Chapter 58: Animal World

Lea and Luna are sitting in the shed near the sea, they are watching the fishes swim.

"Lea I've been curious, about something," Luna said curiously

"What do you want to ask Sister" Lea title her head

"Uhm... I've been meaning to ask as to where is your dad," Luna said cautiously fearing that she would hurt her or offend her.

Lea was calm when she heard the question, her mom already told her about her dad and she was angry about it at first but then let it go.

There's no use getting angry at a man like him since then Lea had a bad thing about men. She doesn't trust them easily her mom thought her what she needs to know about men.

"Well, my father abandoned me and my mom when he knew that mom was pregnant with me" Lea paused for a while

"He even tried to kill me when I was still in the womb of my mom," Lea said gritting her teeth

Luna was shocked, how can a heartless man try to kill his daughter and abandoned Thea. Luna was clenching her hand, Thea was so good and that man tried to kill her. I swear don't let me know who you are or else I'll be the one to kill you.

"I..I'm sorry to hear that" Luna apologize

"No biggie, thankfully mom title her body when he stabs the knife in her stomach. She escaped and found this place, mom recuperated here and build this house for us to live" Lea said lightly

She knows how much her mom went for her, and even gave birth to her alone. She never complains and would always make her happy. She swears that if she saw her father she would let him taste what her mother suffered.

"Is she alright now?" Luna said worriedly

"Yes mom is fine now when we were playing in the forest we found a fruit that healed mom's internal wounds," Lea said

Luna sighed in relief and also smiled. I'm glad she's fine. Luna then notice what she thought she was worried about and felt like she was going to lose her when she heard the whole story. Thankfully, she's fine now.

"Weird" luna whispered


Thea finished baking the batch of cookies and made a cucumber lemonade. She packed them in a basket and went to them.

[Host, why did you let Lea tell her about her father]

"There's no need to keep it, she will know who the man is one day" Thea lightly said

She went to the backyard and saw the two of them relaxing under the parasol and sitting on the beach chairs.

"Are you two done exploring around the house?" Thea came to them and sat on one of the beach chairs.

"Yes mommy," Lea said nodding

"Fufufu~... Then do you want to play in the sea Luna" Thea said softly

"Can I" Luna's eyes twinkle in excitement

"Of course but first you need to transform to your human form first" Thea nodded

Luna dropped her head down when she heard her, she was trying to transform into a human since she was five but she can't. No matter what she did she can't transform. It's one of the reasons why she was bullied.

Thea saw her and went to her side.

"Don't worry I have a way for you to transform" Thea patted her head

"Really" Luna raise her head and look at her

Thea just nodded and took out a red potion.

"Drink this and went you felt something strange let it flow in don't stop it" Thea handed her the potion

Luna nodded and directly drank the potion, a few seconds later she felt a cool and burning sensation at the same time. But it didn't hurt, then a strange feeling came. She let it flow to her body then.

Her body glowed brightly, Thea and Lea covered their eyes, and then the glow slowly dimmed. The moment Thea looks at Luna she saw a beautiful petite woman.

Luna had white place skin, thin eyebrows, a delicate nose, and cute soft lips. Her eyes are a shade of the sky, she was gorgeous. Then her eyes eyed down, and her eyes darken a bit.

She...was naked.

Thea took out clothes for her to wear, and handed them over to her. Luna who regain her senses saw that she transform into a human.

"Congratulations Luna," Lea said happily and hugged her

"Wear this " Thea said and handed the clothes.

"Waah, you so pretty"Lea praised

Luna blushed and shyly look at Thea, she saw her smiling at her made her heartbeat even more. Luna put on the clothes while Thea covered her body with magic. After putting on the clothes

"Lea how about you teach Luna how to swim first," Thea said

"Okay mommy" Lea nodded and took Luna's hand

Luna and Lea used a paddleboard so Luna can float on the water while moving her feet, she was seriously learning. Then glanced at Thea, she almost had a nose bleed

Thea changed and was wearing a one-piece bikini, she saw Luna looking and smiling at her. Making the girl's face blush like a ripe tomato the looked away.

Thea giggled at her reaction and continue to lay on the beach chairs with her eyes closed.


Meanwhile, in the animal kingdom, all the rulers and officials are in a meeting. All with a serious and murderous expression that can the hidden

"After we interrupted the last human, they plan on kidnapping the children to threaten us and give them what should belong to them" the fox break the silence

"They are getting crocky now" the bear snorted

"They want their race to be extinct " the panther swirl his cup of wine

"Go and assemble the army was going to end this once and for all" the lion ordered

"Yes sir"/the general kneeled and left

"Father let us help too" Cain stood up

"No, you still not strong enough, and remember you are the next ruler to take my sit" his father growled

"But we have been training our whole lives and we are ready" the young bear complained

"We know but.." The father bear was cut

"It's useless if you train us and we won't be able to use it in battle" the young fox added

The parents are silent and contemplated for a while.

"Okay, you can join but be sure to protect your selves, you guys are also our children so be careful" Cain's father waved his hand

"Thank you father" Cain bowed

The youngsters all joined in the discussion and training of the army, they will set off in days. The humans have declared war on them.


In the pocket world of Thea, the day is slower. Luna and Lea played in the sea every day, Luna was able to get over her parent's death with Thea's help.

Thea would always accompany her at night when she was sad and missed her parents. Luna instantly got used to Thea sleeping with her so she won't sleep unless she is with her.

Luna would always feel her heart race when Thea is with her or when she is staring at her. There are times she gets jealous of Lea, she observes this feeling one day.

Luna told Lea about it but didn't tell them who the person was. Lea told her what her mom said about this kind of feeling.

Only then does Luna understand it. She was in love with her.


In the human kingdom, the family of the soldiers who didn't return is all rioted in the middle of the kingdom. It's been days since they were sent and none of them still have returned.

Prince Ron looks out the window while folding her arms, he stares at the people rioting with a solemn expression.

"Prime Minister is there no news about the people we sent," he asks calmly

"There's none your highness" the prime minister shook his head

"Send the patrollers to see what happened to them" prince Ron ordered

"Yes, your highness" the soldier bowed and left.

The calmer the Prince the more frightened the officials, they all know that if things don't go his way. He will vent his anger to others.

They are sweating buckets but no one dared to make a sound and just stayed still like a statue.


(After a week)

The humans who were sent to scout where the first humans were sent never came back. This made Prince Ron's patients reach the limit.


He slammed the table down breaking it.

"Prepare for war were going to finish this fight once and for all" He shouted angrily

All the soldiers trained and untrained are all prepared for war, the war between beast and humans is about to begin again.


The past week, Luna was nervous the whole day. Lea notice her and patted her shoulder

"Come on you can do it" Lea cheered her

A week before, Thea went put for a while. When Luna wanted to talk to Lea.

"Lea can I talk to you," Luna said nervously

"Hmmm, what is it sister" Lea title her head

"Well....this....I like your mom" Luna said a bit loud and bowed her head

She was nervous and didn't want Lea to disgust her, how can she feel to her mom when they took her in. Luna purse her lip nervously

"I know," Lea said calmly

Luna heard what she said and instantly look at her.

"" Lyna was shocked

"Well it's actually very obvious" Lea looked at her

Ever since she played with her she can always see her staring at her mom. She decided to observe her for a while and sure enough, when she look at mom her eyes are in love, and also saw her jealous look.

"Does she know" Luna was scared what if Thea will dislike her

"No, but I'm sure she has a hint already" Lea shrugged

She was open to it, Lea knows that her mom also needs to be happy and if Luna can give it then she is willing to give her a chance.