Chapter 57: Animal World

Laughter was heard around the river, the children were playing in the water while the adults watch from the sides. Everything was fine until


A loud sound sounded throughout the kingdom, the beast people are all stunned and then panic.


The horn was blown meaning humans are invading the lands again.


"Humans are spotted near the border, there are around 5,000 of them"

"Prepared for battle, evacuate the people from the border"

"Immediately go to the border"

When the rulers heard the horn they all ran toward the border, the humans who were sent to kidnap beast children were so careless that they attracted the attention of all beast people.

"Hurry just take one of the" H1

"I can't adult beasts are guarding them" H2

"It's because of you that they notice us" H3H3

The children all ran back to their homes while the humans are chasing them at the back.

Luna's parents heard the horn and immediately went out of their home and transform into their human form. Luna's mom took her in her arms and both ran in the opposite direction.

"Hurry, we need to go to the border" Luna's dad shouted


They didn't notice that a mage shoot a fireball, it directly hit their direction. Luna was protected by her mom,


"" Her mom pushed her, and she was hit on her back and it burns

"No...i...sob.. won't leave you" Luna cried

"Baby, listen to me and go don't worry about us okay... now Go" her dad also pushed her away

Luna cried her eyes were blurred and she ran away don't know where she goes. As long as she got away, she ran and ran not looking back.

*Breath Heavily*

Luna stopped by a near tree and took deep breaths she choke and coughed, she was still crying.

*rustle rustle*

"Oh lookie here I found a rabbit beast" suddenly a man said

Luna was terrified, her body was trembling in fear. The man slowly got near and attempt to hold her. Luna wanted to tan away but her hind legs are tired, she can only close her eyes and pray that someone helps her.


A loud bang suddenly sounded in front of her and felt a familiar embrace, Luna opened her eyes and saw Thea hugging her. She didn't hear the shout of the man she felt numb all over

"Are you okay?" Thea asked worriedly

Luna was trembling and didn't speak but buried her head in her arms and cried.

____Theas POV____

The moment I stepped out of the portal the emergency horn was blown, and immediately she ran in the direction of the heroine's house.

But it was too late, their house was destroyed and just about 100 meters away the heroine's parents are dead they lost a lot of blood.

"Damn it" She cursed

"Thana check the location of Luna" Thea was now in a bad mood

[Host she ran west from where you standing]

Thea ran west and her steps are getting faster and lighter, she ran until she saw a man and a trembling bunny leaning on a tree.


A big fireball appeared and shoot toward the man.

" hurts...ahhhhh" he shouted

I took Luna in my embrace and she was crying, Thea felt distressed and angry. Seeing that she buried her head in my arms I held her gently and took out my sword and cut the man's head like butter.

"Thana mark all the humans in the area, I want none of them returns"

[Yes host]

Thana saw her host was pissed, the look in her eyes is terrifying and murderous. A blue panel map marked every human in the area.

Thea supported Luna and made sure she won't be disturbed. She went on a killing spree each human she saw was killed instantly.

"" the man cried she looked at him coldly and cut his head.


In another place, the rulers arrived and fought with the mages and soldiers.

"Humans what is the meaning of this" the lion roared angrily

"Tsk... You are supposed to be our toys that's the law" a mage shouted angrily.

Since mages can experiment on beast people for any kind of magic. Upon hearing what the man said the lion transformed into a large beast about 3 meters tall.

"I'll kill you. I'll kill you" the lion roared

The other rulers also transformed into their beast forms and killed every last human in their sight.

"A..stop..please...stop" a human begged

"When our people also begged you to stop did you stop?" The wolf released his blood lust.

The man trembled in fear and thought only one thing. They are monsters, they can't beat them like this.

"You humans are so pathetic" the wolf then used his paw and separate the man's head from his body.

"Kill every human in the area. Leave no one alive" the lion roared causing the forest to shake

Meanwhile, Cain ran to Luna's house and saw that it was destroyed. He immediately track her scent but only stopped at her dead parents' body

"Nonononononono. Luna where are you" Cain he said worriedly

Cain ran to all the places they both went, but there were none. He ran crazily around places he think she'd hide. After searching for many minutes he didn't find her.

"Luna where are you?" Cain roared loudly




Thea cut the last human's head, only then can she breathe in relief. But still, some lives were taken, and I'm sure the rulers will send an attack on the kingdom.

Then suddenly I heard Cains roar loudly, about 40 meters away from where I'm standing. Thea snorted and open the portal, she walked in and disappear to know where.


The scenery changed, a bunny was sleeping comfortably in a large big bed. The bunny slowly opened her eyes in a daze, when the event of yesterday flashed in her mind

Luma immediately look around and found that she was in an unknown place, she was scared.

"Mom Dad where are you" she whispered in fear

Then her ears heard footsteps, coming at a fast pace. Luna was terrified and wanted to leave but she was weak. Then the door slowly opened.

"Sister are you awake" a familiar voice sounded then a small head popped out the door

"Lea" Luna said confirming

"Yes sister it's me" Lea walked in

Luna put her guard down, and Lea walked toward her.

"Are you okay now sister, mommy said I need to get you down for dinner" Lea touched her head softly

"Uhm... Let's go" Luna nodded

Lea hugged her and walked out of the room. The corridor was color white and there is a little chandelier above.

"This place is beautiful" Luna was in awe

"This is going to be our home from now on" Lea giggled

"Our...home" luna was stunned

"Yes, our home. Mommy told me what happened, I'm sorry sister" Lea said sadly

Luna remembered her parents and cried, Lea, hugged her and patted her back to comfort her. She walked toward the kitchen and the tempting smell of food was lingering in the air.

Lea and Luna were already drooling, forgotten the sad tragedy almost instantly. Lea speed up her pace and arrived at the table.

There were all kinds of food that Luna had never seen before, Lea put Luna on the table and took out the plate in a drawer.

"Oh your awake, how's your sleep luna" Thea came with a food plate in her hand

"I'm okay, I slept comfortably" Luna nodded eyeing the food

Thea saw her reaction and giggled, she place the food down and put some food on their plates. Lea was sitting on her side and Luna was sitting in front of them.

They eat silently and enjoyed the food. After eating Thea washed the dishes, while Lea volunteered to show Luna around the place.


Lea first showed her the living room.

"This place is where mommy and I play and read books" Lea showed her the book and toys in the living room

"This place is the bathroom, where we shower or took a bath" lea showed her how to use the shower

"Woah, so cool" lunas eyes twinkle she was very interested in new things.

They went out of the house and a garden with roses was in the front yard.

"What kind of flowers is this it's the first time I saw something like this" Luna pointed at the roses

"This is called roses it symbolizes LOVE. That's what mommy told me" Lea said

Luna was looking at the flower and felt her heart beating. She felt that she wanted to give this flower to Thea very much. Then does that mean I love her?

Luna was thinking hard when Lea walked to the back of the house. Lyna saw a big body of water and saw no end.

"This is the sea that I told you about" Lea pointed

The water was clear and the sand looks smooth. There were also fish swimming around.

"This place is incredible" Luna praised

"I know right, mommy is the owner of this place," Lea said proudly

"I also want to stay here" Luna whispered

"Don't worry you will stay with us for as long as you like" Lea rubbed her head on Luna

Thea was watching them from the balcony with a smile.

[Host your smile is sickly sweet]

"What can I say my future lover and child are hanging out" Thea smiled widely


[Woo woo woo I want a lover too] T_T
