Chapter 37: Cultivation

Aurora finished packing the things she need for tomorrow

[Host why did you pack a lot?]

"We're going to stay there for a long time, I need to temper my body," Aurora said seriously

Although her cultivation was high her body is very lacking, and she will easily be defeated. In terms of tempering her body, she needs to practice and connect her daos.

Strength her blood, bones, and skin to do that you need to practice in a harsh place to practice and a snowy mountain is a perfect place.

"Thana what are the cultivation stages in this world"

[Jin Stage

Low Middle Stage

Foundation Disciple

Reform Stage

Nascent Stage

Emperor Stage

Grand Master

Immortal Emperor

God Stage

Untamed realm]

"Is it because I'm different from others that I already skipped bounds after bound" Aurora was speechless looking at the panel in front of her

[Yes host, and with the booster pills you leap from Jin Stage to Emperor Stage]

"I did cultivate together with Grandpa when we were together before" nodding her head

Aurora stretch her arms in the air and went to the other room there was a piano, 'Let's play for a while then cook some lunch for my beloved'

Meanwhile, in the company, Elizabeth and Vera finished signing the documents.


They looked at each other and laugh, took their things, and went out of the office. The employees looked at the two beauties leaving then look at the wall clock

"This is the first time they went home early"

"Are they meeting someone"

"Strange did our bosses leave early"

The employees whispered, Elizabeth and Vera went out of the company and drove home excited. Upon arriving they immediately went inside

"Where's my baby" Elizabeth immediately inquired the maid

"She's in the piano room Miss" the maid bowed

Then looked at the wall clock it was still 11:30, they walked towards the piano room and heard the piano being played.

Walking slowly Elizabeth and Vera looked at the person sitting on the piano.

Elizabeth and Vera thought they saw a beautiful goddess playing a soft and calming tone on the piano. The sun eliminated her figure and as if there were light particles surrounding her

[In the beginning

I had a throbbing sensation in my heart that I could not explain

Confused about why my heart is beating

Whenever I look and be at your side

This feeling continues to spread in my heart


She sang a song while playing the piano, the two listeners were smiling ear to ear. The piano-accompanied her beautiful song creating a melodious sound.

[This time I was sure

I had loved you all this time

Can you hear my heart

Screaming your name over and over again

I love you


Elizabeth and Vera walked toward Aurora and hugged her suddenly. Which startled her then relax after.

"Welcome home Eli Vera" Aurora greeted with a sweet smile

"Baby did you compose the song," Eli asked

"Yes, It was supposed to be a surprise but it seems like you have already heard it," Aurora said shyly


'So cute'

"You sing well, my babe" Vera praised

"Thank you, I'll go and cook lunch" Aurora stood up and went to the kitchen

Aurora put on an apron and then tie her hair up in a ponytail showing her neck. She hmmed as she cut the vegetables.

Elizabeth and Vera we're watching her every move as if memorizing her, they look at her lovingly. Both their hands are under their chin resting while staring at the girl in front of them.

Her knife cutting skills are clean and lovely, she cut the vegetables and meat into bite sizes pieces. Took out a pan and slowly cooked the dishes one at a time.

A few minutes later, 4 kinds of dishes are served on the table. It was all their favorite food, Aurora put the plates down and sit in front of the two women.

"Waahhhhh looks so good" Vera clapped her hands like a child

Elizabeth immediately picked her favorite dish and ate it with satisfaction.

"Hmmmmm baby I love you even more now" Elizabeth stuffed her mouth with food

Aurora chuckled looking at the two eating like there's no tomorrow. She also ate some food with relish


Elizabeth and Vera were both burped at the same time, Aurora laughed at them, and her smile deepened. The girls sit down in the living room after eating

"Eli, Vera I have to tell you something, " Aurora asks seriously

"What is wrong baby" Elizabeth instantly became nervous

Aurora takes a deep breath and breathes out

"Tomorrow I'm going to the Snowy Mountain," Aurora says

Elizabeth and Vera breathed in relief, whenever Aurora is serious they both get nervous for some reason.

"How long will you be there babe" Vera ask sadly

"I'm not sure, in 9 months the tournament will begin I need to temper my body in the peak before I leave" Aurora then kiss Vera's cheek.

"We'll miss you, baby, so much" Eli sadly hugged her baby, she won't be able to see her lover for who knows how long.

"Don't worry I promise to come back on your birthday my love" Aurora said sweetly as she kissed her on the lips

"You better, or else" Eli threatened her

Aurora giggled and nodded, Vera looked at Aurora pouting she was helpless, and also kiss her.


__________Aurora's POV_________

The next day Elizabeth, Vera, and grandfather were the ones to send me to the Snowy Mountain. The place was far from the city and looked out the window.

The mountain was surrounded by a tall wall and electric fences, there was only one entrance through a thick door with a special key to open it.

[Identification Scan]

[Ding.... Welcome Master]


The car enters the safe zone, I went out of the car and was greeted by the cold wind.

"Little Aura you have to be careful this place is full of monsters" grandfather warned

"I'll be careful grandfather don't worry" I reassured him

"Baby take care of yourself in there, okay" Eli greatly warned with tears in her eyes

"Babe, take this tracker, this way we will be able to see your location " Vera handed a tracker

I took it and put it in my pocket firmly in place, looked at my lovers, and hugged them tightly. I kissed them on the lips for a while.

"I'll see you guys soon" I waved goodbye and walked towards the dense forest.

The three watched as Aurora walked toward the forest as her figure disappear, only hence did they leave the mountain.


[Host Vera is so obsessed with you]

"It's one of her personalities remember, she's obsessed with the person she loves" I shrug my shoulders not minding

[I was quite frightened when the heroines admitted that they loved you, I thought they would fight for your affection it's a relief they didn't] thana wiped her invisible sweat

"I was also anxious thankfully they had a strong bond" I felt like I dodged a very big bullet this time.


Upon hearing the growl I hid behind a tree and peeped slightly, I saw a jackal

[Jackal- similar to a hyena but with bigger and sharper teeth. Their sense of smell is strong and they are very territorial ]

Normally jackals roam in groups they can easily surround their prey with their numbers. If you see one alone then there's a possibility that 20 more are just around the area.

'Aish there's trouble already '

Taking out a long sword in my ring, I blanket the blade with Qi. The jackal has yet to notice me, I erase my presence and unhurriedly went behind him.

After getting close enough I stab it quickly on its head killing it instantly on the spot. Splitting its head open I took out a purple monster core.

[Monster Core - can be acquired from a monsters head after killing it, can be used for alchemy and forging weapons and armors]

[White Stone

Green Stone

Blue Stone

Yellow Stone

Pink Stone

Red Stone

Purple Stone]

"Dangerous places are more rewarding," I proclaimed

[Come on host, let's go get more materials] Thana said excitedly

"Let's go" I cheered loudly


I suddenly stiffen and slowly turn around to see that 20 jackals are eyeing me like prey. A jackal suddenly jumped on me and I reflexively block it.

Pushed it into the air and sent him a roundhouse kick on its stomach. It crashed into several trees before it stop moving.


One jackal roared it had a white line in between its eyes and nose. It may be the alpha of the group, the jackals who were standing rushed in my direction.

Holding my sword I put on a stance in fighting, I rushed towards the jackal with my powerful legs. I killed one after the other as if dancing

[Dancer in the Battlefield] Thana mumbled



The last jackal fell to the ground bloodily, and Aurora's clothes were covered in blood, her sword was also bloody. If someone saw her they might think she was a psychopath.

'Clean ' she mumbles

A faint light envelop her whole body, her bloodily clothing was instantly clean leaving no dirt. After cleaning she split open the jackal's heads and took their cores.

Continuing the journey Aurora stumbled upon a hidden cave near the waterfall located 100 meters away from the frozen lake.

"Wow a hidden cave" my eyes glow in excitement

[This cave is not mentioned anywhere in the original story]

"Hehehehe so we're the first ones to discover this place, hot damn" enthusiastic

[Since this is new, I have no information about it host]

"No problem Thana, this will be the adventure of a lifetime or maybe" I giggle


Aurora slowly went inside the cave the passage can fit a person the walls look like they have been paved. So far, there were no monsters that have yet appeared.

She walked deeper into the cave and then saw a faint light at the end of the cave. She didn't get excited and run, she was still attentive to her surrounding.

A large cave with glowing stones was at the end of the cave, there was also a small pond in the center at the center of the pond was a tree.

"What kind of tree is that Thana" points at the tree


[Fiery Spiritual Tree - a tree that only grows in cold and dark places, this has a fire element that never dies. It can only bear four fruits in a thousand years and if eaten it will be immune to any kinds of ice or snow]

"Hahahaha I'M ONE LUCKY human" yelled happily

I walked towards the tree and took the fruits it was as big as a first and heavy as a watermelon.

"Thana can I take this tree with me" if I can take it then I will be able to take it home

[Yes host you can, the Yu family did have a secret place where you can put it]


Slowly using earth elements I dug the pond surrounding the tree and slowly put it in my space inventory as if it were a priceless treasure. Which is true Hehehe.