Chapter 63: Mermaid


[Ding mission complete]

[Calculating rewards....]

[Ding the host received 20,000 points, Rank: S]

[Hehehehe host another victory] Thana cheered happily

"Hmmm" Qiran just hummed

"Thana open the shop and see if there are any games we can play, I want to chill for a while" Qiran waved

[Okay host]

Thana purchased action, adventure, mystery, and survival games, Qiran set up her gaming room. Thana and she played games for a long time.

For a long week, Qiran and Thana are engrossed in playing games, the room had litter and scraps of food around the table


Quran put down her controller and leaned on the sofa before closing her eyes, Thana notice her and transfer her to her bedroom

They didn't get any sleep for a week and Qiran had dark circles under her eyes.


Qiran opened her eyes slowly and picked up the water on the bed stand. After she moisturizes her throat she lay back in the bed.

"Thana lets go to the next world" Qiran closed her eyes

[Ding transferring...]


The sea waves splash lightly on the sand ashore, and the sound of birds singing from the sky, the warm feeling of the sun, and the cool breeze of the wind.

It was a perfect day on the beach, it was relaxing. People walked hand in hand and laughed, and children's laughter sounded on the beach playing with sandcastles.

Lu Qiran opened her eyes, she saw the clear blue sky and heard the splashing of waves. Thana stop the time

[Transferring plot...]

This world is a modern one, a love story unlike any other. The male lead Shin is a Merman while the female lead Lyra is a human.

The typical story of 'Ariel' from the cartoon movie. It all started when the sea got disrupted by a powerful sea hurricane.

Shin got separated from his family, he washed up ashore near a beach that belonged to Lyra's family. They are very rich, Lura saw him again and didn't hesitate to take him under her care.

Lyra took care of him and they both get to know each other. Over time they both fell in love with each other, but when Shin adapted to the human world.

He shamelessly spends the money owned by Lyra and hooked up with other women. Lyra was heartbroken and devastated, Shin who was staying in the human world for too long felt sick. He left without saying goodbye to Lyra

He returned to the sea and that's when he meet the original owner Atria. He hooks her up with the knowledge that he got from the human world.

He created his harem from the sea, gaining favors from different women. Atria was angry and wanted to kill him. But Shin found out and kill her on the spot.

Atria was an orphan, her parents died when the hurricane hit their home, leaving her alone. She had always been a good girl and also sweet. When she meets Shin she felt the warmth that her parents have.

Qiran no it's Atria now...

Atria opened her eyes and she was laying on the seafloor, she felt pain in her arms and neck. She was bleeding a little

[Warning host is injured]

[Automatic Healing Activated]


[Ding host is healthy]

[Host, the male lead is on the shore unconscious. In ten minutes the female lead will appear]

"Where is his location" Atria hurriedly said

A map opened and a red dot appeared on the map, his location was near to where she is. Atria moved her legs with power, her speed was fast and she was able to get to his location fats.

[Ding 2 minutes before the female lead appears]

Atria hurriedly pulled Shin offshore to the sea, she flaps her tail up and down. 'Why the hell is he so heavy' she gritted her teeth and flap her tail more.


She was able to pull him to the sea, and she was tried. Her energy drained from pulling and flapping her tail just to arrive in time. Atria went to shore to rest

"Thana teleport him away," Atria said before she became unconscious

Thana rang in her head but she felt her eyes are heavy and slowly close them.

The woman wearing a flower dress was walking near the beach, her foot touching the sand and the sound of the waves rang in her ears.


The woman was humming while skipping, her beautiful peach eyes suddenly spotted a person laying on the sand. The woman slowly approaches the person she saw.

'W~what is this, is she a human' the woman thought

Then her eyes look at the person and saw a tail, 'A...a tail'. The woman looked at the persona nd her face was covered by her crimson hair.

The woman slowly moves the hair away to not wake the person up. The woman was shocked by her appearance.

'B...beautiful' she murmured

She unconsciously traces her fingers on the person's face, her skin is as white as snow and her lips are like a red rose. She is a trance

"Hmmm" suddenly the person groaned

The woman suddenly takes her hand back, slowly she went near her and pick her up. She thought the person was going to be heavy but it was surprisingly light.

The woman took the person to her house.
