Chapter 47: Entertainment

For the whole week, the shoot was smooth sailing, and today was the last day of the film in the mountain range. It was a beautiful place to live actually.

The crew was busy talking and organizing the last shoot, Shea looked in one direction and frowned.

From the moment Priya smiled and talked to her, her heart seems to always race in her chest. When other artists talk to her she felt uncomfortable and.... jealous.

She always denies this feeling but she can't help it when she sees Priya smiling at others. Her heart hurts and squelched as if being pricked by needles and knives.

Shea saw the artist won't leave she decisively walked toward her.

"Chief Director, good afternoon" Shea greeted politely

Priya smiled at her sweetly, the smile is shown to others as are professional smile.

"Shea, have you finished filming," Priya asked softly

Shea's smile was reaching her ear any moment

"Yes, and the crew said that we're going to celebrate after we return" She smiled sweetly

Priya nodded and they all prepared for the last day, it was very lively.


The crew returned and they were given a 3 day's vacation before resuming again.

_________Priya's POV___________

"Miss everything has been done" a bodyguard whispered in her ear.

"What is Mulins doing this day"

"Miss, Mulin has been pestering Mr. Ahren for almost a week went she was thrown out by the bodyguards" a special Secretary report seriously

The woman was tall and sharp, she wore a suit for women. She was also beautiful this person is Shu a special Secretary told to aid me by my father.

"Mulin was also seen with foreign business partners and they would stay in a hotel then, she will leave early morning" Shu read the report one by one

"Hmmm, what is she planning this time" Priya wondered

"Keep an eye on her, I'm sure she is scheming something big," Priya said coldly

"Yes miss" Shu bowed and then left to work

In the original story, Mulin got in touch with foreign business partners to put pressure on Ahren's company. But Ahren contacted her and asked for help.

At that time the original owner was oblivious about it and helped him. This made Mulin charm her and used her for her benefit.

If I'm right then I'm sure she will move in a week, what the hell is the progress of it is fast.

Priya looked at her desk and saw a lot of paperwork, she sighed and do her work. Having two identities is hard especially if you are in business.


(Shea part)

Shea went back to her home and recall her memories of the past. Since she took the female this time, Mulin will surely do something to make her miserable.

I forgave you for all your mistakes and yet took advantage of me, tsk for being nice and kind people will take advantage and benefit from it.

When Mulin became the female of the movie, she received a lot of fans and resources from the company, in just a year she received the movie queen award.

I still remember when she and that man schemed together to drag me down. Shea gritted her teeth, her eyes are ruthless, and clenched her fist.

Shea closed her to calm down, now this time it was different. I'll make sure you will pay for everything you did to me.

Shea took out her laptop and search about that man called 'Ahren'. Shea put her hand under their chin.

"Tsk, a bastard" she whispered

Ahren a doomering CEO of REN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, is cold, strict, and overbearing.

Shea remembered the past that Ahren was dealing with drugs before. The location of the house she remembered clearly.


"Hello, I would like you to investigate the Miln house there are suspicious activities there recently" shea pretend to be a resident there.

Miln is in a suburban area where it is located away from the city making it the easiest place to store drugs without worrying the police to notice.

Man: What Can you tell me about the suspicious activities

"There are men with guns and they were protecting a big truck but I don't know what is inside it. They have been doing this for 2 days" Shea said scared

Man: alright miss please calm down and we will come immediately

"Thank you, officer" Shea hung up the call

Shea closes her eyes, my revenge is just starting. Mulin better not disappoint me.

(End Part)


Priya had some free time, she wrote a story about her previous life in the first world. A love story of the two of them, though she remembered her previous life.

She was not distracted in doing her task, she would keep the memories in a bottle and she can just recall them and she will remember.

I wonder how they are doing.

Priya focuses on writing the story for the remaining night, she wanted to put a twist on the story. After the shoot, she will broadcast her new movie.

(End POV)


The next day news about drugs being discovered in Miln was hot, and the authorities block the place for further investigation.

In the high-end office, a man was gritting his teeth, and his eyes want to kill someone.


"A..sir..w...we..cant track the person" the Secretary trembled

"Useless YOUR ALL USELESS" Ahren shouted

Ahren was in his office when his partners in dealing with drugs got caught by the police yesterday. This made him go crazy these drugs were ordered by a mafia

If he doesn't give him the drugs he will surely come to him and 'size him up'. A mafia is also a person, he would get money for his company.

Others might know him as an intelligent CEO but in reality, he is lazy and pushes his work on his secretary and employees. If they made a mistake he had the gut to scold them when he does nothing but lazy around his office.

He's a good-for-nothing man.

"Investigate the place and see who goes in and out" Ahren harshly ordered

"A...sir there are the police looking for you outside" an employee suddenly barged in

"Wh.." Before he could speak

The police came.

"Mr. Ahren you are under arrest for being suspected to be involved in drugs. You have the right to remain silent" police put his hand behind him and handcuff his hands.

Ahren was processing what was happening when he felt he was handcuffed he instantly regain composure.

" do you know what you're doing let me go or ill kill you" Ahren shouted

"Let go me bastard" He struggled to be free

The police had to drag him out of the company, reporters surround him when he came out

"Mr. Ahren is it true that you were dealing with drugs"

"Mr. Ahren what can you say about the news"

"Let us through"

"Mr. Ahren please wait a...."

The reports were blocked and kept asking questions but Ahren kept his head down. The police took him away.


(Priya Part)

[Host, the male lead is arrested] Thana watched the news

"The female lead is already attacking huh." Priya simply doesn't care

[Host, the female lead wants to destroy him completely]

"Well he deserves it" she shrugged

Priya wrote the last sentence for the story and it came out perfectly. She smiled at her own work very contended

"Thana what do think about the story," she asks

[It's a very good story host]

Priya nodded in satisfaction and put the story on her desk and stretch her waist.

[What do plan on doing next host]

"Well since the female lead has started to move then we should too"

Priya was waiting for the female lead to move then she will follow, her task is to make Mulin miserable and be kicked out of her family.

(End part)
