Chapter 48: Entertainment

Meanwhile, in City G a man was standing facing the window. He was tall and he had slightly wavy brown hair. He had a serious expression on his face

This man is Mulin's Father Minlo.

Minlo was sitting at his desk earlier when he received an anonymous text from his Gmail account. He thought it was his secretary who sent the project.

Minlo looked at the message and was boiling in anger. He immediately called his investigator

"Investigate what is my daughter doing these few days," he said coldly

??: Okay

Minlo stared at the pictures intently and was irritated, and angrily so angrily.

Minlo is a traditional man, he believes that women must not be ambiguous with other men unless it's her family or husband.

So when he saw the things that were sent he couldn't believe it. If Mulin did this then she had to be prepared to be punished.


Mulin was sitting on the sofa in her home when she saw the news, she was excited. She had been thinking about what to do to Ahren and be the angel that saves him.

"Hahaha a chance had already fallen from the sky" mulin cheered happily

"Prepare the car ill go see Ahren" she ordered her maid

"Yes miss" the maid bowed then left

Mulin was excited she change her clothes and wore an exquisite dress. Put on a light make-up and then she drove to the police station.

Upon arriving a lot of reporters are surrounding the place she easily got through and went to the place they put Ahren. When she saw him she immediately put on a face

"Brother Ahren are you okay, did they hurt you," Mulin asked worriedly

Ahren looked at her and didn't speak

"Brother I'm here to take you out please wait for a moment," Mulin said softly and stood up

"How can I get him out," she asked the guard

"He won't go out for a moment miss, there is proof that he was involved in drugs," the police said seriously

"What.... How can my Brother Ahren be dealing with drugs" mulin ask shock

"It's true, so he had to wait and get to the court," the police said dead serious

Mulin's brain was blank she thought that if she could get him out then he would start to love her. She didn't expect that there was proof.

Mulin bent down to Ahrens level and whispered

"Don't worry brother Ahren, I'll get you free just wait for a moment"

"I don't need your help, get this woman out of my sight" Ahren sneered and irritated

Ahren was already in a bad mood and this woman actually tried to act that she cared. He thought she must be the one to report and made it look it she was helping.

Ahren gritted his teeth and looked at Mulin with hatred and ruthlessness.

Mulin was shocked at what he said and his look at her. She didn't know what she did wrong.

"Get out" Ahren didn't want to see her

"Miss time for you to go out," the police said

Mulin wants to ask why he is looking at her with hatred but chooses to keep quiet so she won't anger him further. Mulin stood up and left.

He might still be stimulated by what happened and doesn't want to see anybody, for the time being, Mulin thought and she had a smile on her face when she went out.

The smile was seen by his secretary who was going to see him and send him what he ask for.

"Mr. Ahren everything has been done" the secretary whispered

"Investigate Mulin if she had anything to do with me being here" Ahren ordered

"I saw miss mulin went out earlier and she was smiling happily" the secretary reported.

This secretary is special he was Ahren's friend in school and gave him a lot of money to work for him at the same time move behind the scenes. Jian

"I knew that woman loved me so much that she wants to be a hero and help me when I'm in trouble. Tsk" then sneered

Jian just kept quiet he doesn't care about his affairs and just wants to make a lot of money so he won't worry about getting fired if the times come.


The police investigation was done and found a lot of big shots and criminals involve in dealing with drugs. They were going to deliver the package to mafias.

The police set up an ambush and were able to capture long-time criminals and mafias. Ahren was sweating buckets if he was in the same room with his partners they will surely beat him.


The steel bars opened, and Ahren nervously looked at the entrance then he sigh in relief. His expression turned cold and indifferent.

"Brother Ahren I tried helping with my connections but there is nothing we can do," Mulin said desperately

Ahren stated to her in silence.

Molina noticed that he didn't respond and thought that she came at a bad time again.

"Brother Ahren I made some food for you, would you like to eat," Mulin said sweetly like a caring girlfriend and took out an insulated box

"I'm not hungry," Ahren declared

Mulin stopped what she was doing and almost cried.


---Why won't brother Ahren don't want to eat my craft

---Does it smell bad

'How can he like you went your craft is sh*t' a voice said to her brain

'No, I'm not I practiced, and the chef-approved of my cooking' Mulin countered

'Heehh, if so then why won't he eat it huh! Aha hahaha you are a worse cook' the voice mocked

'No, I'm not' Mulin shouted in her head and abruptly stood up

The insulated box was fallen and the food inside was scattered on the ground. Ahren was shocked and look at Mulin who was clenching her fist.

" Ahren I'm sorry, I'll go first" Mulin didn't look at him turn around, and left

Ahren watches her back leaving blankly.


In the studio, the crew is sweating not that it's hot but because the male lead Zion was late very late. The chief director Priya was frowning.

Meaning she's angry and dissatisfied, Priya hates people who don't come on time. Priya was tapping her feet on the ground

No one made a sound and kept quiet, it was suffocating and they were nervous. Zion was late for almost an hour, and Priya felt she had a headache.

"Continue the shoot, and remove Zion from the movie," Priya said coldly the temperature in the room decreased to negative 20.

"Then who will take his place director," Tong asked nervously

"Since the movie is already about 1/4 then I'll take his place. We can't waste any more time" Priya eyed the crew and they nodded seriously

The crew knows that this time she needs to take action. Not many know that Priya was also an excellent actor, she played a few roles before becoming a director.

The artists are all shocked when Priya suggests her self place the role. They didn't know that she can act.

"The shoot will resume now director Priya," Tong said

Priya gave him an okay sign and changed to the clothes of the male lead.


Zion who was laying in bed with a headache heard his phone buzzing.


Zion pick up his phone irritated

"What," he said harshly

"Zion, Where are you?" Zion heard his manager's voice on the other side

"I'm still in bed, my head hurts" Zion sit up from the bed and massages his head

"Didn't I tell you not to drink, now look what happened?" His manager said angrily

Zion felt something wrong and became serious

"Why... What happened?" Zion asks seriously

"Director Priya replaced you in your role. You were late for an hour and you know her mandatory rules in filming" his manager said with a headache

Zion was stunned

When filming with Director Priya they have to follow her rules and if you break one you will be replaced. Now he was late for an hour then he was surely replaced

"I ask Director Ru for a few more minutes but the decision is final. Now you need to focus on other of your advertisement" the manager said tiredly

"Okay got it" he hang up Zion's face was black

He was waiting for this chance to get acquainted with Priya, with her he can easily become a movie king in less than a year.

"Aaaahhhh damn it all" He shouted


The scene was when the male lead made the unsuspecting female lead sign a paper for being his fake wife.

In a room where luxury furniture is placed, a woman was nervous and sweating. after she came to this city she worked part-time to earn some money to help pay her tuition.

Zhou adjusted for a few days and she was mainly focused on studying and working. She has always been top 1 which made students bully her.

She was poor, had a good grade, and most importantly a beautiful face. The bullying lasted for a long time, one day she received news that her mother was sent to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Zhou saw the doctor coming out of the emergency room.

"Doctor how is my mother" Zhou asked crying

"Your mother is fine now but she will need surgery for her heart," the doctor said seriously

Zhou felt her world crumbling, her mind was blank and she was stunned that her mother had heart problems.

Her mother is her only family left, she can't afford to lose her mother. Zhou was crying hard and the doctor told her to visit her mother.

Zhou looked at her mother's face, it had wrinkles and her hair had gray hair. Her hands were rough and had cuts, she held her mother's hand tightly.

"Mom don't worry I'll make you feel better" Zhou whispered sobbing

Zhou worked while studying, she had 3 part-time jobs. She was always tried but when she see her mother's condition she refuses to give up.

One day, Zhou met Qin a CEO of a big company. He offered to help her. So now she is in his office.

"Here sign this and I can help. your mother has surgery" Qin said coldly

Zhou looked at the paper and found loopholes. Even if she works day and night the cost of the surgery is too high for her.

Zhou was desperate so she signed the papers, Qin smiled in satisfaction.

"Go and set the surgery for Zhou's mom," Qin said to his secretary who was waiting.

"Yes sir" the secretary nodded and left.

"Thank you Mr. Qin" Zhou bowed at him gratefully

"Cut" Director Ru shouted

Shea and Priya return to normal and sat down.

"You did a great job, Shea" Priya complimented

Shea look at her shyly with a tint of blush on her face

"T..thank you director" Shea stuttered

Priya smiled and pass her a bottle of milk strawberry smoothie one of Shea's favorite drinks.

"Here this is your reward" Priya softly said

"Thank you, I love this kind of smoothie" Shea happily took a sip of the smoothie

Her brows were at ease and the whole person relaxed, she was enjoying the smoothie and savoring every last drop.

Earlier when they were acting Shea tried hard to keep herself calm but every time she look at her eyes, her heart always raced. As if her eyes are staring through me.

Shea look to her side, Priya was also drinking the same smoothie that she had, when she noticed a lip print on the straw. Then look at hers


Hot steam came out on top of her head, there was a lip print on her straw. Did she give this to her for an indirect kiss? Shea licked the straw and it tasted sweet.

Shea forthwith shook her head and her face was red as a tomato. What the hell is she thinking?

Priya glanced at Shea and her face was red, she smirked and look away. Earlier she deliberately put a lip print on the straw and gave it to her.

It took a few minutes before Shea notice the lip print. Priya smiled in victory.
