Chapter 45: Entertainment

________Shea's POV________


Shea opened her eyes and jolted up from the bed, the first thing she looks was her clothes. She sigh in relief that she was wearing her clothes.

She looked around then suddenly stopped in one place. There was a sofa in front of the bed and a beautiful woman was leaning on her arm resting on the armrest.

The woman was very beautiful, she had long eyelashes, a delicate nose, and thin rosy lips. I wonder what her lips taste like.

Shea immediately shook her head, what the heck is she thinking. Then she saw the beautiful woman's eyes tremble, she immediately laid back down and pretend to sleep

Shea didn't know why she did it.


(Priya's Part)

Priya opened her eyes slowly and saw the person on the bed still 'sleeping'.

She stood up and went near the woman on the bed and softly touch her forehead. She noticed her sweating and there was a tint of red on her face.

Priya was amused by her, why pretend to sleep?. She didn't expose her and stood up.


Priya took her phone and went to the window.

Me: hello

???: Good morning Miss, I'm calling you about the time of the audition Chief Director, the audition will start in the afternoon

Me: Okay, I'll be there

???: See you later Chief Director

The call ended and look toward the bed, she shake her head. She took out extra clothes for her and took her coat and left.

(End of part)


Shea was laying down on the bed when she felt the woman come near her and hold her forehead.

For some reason, her heart was beating loudly in her chest, and she was nervous. She felt her face heating up but tried to control it.

Then the woman had a call, her voice was pleasant and sophisticated. In short, it was pleasant to listen. After the call, I heard rustling.

Then the doorknob was turned, and the woman softly closed the door as if not to disturb her. Shea woke up and looked around.

There were clothes and a note on the sofa, where the woman rested. She felt a bit embarrassed that she had to sleep sitting all night.

Shea looked at the note.

"Good morning beauty,

You fainted last night so I took you back with me. Wear these clothes, your clothes are all wrinkled."

Shea smiled unconsciously and her face heated up, took her phone and called her manager to pick her up in ten minutes.

Shea took a bath and wear the clothes that the woman left, it was a simple white dress that reaches her knees. It was comfortable, going out of the bedroom there was a large kitchen.

Shea smelled a tempting scent coming from it, and her stomach growled. Shea walked toward the kitchen and saw a plate of food.

Shea immediately eats, and her taste buds explode. It was so good, that she continued eating until there was nothing left.


???: Shea I'm outside the hotel

Me: I'm coming down now sister

???: Okay

-End Call-

Shea went out of the hotel and saw her manager, she entered the car. Sister Pin drove her to the location of the auditions.

"Shea looked at the script and memorize your lines. I heard that the director of the film was Priya" Sister pin handed her the script

I looked at the script and smiled sadly. In the past, because she was plotted she didn't get the female role. She was late for the audition and Mulin entered her room with Ahren. The news spread and I was ruined

This time it's different, her eyes turned cold. Then looked at the script.


A few minutes later we arrived at the largest stadium, there were a lot of people going in and out.

"Shea, let's go inside" sister pin opened the door I nodded and step out

We entered the stadium and saw a lot of artists, according to my memory Priya is a successful film director at a young age.

A lot of people want to work for her, and all those she recognizes in the process. Became successful and raise higher.

'If I can get her to recognize me, then I can slowly get my revenge '

Shea sat down on one of the chairs and read the script once more.

"Hey look isn't that Shea"

"Oh my God your right, is she also going to audition"

"She is so beautiful in person than in pictures"

The small artist whispers in the room when suddenly the door opened.


Mulin went to the room she put Shea in but was shocked that no one was there she wanted to expose her by being a mistress but she's not here.

Mulin look around the room and no one was there, she clenched her fist and made her way to the audition. She might be there, but I put a lot of sleeping pills on her drink

Mulin bit her finger thinking.

The moment she arrived she looked around the waiting room and there she saw her. Mulin looks at her with hatred and jealousy.

[Quest Failed] the evil system panel appeared in front of her

[Charm deducted -30]

'Damn it' mulin cursed

-End part-


While Shea was reading the script a familiar voice rang in her ear, making her face blackened.

"Shea, why didn't you wait for me" Mulin sat down beside her pouting

"I thought I was going to be late so I went ahead first" I smiled fakely at her

"Boo, I wanted to go with you" She acted like she didn't plot against me

"Miss Shea it's your turn" the staff announced

"I'll go first" I stood up and went to the door.

***************************End of Sheas pov

Shea entered the audition room, she stood in front of the judges and then bowed.

"Good afternoon Directors" she greeted politely

The moment she raised her head, she was stunned by the woman who was staring at her, with a slight smile.

'S.. she' shea thought

"Miss Shea this is miss Priya, since you're auditioning for the female lead she will be the one to judge your performance" director Ru

'The heck I didn't recognize her' shea blushed inwardly

Angel: that's because you are busy looking at her lips and daydreaming of kissing them

Shea:.....You won

"Then miss shea, please start your performance," Priya said a little cold

Shea smiled sweetly and started her performance, the female in the story was a beautiful girl who meet with struggles in life.

Because of her beauty, she was often mistaken to be a young miss of a rich family. This made people want to kidnap her but was rescued by the male lead.

Shea perform when the female lead was desperate for help to put her mother in surgery but the cost was very expensive, so she took the offer of the male lead.


Priya was satisfied with her emotions and acting, she clap for the first time. Shea looked shyly and nervously held her clothes with her fingers.

"Miss Shea so far you're the one who truly had the right emotions in playing the female lead" Priya praised

Director Ru and the screenwriter were shocked this is the first time Priya praised someone, all the people know is she was strict and will criticize an artist if she was not satisfied.

Ru and the screenwriter Tong looked at Shea with a smile, her performance is really good. 'This girl might raise to the very top' they both thought

Priya didn't know what the two people beside her were thinking and kept looking at Shea with a satisfied look.

Shea looked at Priya and saw her smile more this time, *badub, badub* her heart was beating in her chest and she felt very happy when she praised her.

"Thank you for your performance miss Shea will tell you the result after the audition" Tong smiles softly

"Ah..yes, thank you" Shea bowed and left the stage

Shea went back the backstage and put her hands on her cheeks which are burning hot. 'Waahh I'm so happy' she smiled happily and sat down on a chair.

Mulin who saw her smile turned cold and grit her teeth, the staff called her name and went to the stage.


Mulin returned to the waiting room with an ugly face, she was ridiculed in the room by the two judges. Director Ru and Screenwriter Tong were very dissatisfied with her acting.

Mulin sat down angrily and her manager came to her.

"How is it?" Her manager asked

Mulin who was in a bad mood exploded.

"Shut up b*tch! Didn't you see I'm in a bad mood? Stupid woman." Mulin roared

"I..I'm sorry" the manager immediately apologized and was scared

"Looking at you makes me in a bad mood, even more, go. Let's go back" mulin said harshly

The manager rushed out and prepare the car, mulin left before hearing the results. Since she already knew, who will win? The female leads halo is strong and luck will always be with her.

Mulin gritted her teeth and looked at stats.

Level: 20

Charm: 80

Task: Charm the youngest director (failed)

"Tsk" she sneered


After the audition, the director Ru announced the results. Some were happy while some are sullen, shea left with a smile on her face.

Shea decided to practice her character before filming, the film will start in 3 days.

Shea is normally a hard-working artist she relied on her strength to get where she is. She is considered popular, a second-rate artist.

"Shea, did you see director Priya on the stage" sister pin had stars in her eyes

Shea then remembered in her past life, sister pin was a die-hard fan of director Priya. She watch almost all her movies and would always buy her album.

"Yes I saw her" I nodded at her question then she sequel

"Tell me, tell me how is she. Was she more beautiful than the pictures they said" sister pin bombarded her with questions? She kept shaking her shoulder

"A..sister pin, let me go I'm getting dizzy," Shea said

Sister pin returns to her senses and lets go of Shea, she was excited that she can't help but be bombarded with questions.

"I'm sorry shea I got excited" sister pin apologized

"It's fine sister pin, I'll answer all your questions.

" really" sister pin jolt up

"Yes" shea nodded


Author: That's going to be a very long story ^.^