Chapter 56: Animal World

[Ding favorability +20]

[Overall favorability of the heroine 30]

When Thea and Lea got home, the system gave a notification.

"Now that's effortless," Thea said stunned

[Hehehe how can she not fall when a beautiful lady smiled at her then pat her head]

"Ohhh" Thea prolong the word

"Mommy, I'm hungry" Lea holds Theas hand

"Mommy will cook dinner now okay, go take a bath first" Thea kissed her cheek

"Okay" Lea run with her small feet to her room

Thea went to the kitchen and cook dinner for her lovely daughter.


Luna who got home was smiling happily. Her parents noticed her and were inflicted by her smile.

"My baby, why are you so happy," her dad asked curiously

"Hehehe I made a friend dad" Luna happily said

"Really, who is the baby," her mom asked

Since her daughter stayed here, the young lion would always come to play with her. That made the young beats jealous and no one wanted to play with her. So her parents are distressed and worried for their daughter.

"Yes mom, I met them in the meadow" luna nodded

"What race are they baby" her dad sat down from the chair

"I'm not sure, I forgot to ask but I think that they are both hybrids" Luna tilt her head to the side

"A hybrid, a rare race" her dad eats the leaf

"Well, I'm glad you were able to have a friend. Now let's eat" her mom patted her head

Luna and her parents ate dinner and went to rest, luna went to the bed she made this morning. The moment she close her eyes, Thea's image would fill her mind. Her smiles, touch, voice, and hugs were all very vivid in her mind.

Luna's heart was racing and felt that she missed her for some reason. Luna tried to think of other things but to no avail. Thea and Leas's images are in her mind running around.

The next day, Luna was excited. She beads her parents goodbye and hops her little hind legs to the meadow. There she saw the mother and daughter.

Luna was curious does Thea had a husband, she forgot to ask yesterday. For some reason when Luna thought of Thea having a husband, her heart was pressed down by a large boulder, making it understandable.

"Luna" Lea called her when she heard a rustling in the bushes

Luna snapped out and hop toward Lea, Lea picked her up and hugged her gently. Knowing her strength she controlled them.

"Baby, mommy will go around for a bit okay. You and luna stay here and wait until I came back, okay" Thea patted their heads

"Okay mommy, be careful" Lea waved her hand

Thea walked toward the forest, and travel. Going to that 'place',

[Host, what's your plan now]

"For now, I have to go to the humans to check," Thes remembered the plot

In a few days, the humans will kidnap the heroine and lock her. The human prince Ron fell in love with her and wanted her to marry him but Luna was disgusted by him. He would molest her from time to time.

Enduring the humiliation, Cain bravely snuck out in the night and rescued Luna from the dungeon. Luna was able to return but was traumatized and don't want any man to touch or come near her.

Thea frowned when she recalled the plot, she speed up her pace and hide her presence. With the map, Thea easily found the conference room of the kingdom.

_______3rd POV_______

Lately, the beast people are getting stronger by the day and the human population is being reduced in amounts, all the officials are gathered in the study room. All have serious expressions.

"The beast people are now unstoppable, humanity is going to be extinct if this continues," a man with a beard said he is general Van a soldier

"The scouts that we send said that the population of the beast people is high. There's a possibility that they send an all-out attack" Prince Ron clasp his hand together with a dark face

"What should we do highness" The prime minister San asked

"Did the people we send to recruit beast people to have any news?" Prince Ron asked the Scout

"To highness, we tried manipulating them but to no avail. Their mental resistance is high and chases us away" the scout kneels down

The Prince's face was bad and her hands are clenched. 'Useless... All of them are useless' he thought

"General Van in your opinion can we at least take back some of our lands from the" Prince Ron looked at Van condensing

"I'm afraid we can't your highness, the number of soldiers is only 20,000 and some are 40,890 under training" General Van said solemnly

"Then we only have one choice, General Van takes out some of the soldiers who can use stealth and kidnap some young beats. We can use them to threaten the rulers" Prince Ron ordered

"Yes, your highness" General Van stood up and went to look for the best stealth user.

"The plan will start in 2 days so be prepared," Prince Ron said majestically

"yes your highness" the officials all bowed and the prince left the room


Thea was leaning against the wall while listening to their conversation,

[I don't understand why would they want to kill beast people. They didn't do anything to them first.]

Thea didn't speak, some humans are greedy and selfish that only thought nothing but themselves. They indulge themselves that they found entertaining whether it's evil or not.

"Let's go back and wait until they attack then we can rescue the heroine"

[Host are we not gonna help her parents]

"We can, but we need to be sure and be alert. Set a reminder for me Thana in two days"

[Okay host]

Thea ran back to the meadow and purchase some snacks in the shop to avoid suspicion.


Luna and Lea stayed in the meadow and played all day, Lea would always tell stories about her adventure with her mother in their home.

"Waaahhh really I also want to see," Luna said with sparkling eyes

"Hehehe don't worry I'll ask mommy" Lea nodded

She told her about the time when she and Thea were in the sea and went surfing and paddle boating. It was very fun

"Where do you live" Luna title her head

"Mommy can summon a portal and when we enter we will arrive home in no time," Lea said proudly

In this world, magic exists and for each beast, people receive their magic attributes will appear when they turn 5.

After they transformed into a human body they can start training their powers through mock battles and hunting.

Lea continues to tell Luna stories and other interesting stiffs that she never heard of before.

"Seems like your fun" A magnetic yet melodic voice. came behind them

"Mommy" Lea stood up and ran to hug Thea

"Did my baby miss me" Thea kneel to match her height

"I miss you mommy" Lea nodded surely

Thea couldn't help but pinch her cheek she was so cute. Luna who was watching them felt her heart soften and happy. She likes seeing this scene very much.

"Baby, come I brought something you guys something to ear" Thea spread a soft cloth on the ground and put the snacks she purchased from the shop.

"Wahhhh, my favorite cake," Lea said excitedly and immediately dive in to eat

"Here Luna have a taste see if it suits your taste buds" Thea gave her a chocolate cake

"Thank you" Luna went near her and start eating


"So good" Luna exclaimed and kept eating

Thea watched the two eat cake like nothing, she chuckled and took out some cloth to wipe their mouths. They're so cute



Lea and luna buried and giggled together, Thea wiped their messy mouths and fix the plates. Luna who got her mouth got wiped, was blushing and her heart was beating loudly in her chest. She stared blankly at Thea.
