Chapter 35: Cultivation

Elizabeth and Vera couldn't take it anymore and their lust took over their heads.

"Aurora this is all your fault" Elizabeth remove her clothes

"Don't blame us when you are defenseless" Vera also remove her clothes


Thana saw the two heroines removing their clothes and their eyes are looking at Aurora like a meal

[Host Wake up the heroines are going to violate you]

Thana cried inside aurora's head but she didn't hear her. Aurora was drunk and sleepy

[Yahh get away from my host you beasts]

Thana yelled at the two heroines having their way with her host. Thana cried bitterly looking at her host getting raped by the heroine's

[Host I'm sorry]

The heroines had their way to Aurora, Thana can't see since it was mosaic. Thana was crying inside Aurora's head.


_________Aurora POV________

Slowly I opened my eyes tiredly when I heard Thana

[Host are you okay]

"My head is aching and my body is tired. What happened to me Thana?" I asked massaging my head

[Huhuhuh host it's gone]

"Huh???? What's gone Thana????" Confused

[Your innocence host it's taken] thana said crying

My mind went blank for a second and immediately I sat up and looked at my sides. My eyes widen, on my right was a naked Vera and on my left was a naked Elizabeth.

"T... Thana...di..did they...." Stuttering

[Yes host, last night you were drunk, and took advantage of you. I'm sorry I can't help you host] thana cried

"Thana it's okay don't cry, maybe I can use this to my advantage"

[How host????]

"Let's act"

The two-person woke up when Aurora sat up on the bed, they both also sat up on the bed

"Aurora are you hurt anywhere," Elizabeth asked softly

Aurora didn't answer instead they saw tears falling down the quilt. The two immediately panic

"Aurora tell me where does it hurt," Vera said panicking

"W..why" Aurora said low (acting mode on)

Vera's and Elizabeth looked at Aurora whose body was trembling, they want to hold her but they didn't or else Aurora will hate them.

Elizabeth and Vera's minds had what ifs. What if she will hate us? What if she will be. disgusted? What if she stays away from us? No, we won't let that happen.

Elizabeth and Vera clenched their fist and looked at Aurora with possessive eyes.

[Host the herione's eye's are scary they are looking at you possessively]

I heard thana and slowly raised my face with tears and looked at the two of them. I grip the quilt covering my body that had hickeys on them

"Tell me, why did you two do it," I asked coldly

"Aurora you might not believe us but.... We love you" Vera said gently then slowly held my right hand

"W..what??" Fake confused and widen eyes

"Aurora, we both fell in love with you when we first meet at the auction house. It was love at first sight" Elizabeth made it clear and also held my left hand

"I know it's fast but what can we do we just love you" Vera added

'thana am I their first love'

[Yes host]

'that's why'

Elizabeth and Vera are waiting for Aurora to say something but she was quiet for a few seconds. Making them nervous

"But..... I have never loved anyone before and I don't know how to" I said as if whispering

"Then let us make you fall for the both of us" Elizabeth softly said

"A.. are you two okay sharing me," I asked confused, since they are the ones who said it then I don't have to worry about getting killed by one of them for being jealous

"Yes we both love you so it's fine" Vera confirmed

I noded 'reluctantly' at them and their faces beam with happiness as they hug me.

"So are you both my girlfriend's now," I asked tilting my head sideways

"Yes baby we are your girlfriend's" Elizabeth patted my head

"Okay" I smiled

After confirming our status we all took a bath, only a bath no sexual thing happened.


Meanwhile, Sean who was left drunk woke up in a room with beauty, but its beauty can't be compared to the woman with a mask

Though he didn't see her face fully he knows that the woman is beautiful. Sean's eyes darken thinking about how to make the woman alone with him.

Sean licked his lips imagining the woman naked in his bed and how he would ravage her whole. His hands are twitching from anticipation.

*I'm sure Elizabeth and Vera would kill on the spot if they knew what he is thinking*


The three of us went down and we were led to the dining table, the three elder's are talking while they wait.

"Good morning grandpa, Mr. Fu and Mr. Gu" I greeted as we sat down

"You child, don't call us Mr. Call us grandpa Gu and Grandpa Fu" Mr... Grandpa Gu said pouting

"Yes Grandpa Gu" I giggled at him

"Well let's eat first, Sean was drunk last night so he might be late to wake up" Grandpa Gu wave his hand, and breakfast was served

"Grandfather there's something I need to tell you," Elizabeth said seriously looking at grandpa Gu

"I also have something to tell you grandfather" Vera looked at her grandfather

The two elders looked at each other and their granddaughters.

"What is it that you want to tell us Vera Elizabeth" grandpa Gu asked

I was also curious about what they wanted to say when they both held my hand's side by side. I was stunned for a minute then my eyes widen

'is it what I think it is?'

"Grandpa we got together with Aurora" they both said seriously looking at the two elder's.

I was right they actually announce and didn't even give me a heads-up. The two elder's were stunned and suddenly laugh

"Well I don't see why we won't bless you" Grandpa Fu happily said

"He's right, since you three love each other there's no reason for us to break you guys apart," Grandpa Gu said as if satisfied

"Little Aura when is the wedding" grandpa suddenly said seriously

"G.... grandpa it's still early for marriage and besides I want to be stronger to prove my worth," I said calmly

"Hahahaha you have a good mindset" grandpa Gu thumbs up

"Okay, the wedding is temporarily off but don't take too long. I want my grandchildren" grandpa said looking at me intently

I nodded blushing, but the two beside me were even redder than me.

"Enough of that let's eat now before it gets cold" grandpa Fu suggests

We all ate breakfast while talking about random things, after eating grandpa and I went back, while Vera and Elizabeth went to the company

"Grandpa I'll be in the backyard if you look for me," I said softly and he nodded

I went to the backyard there was a wide space in the center surrounded by cherry blossom trees on each side and flowers.

Aurora sat down with crossed legs, close her eyes and feel the energy around her.

The energy flowed through her blood veins as if removing impurities in the body. Aurora controlled the energy to her core and opened the blocked meridian.

Suddenly a yellow beam shot down from the sky to Aurora who was cultivating, this alerted the people in the mansion, and went to the backyard.

"Hahahaha the Yu family's future will reach great heights"

Grandpa Yu said happily

He was looking at his granddaughter proudly, the yellow beam surrounded her whole body as if protecting her. Aurora floated from the ground and the moment she opened her eyes it was bright.

The beam lasted for 5 minutes and Aurora's aura changed, her eyes shine even more brightly and her hair grew a bit. Her face became even more beautiful.

The cultivation she is practicing is the 'Jiang Kir' which cultivates and strengthens her heart and mind dao. Her beauty would also be enhanced as it was part of the cultivation.

"Little Aura, congratulations for advancing" Grandpa suddenly said and I looked in front to see my Grandpa smiling ear to ear

"Thank you grandpa" I also smiled


"Grandpa is there a place where I can practice," I asked my grandfather who was sitting in the living room

"Come with me" he stood up and I followed him to his study room then took out a pile of papers

"This is all Yu's training grounds, you can pick any of these places"

"Thank you, grandpa"

Being rich and powerful is awesome, I looked at the papers and there's a bunch of private property by the Yu family.

[Host picks the snowy mountain]

"Snowy mountain, why?"

[Host did you forget, in the original story when the male lead was able to gain the old Yu's trust. He also choose the snowy mountain and found an inheritance in a cave deep within the iced lake.]

"Right, the inheritance was left by the thunder god"

The thunder god Almo is the first-ever being to achieve the power of thunder and can order them to destroy a city in just a mere second's.

Legend says that his power is too much making people scared and jealous, Almo saw the greed and jealousy of the people. He decided to seal his power and disappear

For years generations after generations have been told that he left an inheritance, but no one can prove it. All they is know that Almo sealed his power and disappear.

The people who wanted his power all search high and low but to no avail, Almo's last known place was the snowy mountain. They search and search but didn't find anything so they went to places where he had visited in the hope to find clues.

"Hehehe let's first destroy his wings then," I said giggling but it was sinister no matter how beautiful her voice is it was creepy

"Grandpa I'll go to the snowy mountain" looked at him with a smile

"Hahahaha good girl, you will go the day after tomorrow," he said satisfied

"Okay grandpa"


Aurora read information about the snowy mountain while waiting for her lover's. She was sitting on the chair focused on reading.

__________Vera's POV_________

Vera finished signing the last paper when she looked at the wall clock. She immediately stood up and took her phone, she went down the elevator.

Outside the company a car was already waiting for her, inside Elizabeth was sitting in the back seat. I sat down beside her

"Eli, how's the 'matter' with Sean going now"

"Well thanks to Rai's information collecting, I can slowly make my brother's reputation go down bit by bit," Elizabeth said with a creepy smile

"You loathe him, don't you? " I chuckled

"I don't even think of him as my brother," she said coldly


We arrived at the Yu family house, upon entering they saw an enchanting beauty sitting on the sofa reading a paper, she has serious look on her face.

They say that a serious look on a face of a lover is very attractive, and it's true. Elizabeth and I walked slowly towards her. She still hasn't noticed until we both kiss her cheeks

She stiffen and then looked at us with a bright smile brighter than the sun it was dazzling.

"Welcome home Eli Vera"

We both sat down beside her and hug her, all the fatigue and tiredness were washed away. We leaned on her all our weight was on her, I felt her hand on my waist

"Hmmm, you work hard today" Aurora kissed their cheeks while holding their waist in each hand.

"Baby you are my safe haven" Elizabeth whispered

"You both are also my safe haven" Aurora said softly

We hug for a while when our stomachs growled

"Hahahahaha come I prepared dinner let's eat" Aurora laughed and stood up and went to the kitchen

Elizabeth and I blushed embarrassed they were so comfortable that they didn't notice they were hungry. We both sat down in the dining room and Aurora served us, the smell was fragrant and tempting I was drooling

"Here you are eat it"

Immediately I dig in, I almost cried it was really good and delicious. The dish is easy to eat and you can also taste the natural flavor of the ingredients.

"Baby, your cooking is the best," Elizabeth said with her mouth full

"Don't speak when the mouth is full" Aurora warned Eli as if warning a naughty child

"Babe cook for us more often" I said eating her dishes

"Okay anything for you my love's" Aurora said with a smile showing her row of white teeth

'So cute'

After we finished eating, we took a bath and Aurora did the dishes.


Elizabeth and I were waiting for Aurora to finish showering, the moment the door opened. Aurora's face was flushed and the look in her eyes.....lust.