families show her smile and then stood up

"Go let's meet this young lady and see if we can cooperate with her," Mr. Gu said and all stood up and went to the back


I arrived at the back and suddenly four families are waiting for me.

"Miss here is the rest of the payment" Del said holding a large number of money on a plate. With a wave of my hand, it disappears.

"Miss I want to have a cooperation with you" Mr. Wang suddenly offered I looked at him

"And what would I have in return Mr..." Said coldly

"My name is Nea Wang" he said arrogantly

"Mr. Del can you open a room for us" ignore Mr. Wang and asked Del

"Of course please follow me" Del led and Mr. Wang followed him with a displeased look

"Do the 3 elders also want to have a cooperation?" I asked politely

"Hahaha smart girl, we do want a cooperation with you," Mr. Gu said happily

"Then please let's go and sit down" I said and we all went to a private room with a concealment sound so no one can hear us outside.


I sat down at the center while Mr. Wang was sitting in front of me. The Gu and Fu are on my left while the Yu is on my right. Del serve us tea

"Mr. Wang since you are the first to speak, then please tell me what you could offer me," I said politely

"I'm willing to give you the house in Sida mountain and in return, you will give us booster pills every week," he said with his hands wide open

I almost choke on the tea I'm drinking, does he want me to die. Creating a booster pill is hard it will take weeks to make it, not to mention the ingredients needed. I'm thankful for the system that had a shop for these pills.

If I was a naive alchemist I would have taken the offer immediately but no. The Sida mountain is one of the top three secured places where artists also lived there.

I put down my cup and looked at him.

"Mr. Wang your offer doesn't interest me one bit. And making a booster pill takes weeks to make, also will you provide the ingredients needed" asked coldly

"How dare you refuse my offer, you are just from an unknown family and don't have any cultivation, yet have the nerve to refuse me" he roared ignoring what I said

I drank my tea elegantly and look at him with piercing cold eyes.

"Mr. Wang do you know what will happen for insulting me" then stare at him

Aurora's eyes glowed with a sinister feeling, the wind in the room became colder and her face showed a murderous smile. Sending shivers to all the people in the room

" Ren can you 'kindly' escort Mr. Wang away"

"Yes master" Ren bowed and walked towards Mr. Wang

" don't come near me," Mr. Wang said nervously while walking backward

"Oh and don't forget to shut his mouth" I added


(Wang part)

Mr. Wang was scared and panicking when the woman looked at him giving him a bad feeling. The woman called Ren walked towards him, he felt as if a demon is coming to him

"S..stay away from me"

I gathered a white ball in my hand and shot it at her, only to be slapped away and then disappear. I was stunned and continue using my Qi to shoot a beam at her.

"I heard that the Wang family is the best in combat then can you take a single punch from me," she said

Before I could react I was sent flying and all I saw was. darkness.

(Part end)


The three families saw what happened and were stunned especially when the girl released pressure from her body. It can be said that she is in the Nascent Stage or even higher.

Her guard is also powerful she slaps away an Emperor Peak cultivator's attack. And he was sent flying on a single punch.

Before Wang could hit the wall a black portal opened and he was swallowed, the girl Ren also followed and a few seconds later she came out.

"So weak" she whispered

But they all heard her, the cultivator had very sharp senses. The higher your cultivation the more sensitive your sense became. Ren return to her side as if nothing happened

"Let's resume, what do Mr. Gu, Fu, and Yu family have to offer" asked politely

___________General POV__________

Vera and Elizabeth were watching all that was happening in the room. This girl is very powerful and strong.


'w...what was that just now" they both thought

"Let's resume, what do Mr. Gu, Fu, and Yu families have to offer," the girl asked politely

Vera and Elizabeth looked at their father for a response.

"Little girl you are already very strong I don't think I can offer something that interests you," Mr. Gu said laughing

"Then how about this young lady, tell us what you want cultivation pills or even books," Mr. Fu asked seriously

"I do not need pills or a book, but.....I need connection" the girl said calmly

"Is that all" Mr. Yu said questioningly

The girl put her cup of tea down gently and elegantly.

"I'm going to create a clan and to do that I need back up from powerful families to help me. Being a new develop clan can be easily crushed by other family clans" the girl said seriously

"Create a clan" Mr fu said curiously

"Are you not part of any clan?" Mr. Yu asked excitedly

If the girl doesn't have a clan then maybe we can recruit her and the forces of the family can raise with her help.

"It will be easier if it's like this" the girl said

Then she took off her mask, her face was beautiful like a goddess.


Vera and Elizabeth both felt their hearts beating fast in their chest.

"My name is Aurora" the girl said

"Aren't you the daughter of Mr. Wang" Mr. Gu said surprised

"I'm not a member of the Wang family anymore," Aurora said calmly

"I see, so you want to create a clan to destroy Mr. Wang's clan," Mr. Fu said to be clear

"More or less yes, I suffered 18 years under their violence so I want to destroy it," Aurora said with a murderous smile

"Tell me child what is the name of your mother" Mr. Yu suddenly asked

"My mother's name is Yu Fei" Aurora answered

_________Mr. Yu POV_________

Seeing the girl's face made me remind of someone my daughter who run away from home. We have been looking at her for 18 years to no avail.

So seeing the girl's face looked like my daughter's can't help but ask.

"Tell me child what is the name of your mother," I asked

"My mother's name is Yu Fei" Aurora answered

My hand grip my cup and felt tears running down my cheeks

"Yu why are you suddenly crying," Gu said worriedly

"Do you remember my daughter who run away?" I said wiping my tears falling non-stop

"Yes, it's.... Yu Fei" Gu also widen his eyes and looked at Aurora

Looking closely you can see the resemblance between Yu Fei and Aurora.

"W..where is your mother Aurora," I asked looking at her granddaughter

"S...she died, when I was 7 my father and half-brothers wanted to poison us. My mother knew their scheme and beg my father to let me live and she will drink the poison" Aurora said angrily

My heart broke and tremble, how.... How dare he killed my daughter.

"What a despicable man, he deserves to die," Fu said also angry

"Don't worry Yu we'll avenge your daughter" Gu said comforting him.

A few minutes later I calm down and looked at Aurora.

"It may be late but... Aurora my granddaughter will you come home" I asked looking at her Yu Fei was my only child and now she's gone.

My granddaughter has been bullied all her life in the Wang family, it's time to take her home.

Aurora had tears in her eyes and slowly walked towards me, then kneel.

"Grandfather mom said went I meet you, she told me to give you this" Aurora said then took out a jade.

The jade was given by him where one can record a video of anything. I put Qi on it and Yu Fei's face appeared

"Father please forgive this daughter of yours for being unfilial. You were right I thought he loved me but he left after I gave birth to Aurora, I want to come back but Wang forced me. Father, please take care of my baby Aurora she will be the one to return what I can't give you" Yu Fei said crying while she was holding a baby Aurora in her arms.

Aurora was kneeling on the ground with her head down, I patted her head gently.

"My dear granddaughter you have suffered enough" and he hugged her