Chapter 46: Entertainment

3 days later the first film was located in a mountain range, on flat land with green grass, surrounded by tall trees. Shea went to the location of the film, it was a beautiful nature view.

There was also a river near the shoot, the wind breeze softly blew giving a relaxing feeling. Shea then looked around and saw Priya talking with the staff.

They will stay here for 1 week, there were tents assembled near the river. And there were big trucks beside it.

"Artists please gather here to get your makeup" a staff announced

Together with other artists, there were makeup artists ready and we all took our make-up.

A few minutes later, Shea was wearing a simple robe with little flowers on the end of the robe.

"Hello, miss Shea. My name is Zion nice working with you" zion the male lead in the story

"Hello Mr. Zion nice working with you too" shea greeted politely

"Just call me Zion and ill call you Shea" he sat down beside her

"Okay Zion" shea smiled

"Alright everyone, the film will start now. The female and male lead, please come here" Director Ru said loudly with a microphone

Shea and Zion came near the director and told them some key points to keep in mind.

"Alright, first take," he said


Shea closed her eyes and when she opened them again she was in character, now she is performing when the female lead Zhou helps her mother on the field.

"Zhou zhou, the sun is strong today. You go back first" Zhuo's mother said softly to her obedient daughter

Zhou shook her head refusing

"No mom, I'll help you, and we'll go back together," Zhou said

"Okay, but only for a while or you'll get heatstroke," Zhou's mom said softly. She knows her daughter is obedient but is stubborn.

They both worked for 30 minutes and went to the river and washed the dirt in their hands before going home. Zhou's mom prepared dinner while zhou cleaned the house.

After preparing dinner, the two sat down at the table.

"Zhou, your uncle in the city wants to take you," Zhou's mom said

"Huh! Why?" Zhou ask confused why her uncle want to take her

"I know you want to study, so I called your uncle to help you go to school," Zhou's mom said softly.

"But..... I don't want to leave you" Zhou sobbed

"Good girl, Zhou don't worry about mom and chase your dream" Zhou's mom persuade her

"Look your mom is still strong not an old lady, so go. Mom will be here when you come back" Zhou's mom hugged her daughter

"Okay mom I will," Zhou said sobbing

"CUT" Director Ru shouted

"Good job, you two take a rest," he said satisfied

"" Thank you director"" we both bowed

We both sat down, it was hot but not very hot. Shea sat down tiredly and drank cold water.

"Everyone there's iced watermelon here, come and eat first" screenwriter Tong shout

The people all turned to the source and saw Priya was cutting the watermelon with amazing speed and neatly. Her hair was tied into a ponytail.

In just a few seconds a bite-size watermelon was put neatly on the plate with small sticks to pick up the watermelon.

All of us took a bite the sweet and refreshing taste of watermelon exploded in our mouths. It cooled us down from the heat.


The shoot continued with the crew in full energy, Priya also supervise the shoot. She would sometimes point out their emotion and acting that lacks.

The artists listen seriously, everyone is happy that they were all on the same page. There was no problem.

That night Priya took out a big lamb on the truck and roasted it near the river. The smell of roasted lamb spread throughout the camp.

Everyone on the crew was used to it since they followed her from day one. Priya would treat their foods and drinks if they do a good job.

They all enjoyed a delicious dinner and went to bed early.


In the middle of the night, Shea went out of her tent, then slowly went near the river. The moon was shining brightly in the sky, it was the full moon.

The moon was reflected in the water, she squatted down and stare at the river.

"If the is alive it will be shy if you stare at it intently," a mesmerizing voice said behind Shea

Shea turned around and saw Priya leaning against the tree looking at her. Her aqua eyes shine together, with the moon.

"Why are still not asleep, we have a shooting tomorrow?" Priya squatted beside her

"I...I can't seem to sleep" Shea said looking at the river and ignoring the beating of her heart when Priya was so close to her

"You too huh! If it's an unfamiliar place it will make me sleepless too" Priya put her hand on the running cold river

"Hmm" Shea just hmed she doesn't know what else to say

They both didn't say anything more and kept quiet, they both watch the moon and sat down on the grass enjoying the silent night.

Priya closed her eyes as the wind blow softly tonight, Shea who was beside her looked at her.

"Come on let's go back " Priya stood up first and offer her hand Shea shyly took her hand.

Shea held Priya's hand softly, it felt warm and comfortable. Shea didn't know why she wants to keep holding her hand and never let go.

Shea never felt like this when she held hands with others before. This new feeling is slowly spreading in her heart without her knowing.


The next day the crew woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon, they felt their stomach growl and impatiently took a plate then sit down to eat.

"Boss, your skills are still the best" a staff praised with thumbs up

Priya just smiled and continue cooking the rest, and also she ate.

"Alright now that we're done eating time to resume the shoot," Director Ru said full of energy


Meanwhile, Mulin once again came to Ahren's company she deliberately came early to meet him. Mulin saw him get out a limited edition Lamborghini.

"Brother Ahren, good morning" Mulin greeted brightly

[Ding Charm used]

Ahren looked at her eyes and sneered

"Tsk..... Woman do you think I don't know what you have been doing this time. Please take this woman out of my sight and make sure she won't appear in front of me again" Ahren said ignoring Mulin

[Charm failed]

[Deducting -20]

Mulin was shocked that it didn't work, two strong men held her rudely. Mulin snapped back when she felt pain in her shoulder before she could speak.

A man covered her mouth and brag out the company, Mulin endeavored with the bodyguards and they didn't even flinch.

Mulin was not willing to accept that she was rejected and in front of his employees. She gritted her teeth, then she was thrown to the ground.

She hit the ground hard, her arms were bruised and wounded, and she got up the ground weakly. Her waist hit a rock that cause her waist to feel pain when she got up.

Mulin glared at them ruthlessly, she held her bruised arms and return to her car.