Chapter 36: Cultivation (R-18)

When Aurora was showering she used a product that was on the top cap board. Opening the soap it had a refreshing lemon scent.

Aurora felt her head dizzy and her body was hot and aching. 'w.. what's wrong with me'

[Host the soap that you used had aphrodisiac mixed with it, Sean gave this to Vera before but was forgotten]

'Damn... How much was put in it, my body is aching so bad'

[Host about 80% of aphrodisiac was mixed]


Aurora went out of the bathroom and looked at the bed, her eyes were filled with lust looking at the two women on the bed. She walked wobbly towards them

"Baby are you okay, are you dizzy" Elizabeth hold her baby in her arms, instead of answering she suddenly kissed her aggressively

"Hmmmm" Eli moaned

Vera who was watching was pouting

"Babe kiss me too" I whined

We saw the looked in her eyes was filled with lust, which made us stunned. Aurora parted with Elizabeth and kissed Vera with the same approach.

They both breathlessly parted, and Elizabeth and Vera are confused. Why did Aurora suddenly become h*rny, the two were played down the bed and saw Aurora undo her robe revealing her whole body.

"Let's have fun shall we"

Aurora said seductively and kissed Elizabeth, she tore her nightgown easily and massage her breast. Elizabeth moans in her mouth. She left her lips and trailed a kiss on her chest.


Aurora savagely sucks and bites Elizabeth's nipple gently, Vera was getting jealous when Aurora's attention was on Elizabeth.

"Babe pay attention to me too" Vera whined pouting

Aurora stopped and kissed Vera her right hand pinching her nipples while the left hand was teasing Elizabeth on her core.

The two women were being teased, again and again, Aurora has yet to penetrate them with her fingers.

" already"

Elizabeth plead, Aurora smiled seductively and without warning, she thrust her fingers inside the two.


They both moaned loudly and their p*ssy became even wetter making it easy for Aurora's finger to thrust deeper and faster.

Elizabeth and Vera were moaning loud aurora's finger kept adding more finger inside, their body convulsed then tense up

Aurora notice their body tense and thrust even faster

"Hmm..ahhhh..c.. cumming"



They both came together and breathe heavily, they were feeling the after flow. Aurora was still not satisfied her body her uncomfortable and she needs release.

Aurora took out two dildoes from her ring, she attach one dildo to her core while the other had a strap and put it on her waist.

Elizabeth and Vera slowly regained their senses, when Aurora put Elizabeth on top of Vera.

"W...whaaa....." Vera was about to say something when she felt something hard rub her core. Their private part was open wide enough for Aurora to see their pink and drenched p*ssy.

"You both better be ready, we're not stopping until I'm satisfied"

Elizabeth and Vera heard what she said when the dildo was slowly going in.

__________Vera's POV__________

I felt my p*ssy was being spread by the hard cock entering me, my body was still sensitive from cumming earlier.

"Take it all"

Aurora whispered and suddenly thrust, my body arching and cum. The cock filled me, my hymen was broken but I didn't feel pain.

Aurora didn't wait for them to get used to the dildo, her body is really hot and aching. She thrust slowly at first then begin thrusting faster



They could only moan, both Elizabeth and Vera clamped down on the cock. Aurora held Vera's hips together with Elizabeth.


"B...ahhhhhh..babe" I moaned as she thrust even deeper reaching my cervix, my hands gripped the sheets it's so good

"" Elizabeth cried in pleasure her eyes rolled back


Aurora didn't stop pistoning she was like a beast in heat, her eyes are red and she gripped Vera's waist a bit more

Aurora felt the two tightening she lick her lips bend down on Elizabeth's back and thrust one hard last stroke then bite her shoulder as she cum.



Elizabeth's moan was louder when Aurora bit her shoulder, they both spasm and convulsed at the same time. Aurora watched the two women drooling and their eyes rolled.

She shoot a large amount of semen on both women, their faces were lewd showing ahgeyo.

Still, Aurora was not satisfied yet, the amount of aphrodisiac that she inhaled was too much. Maybe she can continue until tomorrow

Aurora took out the dildos, return the other dildo, and then took Elizabeth off, Vera. She held Elizabeth from behind, Elizabeth was kneeling while the upper body was held by her

Elizabeth was still feeling the after flow when again a hard cock slammed deep inside her


Aurora pistoned her fast. Elizabeth's mind went blank and she was feeling intense s*x from her lover. The cum drench her thighs as Aurora thrust more and more.


I can't it's too much I'm gonna go crazy, Elizabeth tightens on the cock, her lover left hand suddenly pinching her clitoris. Having her sudden orgasm


Elizabeth moaned and Aurora bit her once again on her shoulder. Vera was watching Elizabeth being pistoned by a lustful angel, she saw Elizabeth cum hard her beautiful face was distorted.

Aurora layed Elizabeth down on the bed and looked at her next prey. Vera saw the looked in her eyes and gulped, she kissed her a little rough.



Vera took the drench cock inside her suddenly and it easily hit her sensitive spot in one thrust. Aurora pistoned fast while her hands massage her breast

"A..aahhh... Aurora...ahhhhh"

Vera looked at her lover pistoning her like there was no tomorrow, Aurora bent down and kiss her. I wrap my hands and legs around her.

"Love I need more" Aurora whispered like a devil as she more her hips wildly


Aurora took the dildo out and flip Vera on all fours, she positioned her cock again on her entrance and thrust in one go. Vera's eyes widen her hands gave up and her face landed on the bed

She was trembling and cock went deeper inside her, she came. Aurora begins pistoning her again she bends down licking and sucking on Vera's shoulder.


A series of moans came out of Vera, her lover won't stop thrusting even though she came. Then her hand grope and pinch her breast adding more pleasure


Vera tried to squeeze out the words but was overwhelmed by pleasure, Aurora speed up more and more wildly. Vera felt she has gotten crazy


Aurora shoot her load deep inside her and took out the dildo after a few seconds. She let go of her and Vera collapsed on the bed, she slowly closed her eyes as she was tired.

Aurora's mind slowly became sobber and regain her senses, her misty eyes cleared and looked at the two women who are asleep.

"Damn....did I just f*ck them out too much," Aurora said worriedly

[Don't worry host they are both fine, they just fell asleep you wore them out]

"I see.. well I should also sleep I'm tired," Aurora said yawning

She put Vera and Elizabeth in her arms and cover them with a quilt, and she slowly closed her eyes.

*********************(End R-18)

*Chirp*chirp* chirp*

The first to wake up was Elizabeth she slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was her lover's beautiful sleeping face


Her heartbeat and smile, the memories from last night slowly came to her head. Her face blushed hard and buried her head in the crook of her lover's neck.


Vera also woke up and snuggled more into her lover's arms.

"Eli are you awake" I whispered

"Yeah I just woke up" Eli whispered

We both nodded and cuddle with their lover as she was still asleep like a sleeping beauty.

A few minutes later Aurora's eyes tremble a little and slowly opened her eyes. She was in a daze for a few seconds then her heart suddenly beat loudly in her chest.

The two who were watching her every move heard the beating of her heart.

" Good morning baby" Elizabeth sweetly said then kiss her lips

"Good morning babe" Vera softly said with a kiss on the lips too

"Good morning. Are you two okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Aurora asked worriedly at the two women

"We're fine baby" Eli felt her heart become a puddle

"You were wild yesterday babe" Vera teased

"It's not my fault, I use a soap then suddenly my body heated up and my head was dizzy" Aurora pouted

When they heard it, Vera got up from the bed put on her robe went to the bathroom, and saw the soap that was laying on the floor. Vera sniff it and it was a lemon scent, she remembered that Sean gave her this soap for her to use when she was the in Gu's family house last year.

Vera's eyes darken and throw the soap in the garbage can near the sink. She went out and the two are wearing their robe,

"So...." Elizabeth remark

"The soap has aphrodisiac mixed on it" Vera confirmed and looked at Eli with a meaningful look.

Elizabeth saw her sight and had already a rough guess, there was only one person that can do it. *Tsk*

"So that's why my body was hot and aching" Aurora's low tone then blushed hard

Elizabeth and Vera laugh at her, then the three took a bath. They all eat breakfast and went to work.

________Elizabeth's POV________

They both went to the company, upon entering the office.

"I want to kill him" Vera gritted her teeth

"I remember that he gave that gift last year right when you visited our house," I asked

"Yeah, thankfully I didn't use it and went home" she confirmed

"He really.... *Sigh* how about let's stir some trouble in his company" I suggest

"What kind of trouble"


I took out my phone and dial a number and put it on speaker. Even if his my brother he dared to lust against my friend, I plan to destroy him slowly but...

"Hello Miss, what can I do for you," a polite tone of a woman said on the other said

"Ren I want you to stop the biggest project in Sean's company"

"As you wish" Ren

"Our baby's guards are a top tier" I giggled

"I'm also stunned, Rai easily got into his company and on the first day, she was able to get a lot of valuable information ranging from projects and hidden activities. Ren's control in the projects has been very successful, she even hack into the computer and yet she was not discovered. Mysterious" Vera hold her chin contemplating

"A real talent, the future is going to be very interesting" I chuckled and sat down on the chair

"I can't wait to see that bastard's face when he got the message hehehehe" Vera smiled evilly


(Sean part)

Sean went to his company in a very good mood, he had a hot night with a beauty last night. He even hmed while walking to his office.

He sat down on his chair and read the documents on his table.


"M.. Mr. Sean we have a problem," his secretary said panicking

Sean was annoyed by his secretary suddenly barging in but he let it go

"What's wrong"

"S..sir the project with Scarlet had been stopped" the secretary panic


Sean slammed the table, scaring the secretary

"WHATTTT" he roared

"Why did Scarlet suddenly stop the cooperation," he asked angrily

", Scarlet said that during the construction of the project you didn't even once show your face and only sent a representative. Scarlet let you off but you also offended someone you shouldn't have. T... that's what Scarlet said" the secretary trembled

"Aaaahhhhhhh" he shouted

Indeed, he didn't care about the construction of the project, he was as out partying and going to hotels with different girls.

"Immediately contact Scarlet and let me talk to them, I spent a lot of money on this project" he angrily said

The secretary immediately called Scarlet but no one answered

" Scarlet won't answer our call," said scared

"Get out, GET OUT" he shouted

The secretary run away scared and close the door.

"Damn it" he clenched his fist tightly

His good mood was replaced with a bad one. He spent a lot of money on the project and the stopped caused him to lose 20 million.

"Who did I offend" he mumbled

With his nature, he already had offended a lot of people and some retaliate but were quickly subdued. This time his project with Scarlet was the biggest he had.

'Damn just who..... Who is it'

---------------------(end part)

"Miss it had been done," Ren said on the other side

"Thank you Ren"

"Your welcome Miss"

Then the phone hang up

"I wish I could see his face," said pouting

"Hahaha now he lose a lot of money, I wonder how will he explain this to grandpa Fu," Vera said with fake pity

"Grandpa would begin to doubt his skills, he may be nice and kind but when losing money no matter the amount he needs a good reason why the money is gone"

Knowing grandpa Fu when it comes to business he is serious and won't allow his hard work throughout his life to be destroyed.

"Let's stop talking to him. And finish signing these papers I miss my babe" Vera said sadly

"Let's finish it then go home this lunch I want to eat her dishes again" licked my lips

Remembering the delicious taste of aurora's dishes was good, they can't help but drool thinking about it.

I and Vera were full of energy and read and then sign the documents at a fast speed.
