Chapter 49: Entertainment (R-18)

Shea felt her head getting dizzy and her heart was beating in her chest as if it wants to go out and show her how her heart is beating like crazy.

"T...The" Shea wanted to say something but it was stuck in her throat

---Maybe she didn't know and gave it to me. She thought

Priya glance at Shea's changing faces, she finds it very amusing and her reactions are cute.

"Miss Priya can I talk to you for a moment" SW tong with a serious expression

"Okay" Priya stood up and they both went to a corner

Shea started at SW Tong a little displeased.


"Director I've seen the next scene but I think we need to add something here" SW Tong pointed to a part of the script

Priya looks at the scene and also nodded

"I also think that something is missing but I can't point out what to add" Priya rubs her chin with her index finger

"Director how about a song since the scene was when the male lead confesses to the female lead" SW Tong suggests

"Good idea, wait, and ill write a song" Priya took out a paper and pen and then wrote a song.


"Let's resume, scene number 13" Director Rong announced with a microphone

Shea changes her clothes to a white dress that reaches her knees, she put on light make-up and white heels about 2 inches.

She breathes in and out then focuses on her character. The scene was when the male lead finally confesses to the female lead.

The room was dimmed and there was a table in the center with red rose petals surrounding it. Zhou walked in the direction and look around to see Shu.

*slightly bam*

Then suddenly a light illuminated a part of the room, there was a single mic. on the center.

*tok tok tok*

The sound of stepping was heard, slowly in the darkness, a handsome man with a sweet smile on his face showed.

Zhou was speechless, the man was wearing a white polo tucked in his black pants, a top with a gray jacket, and a shoe.

The man's hair was neatly combed and his aura was hot and handsome. Zhou saw this scene and can't help but bit her lip looking at the man.

"Zhou there's something that I want to tell you for a long time but because of my pride I didn't tell you until now, so I want to take this chance and say this to you. But first, will you listen" Shu asked lovingly and sweetly

"Yes I'll listen" Zhou nodded

Then the instruments started to play music in the background

[I thought you should know

The moment I laid my eyes on you

I felt the world stop and I can only see you

The first time you smile made my world have color

You made me complete]

Zhou listened as the sweet song entered her ear and remember in her mind.

[I can't take my eyes away from you

No matter what I do I kept looking for you

The beating of my heart can't be explained in words

I have loved you all this time]

Shu looked at Zhou and slowly walked toward her, staring straight into her eyes. Shu was in front of Zhou then took her hand and put it on her chest.

[Will you listen

My heart is racing for you

I can't stop myself

Being near you made my day beautiful

Every laugh, smile, and tears

I love it all

Zhou, I have loved you all this time

Will you listen]

Shu sang softly and lovingly, Zhou had tears running down her cheeks then hug Shu tightly.

"I know I have hurt you all. the time but believe me when I say I love you. Because of my pride, I refuse to confess but then when you start to hang out with others I felt my heart being stabbed by knives" Shu said softly and jealous

Zhou hug him quietly and let him finished

"Only then did I realize that I can't let others have you. So I'm asking you now from the bottom of my heart." Shu parted then kneel in front of Zhou

"Will you spend the rest of your life with a man like me?" Shu asks delicately, he looks at Zhou's face not missing a single of her reactions

He knows that he had a lot of mistakes and flaws but with her, by his side, he can surely change for the better.

Zhou was over the moon and cried more

"Yes thousand times yes" Zhou hug him and kiss his lips suddenly

The crew was stunned by her actions but continued the shoot. Priya who was kissed was also stunned but regained her composite and respond to the kiss.

Though there was no kissing scene in the script but oh well.

They both parted and Shu put the ring on her ring finger, stood up, and kissed her hand with love.

"I love you" Shu whispered his heart was beating

"I love you too" Zhou once again kissed her

Shea knows that this is not part of the script but when she sang and proposed, something inside her ignited, and felt a familiar feeling as if she was really confessing to her.

Not her character but the real her.

She and Zhou hugged

"CUT" director Ru shouted

Shea reluctantly let go of Priya, she look at her and saw her smiling. Priya move closer to her and whispered

"You took my first kiss, be responsible"

Shea suddenly blushed and timidly nodded unconsciously, Priya was amused by her.

"Director Priya the last scene will start in a few minutes" Tong handing a water bottle

"Okay we'll change first"

Priya and Shea went to the dressing room, inside there was no one. Shea was nervous and her mind was blank, the words said by Priya kept repeating in her mind

"Shea go and change first" Priya held her hand

Shea returned to reality and her face was in a daze when she felt a hand holding her, she look at her hand and immediately take her hand back.

"Go change" Priya mentioned again

Shea took the last clothing and run to the changing room.

Priya was chuckling at her, she's so cute.


30 minutes later, Priya and shea are wearing a white suits and dress. Priya was ready

"Ready...Set...Action" Ru shouted


The bell rings and the piano started playing, slowly the wedding was ongoing. She was standing at the altar with a nervous expression, the moment the bride came.

Shu was stunned and his tears slowly fell on his cheeks, Zhou was wearing a beautiful white dress and she was so beautiful.

Upon arriving, Shu took her hand and led her in front of the altar.

"You stunning my love" Shu kiss her hand

" also look handsome," Shea said shyly


In a room filled with toys and a child laying on the bed.

"That's how I met your mom and had you two" Shu patted his son and daughter's head

"Daddy you were so cool, I also want to have someone like mommy," the boy said seriously

"My boy, if you love someone don't ever hurt her okay" Shu reminded him

The boy nodded surely at his father

"Daddy you're bad to mommy" The girl pouted surely

"Hahaha sorry princess, but I do love her. mommy so much" Shu said softly

"Now go to bed my little angels, it's late" Shu tucked them in the quilt and kissed their foreheads

"Good night daddy" they both said

"Good my little angels" Shu watched as his kids fell asleep

Zhou was watching them for a long time at the door and didn't disturb them.

Shea felt as if the children were theirs and Priya was her wife, ever since she confessed to the act. She always felt that it was familiar and that she already experienced it.

Shu stood up and saw his wife smiling ear to ear.

"Honey, let's go it's late now" Shu whispered gently

"Uhm... Let's go hubby" Zhou held his hand and went to bed



After the last scene, everyone celebrated in a hotel and drank wine.

Shea was offered a lot of cheers and congratulations. Shea was happy and drank a lot of wine.

Priya helped her and put her in a room, she lays shea down softly on the bed. She was about to go when Shea pulled her and Priya fell on top of her.

"Shea let go of your drunk" Priya said softly

Her hands-on are on Shea's side, so as not to put her weight on her.

Shea looked at the person with a slightly blurred vision, but she soon smiled when she saw Priya.

"Priya kiss me" Shea demanded seriously

Before Priya could refuse she was kissed aggressively. Priya wants to push her but Shea held the back of her neck tightly and pulled her even closer.

'Don't blame me when you woke tomorrow and you can't walk' Priya thought


_________Priya's Pov__________

I respond to her kiss, bit her lower softly, and slowly enter her tongue inside her mouth.


Shea moan a little, my tongue explored every corner of her mouth and tasted something sweet and addictive on her.

My hands slowly removed her top and with a slight touch, her bra was removed showing her gorgeous breast with her slightly pink nipples.

I parted as a silver thread connect us, Shea looked at me while gasping for air. Her face was flustered, her mouth slightly open and her top view was seductive.

Priya licked her lips and went to her breast and slowly lick, suck and bite it softly. Shea released a loud moan and her hands held the back of my neck pulling me closer.

I felt her hands unbuttoning my clothes I let her be and my other hand caress her thighs. I stop and raise my body then slowly took off my top.

Shea was looking at me with her biting her lower lips, her naughty hands landed on my stomach or to be precise on my abs. (Hehehehehe)

After that, I leaned down again and claim her sweet soft lips and kiss her like a hungry beast.

Both my hands groped her well-defined breast and then pinch her nipples. Shea moan inside my mouth she parted her lips and grip the bedsheets.


On her other boob, I lick, suck, and bite it. My hand slowly made its way on her p*ssy, her undies were drenched already.

My hand rub it slowly and Shea suddenly arched her back.


She moans loudly, I left her chest and trail a kiss on her stomach to her p*ssy. Shea felt her going down and put one hand on her p*ssy as if covering it.

"D...don't look at it," Shea said shyly looking away

"Your beautiful baby," I said softly

Then kept giving her kisses on her thighs and sucking them, Shea slowly put her hand back and spread her legs slightly, Priya saw her p*ssy clearly and can't help but lick her lips.

"You smell really good baby" Priya huskily said low

Shea still heard her voice and became even wetter.

Priya held on to her waist with her hands and slowly give a lick on the drenched p*ssy.


Shea arched her back and her eyes rolled back. Priya continues to lick, suck and bit her clitoris, her taste is sweet.

Shea kept moaning her hands held her head and pulled her more closer.

Priyas pinch the clitoris and put her tongue inside her p*ssy causing Shea to suddenly squirt, Priya didn't stop and continued to push in and out her tongue.

Shea was trembling and her moan got louder, her mind was blank all she felt was the pleasure that was given to her.


Shea moaned, Priya immediately stop and Shea looked at her as if pleading. Priya smiled and flip her on all fours, taking out a d*ck in her space.

Shea was waiting for her to continue when she felt something hard was rubbing on her pussy. She widens her eyes and looks back only to see Priya had a dick attached to her. Shea subconsciously gulped

"You made me like this, I'll make sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow," Priya said hoarsely

Then slowly push the dick inside her. Shea felt her inner walls being spread by a dick, she gripped the sheets and moan


Priya felt that something was blocking her to go further, she knows this is her hymen. Priya leaned down and bit Shea's ear


Shea moaned,

"Shea I love you" I whispered and with that

Shea felt something inside her break and the dick went even further inside, her hands gave up and her face landed on the pillow. Her body was shaking

Priya made sure she didn't feel hurt, her pussy was very tight. Priya held her hips and move slowly


But Priya didn't listen and thrust Shea reaches her delayed come earlier and her pussy got wetter. Making it easy for Priya to move more


Shea moaned loudly, her pussy was being ravaged fast, she felt an overwhelming pleasure each time the dick entered her.

So good.

The slapping of private parts and moaning was heard in the room. Shea was drooling from the intense pleasure and kept cumming.


Flip her back to the missionary position without removing the dick, Priya leans in and captures her lips. She kept thrusting while kissing her deeply

Shea put her hands on her neck and dig her nails into her back. Priya separate and massage her boobs, she would suck on them or bite it


Priya then lift her waist more and Shea can see her pussy being ravaged in front of her.


Shea cover her face in embarrassment and pleasure,

" much I want to ravaged you so bad"

Priya groaned and thrust in that position, Shea moaned as she peaked. She can see how the dick kept going in and out of her pussy.

It was so lewd.

Priya felt the pussy tightening, she knows she is already reaching her orgasm.


Shea moaned to inform her, Priya let her waist go and lift her left leg, and put it on her shoulder. Priya then thrust deeper inside.

Shea arched her back and her eyes rolled back, felt her womb opening as if to let the dick go inside her and make her pregnant.



They both came at the same time, Priya was thrusting inside her long slow thrust. A few seconds later, Priya stops and looks at the person below her.

Shea's face was lewd, drool on her side mouth and she spasm and shivered. Priya removed the dick and she squirted.

Shea was on cloud nine, her womb seems to be filled with something warm, and her womb is like savoring it. Slowly she returned from pleasure heaven.

"Are you okay my dear?" I ask softly

Shea looked at me in a daze and then blushed furiously she immediately hug me and hide her face on my neck. I chuckled at her and patted her head lovingly.

"You seduce me, so you better take responsibility for what you've done," I said teasingly

Shea peaked at me with a serious expression on her face.

"You might not know but I like you Priya, if you don't disagree I'm will be your girlfriend" Shea seriously said

Priya looks at her for a moment and kisses her forehead.

"I'm leaving for 2 years, when I returned and you became a movie queen then I will be your girlfriend" Priya look at her

Shea was stunned and tears fell in her eyes, she knows that after Priya filmed a movie she will go abroad for 2 years and only come back when it was to film again.

"Will you promise me then, that you won't be with anyone else when you are away?" Shea said sadly,

"I promise but also keep yours" Priya kissed her lips and sealed her promise.

"Though I don't want to leave you, I can't give you my favor for now. People would harass you and even hurt you, I don't want you to rely on me. So I want you to become a movie queen only then can we be together" Priya whispered

Shea understands what she said, the entertainment industry is full of black water. Even in her previous life, she has seen a lot of women climb on a bed to get resources.

"I know" Shea whispered too

"Now then go to sleep, I still have 3 more days before I go abroad" Priya hug her closer and let her head rest on her arms

Shea simply nodded and her eyes slowly close.

"Good Night my love"
