Chapter 38: Cultivation

Aurora went out of the cave and headed toward the frozen lake. She ate one fiery fruit on the way to keep the ice from freezing her to death.

She arrived at the lake which was in the center of the mountain, she looked around the place and felt a faint force under the lake.

[Host, let's go the inheritance is down there]

"Not yet thana" shook her head

[W..why host]

"This ice is 10 inches thick and under the ice is a formation, if I went in directly I would have frozen to death instantly"

[Didn't the host already eat the fiery fruit?]

"Although I eat it, my body won't be able to handle the cold. I need to temper my body first before getting the inheritance" she stands up

[I see, then work hard host] Thana cheered

Aurora sat down and crossed her legs she started meditating, the Yin energy slowly merged with the Yang energy in her body, creating a harmonious flow.

White particles shone on her blending in with the snow and ice, the accumulated energy flow to her core and meridian trying to remove impurities left.

A few minutes later, Aurora stop meditating and spit out a black liquid, it was all the impurities in the body. She felt more energy outburst in her body.

"Thana get me a dummy"

[Ding dummy purchased successfully]

A dummy appeared in front of me, I clenched my fist and punch the dummy hard then followed it with a kick. The dummy stood in place





Punches and kicks were thrown at the dummy consecutively nonstop, and the dummy never flinched. Aurora was exhausting her energy in training her martial arts.


The dummy remains unscratched, all the energy before got drained. Aurora once again sits down with crossed legs and meditates, continuing to absorb the Yin energy.

The Snowy Mountain is unforgiving during the night, a blizzard haste over the frozen lake. Aurora continued her training throughout the blizzard as if she was never bothered by the cold.

Her clothes were a bit thin, and her arms and legs were exposed. She never bothered about it and focus on meditating and practicing.

Aurora practiced day and night nonstop in the frozen lake, her foundation was beginning to improve drastically. It will not be long until she reaches the peak in tempering the body.

Cultivators do not need to sleep or eat when their cultivation is higher.


Meanwhile, two beauties are in the office distracting themselves from reading the documents.


Vera let out a heavy sigh she was listless, no matter what she does she's missing her lover too much.

"Vera, you okay?" Elizabeth asks worriedly

"I'm fine, I just... Miss her" Vera sadly whisper

"Me too," Elizabeth said opening her phone and looking at the red dote moving from time to time in one place.

"Will she be okay" Elizabeth mumbled

"Don't worry if she gets in trouble the track will notify us immediately" Vera says

Vera put on a few functions in the tracker for emergencies, she's that obsessed with her lover. She would always look at her phone from time to time, though she can't see her. She would imagine what she is doing right at this moment.

"Vera let's finish this and go home I'm tired" Elizabeth yawned a bit, and Vera nodded in agreement and speed up the process.


------------(Sean's Pov)-------------

"Hey, did you finish the document" whispered a woman to her colleague

"I...I didn't have the documents it was full of errors I had to revise for the whole night" the colleague whispered back

"What are you two whispering there" a hoarse voice sounded behind them making them jump in fright.

The two women know who's voice belongs to that 'man'.

"Why are you still standing there. Get to work" the man's sharp tone frightened them

"Y..yes sir"

"W...we're sorry sir"

The women scurry away and went to their workplace, the man was irritated and pull his tie down a bit. The man walked toward his office and sat down on the chair.

His table is full of unsigned documents and ongoing projects with other companies. Sean push back his hair up, he was very busy the few days that he didn't get to have 'fun' anymore.

--------When the Scarlet stops the cooperation -------

The moment Sean went home after the accident the old man Fu was waiting for him in the living room with a subtle expression.

"Grandpa Good evening" Sean greet and sat down on the opposite chair

"Tell me, Sean, why did Scarlet stop the cooperation with the company," grandpa Fu asks literally on the spot

"T..that" he clenched his fist

When the old man let him take care of the company, he didn't care about his activities with women. As long as the company is doing fine the old man let it slide.

This time he screws up the Scarlet is one of the mysterious companies that collaborated with the old man during his lifetime and raise it to what it is today.

"G..grandpa I...." I don't know what to do

"You know that Scarlet is the reason why we are successful today. Yet you destroyed a once in a lifetime opportunity to also help you in the future" the old man took a sip of tea

"I...I'm sorry grandpa" I bowed my head to him

"It had been done there's no turning back. This time proved to me that you can handle the rest of the project with the other companies, don't fail me" old man looked at him with condensing eyes

"Yes grandpa, I won't fail you" then he bowed and left.

He had been staying in the company since then to make sure that the projects can cover up the losses from Scarlet.




"Come in" coldly say

"S..sir the project with the Paradise Valley has not been approved" the Secretary stated with fear

"WHAT.... Why?" he shouted at his poor Secretary

"T...they that your conditions are absurd and decided to hand the project to the Gu and Yu company" Secretary trembled he was crying inside. Why did I even become his secretary?

"Aarrrrhhhhhhh" Sean rumbled loudly that his voice can be heard outside his office.

"The boss shouted at the Secretary again" employee

"Poor secretary-nim" employee

Secretary: T_T my boss is a tiger send help

Back to Sean, he kept facing trouble every time he wanted to cooperate with other companies.

"How can the conditions be absurd," he declared angrily

The Secretary kept quiet, of course, it's absurd who would want the company will have 70% while the other company has 30%. When it's the other company that is overseeing the project.

Secretary: What a greedy bastard

Sean didn't know his Secretary's thoughts and kept looking at the conditions he gave.

'Damn it'

With his continuous failure in cooperating with other companies, the Gu and Yu company took most of his biggest projects. Resulting in making the stocks of the Fu family go down a bit.


Sean looked at his phone and the old man's name popped out, he was nervous that he would be disinherited from the company.

"Hello grandpa"

"Sean I will give you one last chance if you fail one more time, I will have to change you as CEO" old man Fu said calmly

"I understand grandpa" clenched his fist and the call ended

'F*uck it all'

Sean called a number

"Hello daddy did you miss me" a seductive voice came from the other side

"Come to my office now" he didn't mind her flirting and hang up the phone

"You can go now" he looked at the Secretary and waved his hand

The secretary bowed and left immediately. Phew, I survived yet another day T_T.

The moment the girl came to his office he immediately pounce on her and ravage her. He needs to release his stress.



Meanwhile, in the Wang family, the half brothers were preparing for the tournament 9 months prior. Wang spends the most money on getting the booster pills.

But to no avail, the woman who sells them only has 2-3 booster pills once every week to sell. Every time he raised his number, someone will raise the sum until he would stop at a high price.

Wang spend more than 1 billion gold on 2 booster pills, he gave them to his two promising sons.

"Remember, no failure allowed" wang stared at his two sons

"Yes, father" the two nodded and start meditating.

Wang looked at his sons proudly only the two of them, please him more than the rest of his children all their cultivation is mediocre or useless.

Back in the auction house, a woman came out of a luxury room. Took out her phone and pretend to call a number

Ren: I have done the task, master

Aurora: Good job Ren, how much does he spend on one booster pill

Ren: 500 million to 1 billion master

Aurora: good make sure to dry his pocket

Ren: yes master

Ren was reporting to Aurora through their minds, with the upcoming tournament all young generations would spend a lot of wealth to buy cultivation pills and books.

The price of winning first place can receive recognition from all companies they might also allow the winner to attain an imaginable power and wealth.

As long as you impress them during the tournament.

(After a month)

In Sean's company, he was able to take back the lost money and the stocks rise a little. He was able to relax and finish working.

He was leaning against his chair in a daze when suddenly an image of a woman flashed past his mind. The woman he saw on his birthday was very mysterious which made him interested.

Push a button near his table and on the other side answered

Secretary: "Yes, sir"

"Investigate the woman at my birthday party a month ago, the one with a mask. She seems to be close with the old man Yu, my sister, and Vera."

Secretary: Yes sir

Sean once again thinks of the woman and his heart skipped a beat. He was shocked for the 20 years of his life this is the first time he felt his heart skip a beat.

"Woman you're the first person to make me like this, better take responsibility" he mumbled happily

Little did he know someone was watching his every move from the dark and recording his voice. After the person got the recording, took out the phone and sent it to that 'person'.

?????: I feel sorry for you (Sean)

????: you shouldn't have taken an interest in her or you will feel the wrath of the people who surround her.

????:*sigh* I wish you all the best

The person left and returns to his/her position as if nothing happened.

-Dare to have thoughts of her, your only facing an early death-