Chapter 59: Animal World

Right now, Luna was preparing for Thea before she came home. She wanted to tell her what she feels before they go out and help the beast people.

Days before, Thea had been training them and putting potions on their food so they can grow stronger. Thea wanted them to be strong so she won't worry.

"Sister is it done" Lea carried a box

"Yes, just a few more touches and we're done" Luna lit up the candle

Luna thought of confessing near the sea, Thea build like a small get-together place. Luna prepared the food and Lea would hide their surprise.

"Lea Luna I'm home" Suddenly Thea's voice sounded

"Oh my God she's here, hurry go set it up" Luna panicked

"Okay I'm going good luck" Lea ran and hide herself

The moment Thea arrived she didn't see the two so she went to the backyard and saw Luna standing there. She was wearing an aqua slit dress. She put on light makeup and she was also holding a banquet of roses.

Thea walked toward her when she handed over the flowers.

"Luna do you know what it means to give roses to someone" Thea giggled

Luna was very nervous she don't know where to put her hands and feet, just standstill.

"I...I know" Luna whispered like a tiny mouse, she bowed her head down

"Hmmmmm... I didn't hear it" Thea teased she leaned closer to her

Luna felt her heart about to burst and show it to her how she makes her heartbeat so much.

"I... I like you, Thea" Luna lift her head with all her courage, her eyes are filled with emotions.


Luna still kept looking at her not missing any traction of her, Thea stood still looking at her with a sweet smile on her face.

"I can't believe that you confess first" Thea tack her loose hair behind her ears that cover her beautiful white cheeks that had a stain of red

Luna was stunned for a moment and the tears she was holding in came out. Thea slowly leaned in and capture the girl's rosy lips.

Lea who was watching saw the kiss and instantly release the rope and snap her fingers.





A series of fireworks lit up the sky, Thea parted her lips with Lyna and stare at the sky. Each time the firework popped it created a heart shape with different colors.


"Congratulations mom and my future mom" Lea went out of her hiding place and clapped her hands to them. She saw that they are both happy and can't help but be envious

"I want to have a lover too" Lea pouted

Luna and Thea chuckled at her.

"I love you too Luna" Thea whispered in her ears

Luna felt the hot breath on her ear and her legs almost give up, her rat turned red even her face looked like a freshly boiled crab.

"" Luna stuttered

"Come, baby, let's eat" Thea called Lea and they all sat down and eat. Like a family.


The soldiers are all preparing for war, while they were polishing and tampering with their swords a girl was watching them from above.

"Your highness," a maid called

"Is my brother going to war?" the girl asked while looking outside.

"Yes, Princess Rea" the maid bowed

Rea was the eldest daughter of the king, the most favored second to her brother Ron. Since ancient times princesses can't inherit the throne and are only born for diplomacy.

When she was a child she had always been curious about the beast people, when she asks her brother and father they all said that they are vicious and deadly.

At first, she was scared and didn't want to talk about it anymore. But as time flew by the beast people were quiet and didn't attack or wage war since 10 years ago.

There was a time when she wanted to go and see beast people, she followed a group of soldiers before. Upon arriving in their territory they didn't attack but they were vigilant.

That is when she saw the soldiers attacking and wanting to kidnap beast children but was stopped by the adults and took the children away. She returned to her room and contemplated.

The beast people are not the bad people but we are.

Since then she wanted to help the beast people but had no power to do so she can only go by herself.

"Princess are you sure about this," the maid asks worriedly, she grew up with the princess so she knows what she is going to do.

"I'm serious, after I leave go get out of this place. Don't be controlled by them" Rea put on a black cloak

The maid nodded and help Rea get down from her room using wind magic. The maid watched as the princess went away.

"Please be a careful princess" she whispered in the wind


[Host, the princess is in the forest] Thana reported

Thea stopped for a moment and then resume, they are now preparing for war. They wore a beautiful armor made of Mythril it was light but stubbornly tough.

Her lover and child are done preparing, she smiled at both of them. Then opened the portal, walked in, and appear in a different place.

"Mom, I'll go in a different direction we'll meet up later" Lea looked at her mom

"Okay baby" Thea patted her head

"Be careful" Luna kiss her cheeks

"Hehehe bye bye mom mommy" Lea waved and left

Thea and Luna stared at her back as she disappeared into the forest.

"Is she going to be okay" Luna leaned into her lover

"Don't worry love, I have a tracker if she's in trouble in can teleport me to where she is" Thea kissed her forehead


___Lea's POV___

After separating from my family, I jump from tree to tree.

'I can't see a proper view' thought

I looked up and jumped upwards until I got on top of the tree, looking at the view it was beautiful. Then I saw smoke on the other side of the, it was near the border of the kingdom.


A loud explosion sounded in the forest, I saw several magic bullets in the air.

'Looks like the war has officially begun'

Lea walked toward the place, the trees of the surrounding area are either burned or cut in half. Upon arriving at the place I saw a person wearing a cloak and was fighting a human.


Lea sniff and had a conclusion. Why is a human also fighting its kind?. Lea was confused?

Hybrids have strong senses of smell and can know if a person is a beast or a human. Beast has a distinctive smell of the forest, while humans smell metal and perfumes.


The loud bang made Lea regain her thoughts, she saw the person in the cloak fall.


(Rea's Pov)

After leaving the castle I used my wind magic and ran toward the forest where the war will start.

I only got here for about 10 minutes when a man suddenly sent a large fireball in my direction, I jumped sideways dodging the attack.

"Hahahaha I found a clumsy beast" the man laughed sarcastically

Then he shoot fire after fireball, I chanted and a wall of water surround me.


The fireball came in contact with water and made a sizzling sound, the man kept firing fire and the water wall is starting to boil.

"Come on, fight me" the man shouted

'Fuck how can I fight when your firing' thought cursing

I poured my mana and created water arrows, and shoot them at the man. Which he just block with fire.


The water wall was broken and my mana was almost depleted, my legs got weak, and fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha, I thought beast people are strong" the man mocked the eyed the person "you so patheticly weak" He sneered

'That's because I'm not a beast' she thought inwardly

The man laughed like a crazy person when suddenly a girl landed near us. She had silver and aqua eyes. She looks really beautiful, Rea was stunned and thought one thing 'Gorgeous '.

(End pov)


When the person fell to the ground the man mocked and made fun of the person. A tick appeared on her forehead, what she hates the most are people mocking and bullying people who are weaker than them.

Lea jumped down from the tree she was watching, they didn't notice her until she got near them.

"Heheheeh beauty show about you come here and play with brother" the man lust fully said licking his lips

Lea's face darkens and took out her sword from her space, she walked looking at the man with murderous eyes. The man was oblivious and thought that the girl agreed.

"Hehehe come here" the man spread his arms like accepting a hug

Lea smirked and then dash toward him with a sword in her hand, the man was caught off guard and was about to dodge but it was way too late.


The moment the sword was swung it made a sound, the man's head was cut off and separated from his body.

"Disgusting " Lea spat and kicked the body far away from her

Then she looked at the person and she was still on the ground frozen or tired. Lea came near her and reach out her hand to her.

"Are you okay" Lea ask

Rea was watching the whole thing that was happening and when she saw the man's head was cut off she didn't feel angry instead she thought he deserves it.

The girl reached out her hand and her magnetic and slightly hoarse voice sounded on her ear making it red.

"I...I'm fine" Rea stuttered

Then reach out her hand, Lea held her hand and pulled her gently then stood up.

Rea was holding the girl's hand and was blushing, it was soft and warm very calming. Then when she let go she felt a bit lost.

"What is a human doing here" the girl then suddenly asks

Rea who heard it was shocked, how can she know that she is a human?. Will she hate me?. Or will she kill me?.

Rea was thinking about what to tell her but she didn't answer for a long time.